Elixium Core v0.6.3 API Reference


Provides functionality for encoding and decoding in Base58

Provides functions for creating blocks and mining new ones

Provides functionality for encoding and decoding blocks

Converts error tuples to human-readable strings

Responds to health check requests

Starts HostAvailability and HostCheck

Connects to other peers to check on their health status, then reorders peers based on peers which are alive most recently, so eventually the list of peers will have all active peers at the front and all inactive peers in the back

All the functions responsible for creating keypairs and using them to sign data / verify signatures

Functionality for generating mnemonics

Handles high level decision logic for forking, saving, and relaying blocks

Convinient interface functions for interacting with fork blocks

Provides convinience methods for interacting with LevelDB

Provides an interface for interacting with the blockchain stored within LevelDB. This is where blocks are stored and fetched

Responsible for reading and writing to a given store on behalf of other processes. This fixes the issue with LevelDB not allowing multiple processes read / write to a store at the same time

Store and load data related to peers that a node has communicated with. This includes authentication data

Provides an interface for interacting with the UTXOs stored in level db

Contains all the functions that pertain to creating valid transactions

Various functions that don’t need their own module, since theyre used in multiple places for different things

Functionality specific to UTXOs

Responsible for implementing the consensus rules to all blocks and transactions