Elixpose (elixpose v0.1.0) View Source

Elixpose helps you to scrap web pages. It shows you a lot of information about the page.

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Count the CSS referenced

Count the amount of Forms in the HTML

Count the HTML Elements

Count the JS referenced

Count the HTML Elements

Count the OnClick events

Get the text content from <style> Html Tag

Return information about the form tag

Get the text content from <script> Html Tag

Get the JSON with the amount of elements

Returns the OnClick values

Returns the page size in kb

Check if some JS file has an Ajax call

Link to this section Functions

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count_css(url, headers \\ [])

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Count the CSS referenced

## Examples

  iex> Elixpose.count_css("https://pt.stackoverflow.com/")
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count_forms(url, headers \\ [])

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Count the amount of Forms in the HTML

## Examples

  iex> Elixpose.count_forms("https://pt.stackoverflow.com/")
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count_html_elements(url, headers \\ [])

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Count the HTML Elements

## Examples

  iex> Elixpose.count_html_elements("https://pt.stackoverflow.com/")
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count_js(url, headers \\ [])

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Count the JS referenced

## Examples

  iex> Elixpose.count_js("https://pt.stackoverflow.com/")
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count_meta_tags(url, headers \\ [])

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Count the HTML Elements

## Examples

  iex> Elixpose.count_meta_tags("https://pt.stackoverflow.com/")
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count_onclick_events(url, headers \\ [])

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Count the OnClick events

## Examples

  iex> Elixpose.count_onclick_events("https://pt.stackoverflow.com/")
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get_css_content(url, headers \\ [])

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Get the text content from <style> Html Tag

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get_forms_info(url, headers \\ [])

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Return information about the form tag

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get_js_content(url, headers \\ [])

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Get the text content from <script> Html Tag

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get_json_report(url, headers \\ [])

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Get the JSON with the amount of elements

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get_onclick_values(url, headers \\ [])

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get_onclick_values(binary(), any()) :: list() | {:error, any()}

Returns the OnClick values

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get_page_size(url, headers \\ [])

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Returns the page size in kb

## Examples

  iex> Elixpose.get_page_size("https://pt.stackoverflow.com/")
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has_ajax_call?(url, headers \\ [])

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Check if some JS file has an Ajax call

## Examples

  iex> Elixpose.has_ajax_call?("https://pt.stackoverflow.com/")