
0.3.10 (06.09.2023)

0.3.9 (16.01.2023)

  • Update all dependencies.
  • Block egress traffic in GitHub Actions.
  • Add stability badge in README.

0.3.8 (27.12.2022)

  • Add Renovate as dependency update tool.
  • Add default permissions as read-only in the CI workflow.

0.3.7 (23.12.2022)

  • Harden GitHub Actions.

0.3.6 (21.12.2022)

  • Bump ossf/scorecard-action to v2.0.6.

0.3.5 (21.12.2022)

  • Update build badge and lock to ubuntu-20.04.

0.3.4 (25.10.2022)

  • Enable ExCoveralls with parallel builds.

0.3.3 (18.10.2022)

  • Include OpenSSF BestPractices & Scorecard in README.

0.3.2 (08.08.2022)

  • Add scorecards actions

0.3.1 (25.07.2022)

  • Add security policy to the repository

0.3.0 (19.07.2022)

  • Automate publishing releases

0.2.0 (27.08.2021)

  • Fix array's elements encoding bug.
  • Refactor library exceptions.
  • Credo integration.
  • Code cleanup.

0.1.6 (25.08.2021)

  • Solve success-typing dialyzer warnings.
  • Properly define typespecs.
  • Remove compilation warnings from old dependencies.
  • Improve library documentation.

0.1.5 (09.08.2021)

  • Fix max length issue on Strings.
  • Fix issues encoding/decoding discriminated unions.

0.1.4 (30.06.2020)

  • Improve README.
  • Improve documentation of all the XDR types for Hexdocs.
  • Added custom implementations of all the XDR types to examples for Hexdocs.
  • Improve functions specs for all the XDR types.
  • Improve Discriminated Union allowing add module as arm type.
  • Add Discriminated Union with :default arm.
  • Improve Void allowing return remaining binary after decoding.
  • Fix maximum default length set to Variable-Length Array.
  • Add some unit tests.
  • Improve the documentation and some implementations of all XDR types modules.

0.1.3 (22.05.2020)

  • Increase test coverage to 100%
  • The encode_xdr() and decode_xdr() functions now return error tuples
  • The encode_xdr!() and decode_xdr!() functions raise the errors
  • Add examples of all the XDR-types to README
  • Add examples to Hexdocs
  • Remove Anti-Patterns

0.1.2 (18.05.2020)

  • Add support for older Elixir versions strating from 1.7.0.
  • Setup ExCoveralls and Credo for code quality.
  • Improve readme file.
  • Add project badges.

0.1.1 (15.05.2020)

Initial release