EmailGuard (EmailGuard v1.2.2) View Source

Checks given email against lists of email providers.

Email lists included in this module are EmailGuard.DisposableList and EmailGuard.FreeList. See each module docs for further details.

You can also provide your own list by implemented the EmailGuard.List behaviour and returning a list of domains.

Link to this section Summary


Checks if given email is present in email lists

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

check(email, email_list \\ [EmailGuard.DisposableList])

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check(String.t(), [module()]) :: :ok | {:error, module()}

Checks if given email is present in email lists:

iex> EmailGuard.check("")

By default it will check against EmailGuard.DisposableList:

iex> EmailGuard.check("")
{:error, EmailGuard.DisposableList}

You can specify the email list modules, e.g. including the provided one for free email service providers:

iex> lists = [EmailGuard.DisposableList, EmailGuard.FreeList]
[EmailGuard.DisposableList, EmailGuard.FreeList]

iex> EmailGuard.check("", lists)
{:error, EmailGuard.FreeList}

To provide your own custom lists, see the EmailGuard.List behaviour.

You can also provide a domain, e.g. "" rather than an email.