elsa v0.12.3 Elsa.Producer

Defines functions to write messages to topics based on either a list of endpoints or a named client. All produce functions support the following options:

  • An existing named client process to handle the request can be specified by the keyword option connection:.
  • If no partition is supplied, the first (zero) partition is chosen.
  • Value may be a single message or a list of messages.
  • If a list of messages is supplied as the value, the key is defaulted to an empty string binary.
  • Partition can be specified by the keyword option partition: and an integer corresponding to a specific partition, or the keyword option partitioner: and the atoms :md5 or :random. The atoms correspond to partitioner functions that will uniformely select a random partition from the total available topic partitions or assign an integer based on an md5 hash of the messages.

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Write the supplied message(s) to the desired topic/partition via an endpoint list and optional named client. If no client is supplied, the default named client is chosen.

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produce(endpoints_or_connection, topic, messages, opts \\ [])

  Elsa.endpoints() | Elsa.connection(),
  {term(), term()} | term() | [{term(), term()}] | [term()],
) ::
  :ok | {:error, term()} | {:error, String.t(), [Elsa.Message.elsa_message()]}

Write the supplied message(s) to the desired topic/partition via an endpoint list and optional named client. If no client is supplied, the default named client is chosen.

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