elsa v0.12.3 Elsa

Provides public api to Elsa. Top-level short-cuts to sub-module functions for performing basic interactions with Kafka including listing, creating, deleting, and validating topics. Also provides a function for one-off produce_sync of message(s) to a topic.

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named connection, must be an atom

endpoints to connect to kafka brokers


Define a default client name for establishing persistent connections to the Kafka cluster by producers and consumers. Useful for optimizing interactions by passing the identifier of a standing connection instead of instantiating a new one at each interaction, but when only a single connection is required, aleviating the need for the caller to differentiate and pass around a name.

Link to this section Types

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connection() :: atom()

named connection, must be an atom

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endpoints() :: [{hostname(), portnum()}]

endpoints to connect to kafka brokers

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hostname() :: atom() | String.t()
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partition() :: non_neg_integer()
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portnum() :: pos_integer()
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topic() :: String.t()

Link to this section Functions

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create_topic(endpoints, topic, opts \\ [])

See Elsa.Topic.create/3.

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default_client() :: atom()

Define a default client name for establishing persistent connections to the Kafka cluster by producers and consumers. Useful for optimizing interactions by passing the identifier of a standing connection instead of instantiating a new one at each interaction, but when only a single connection is required, aleviating the need for the caller to differentiate and pass around a name.

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delete_topic(endpoints, topic)

See Elsa.Topic.delete/2.

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fetch(endpoints, topic, opts \\ [])

See Elsa.Fetch.fetch/3.

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See Elsa.Topic.list/1.

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produce(endpoints_or_connection, topic, messages, opts \\ [])

See Elsa.Producer.produce/4.

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topic?(endpoints, topic)

See Elsa.Topic.exists?/2.