View Source ElixirST.TypeOperations (ElixirST v0.8.3)

Operations related to expression typing.



@spec accepted_types() :: [atom()]

Returns a list of all accepted types, including :number, :atom, ...

@spec equal?(any(), any()) :: boolean()
@spec get_type(any()) :: atom() | {:list, any()} | {:tuple, list()} | list()

Process types in @spec format and returns usable types.

Accepts: any, atom, binary, boolean, nil, number, pid, string, no_return, list and tuple The type of variables is returned if the environment contains the corresponding type of variable.

@spec get_type(any(), %{}) :: atom() | {:list, any()} | {:tuple, list()} | list()
@spec get_vars(any(), atom() | {:list, any()} | {:tuple, list()} | list()) ::
  list() | {:error, :binary}
Link to this function

get_vars_tuple(ops, type_list)

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@spec type_to_guard(binary()) :: :error | binary()
@spec typeof(atom() | binary() | boolean() | :error | nil | number() | pid()) ::
  :atom | :binary | :boolean | :error | nil | :number | :pid
Link to this function

var_pattern(params, param_type_list)

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