View Source elvis_config (elvis_core v3.2.5)
Takes a function and configuration and applies the function to all file in the configuration.
Merge user rules (override) with elvis default rules.
Takes a configuration and finds all files according to its 'dirs' end 'filter' key, or if not specified uses '*.erl'.
Takes a configuration and a list of files, filtering some of them according to the 'filter' key, or if not specified uses '*.erl'.
Takes a function and configuration and applies the function to all file in the configuration.
-spec files(RuleGroup :: configs() | config()) -> [elvis_file:file()].
-spec merge_rules(UserRules :: list(), DefaultRules :: list()) -> [elvis_core:rule()].
Merge user rules (override) with elvis default rules.
Takes a configuration and finds all files according to its 'dirs' end 'filter' key, or if not specified uses '*.erl'.
-spec resolve_files(Config :: configs() | config(), Files :: [elvis_file:file()]) -> configs() | config().
Takes a configuration and a list of files, filtering some of them according to the 'filter' key, or if not specified uses '*.erl'.
-spec rules(RulesL :: configs()) -> [[elvis_core:rule()]]; (Rules :: config()) -> [elvis_core:rule()].
-spec validate(Config :: configs()) -> ok.