Generating typed definitions from environment variables
An example of how to use embeds/env
to generate constants of other types, like integers, boolean flags, or custom enums.
You can check out the full example project here.
Run the project, providing some environment variables:
BUILD_ENV=production \
BUILD_KNOWN_BUGS=9001.000000004 \
gleam run
Full Example Source
NOTE: In a real project, you would add a seperate
path dev dependency. This avoids issues when regenerating files that your project already depends on.
import embeds/env
import embeds/generate
import gleam/io
import gleam/option
pub fn main() {
let result =
module: "build_env",
prefix: "BUILD_",
regex: option.None,
parse: env.typed_parse([
#("BUILD_ENV", environment),
// needs to be float because otherwise the login email doesn't work
#("BUILD_KNOWN_BUGS", env.float),
#("BUILD_REVISION", env.string),
// we need to include the environment type we want to use somehow -
// right here we just put it onto the top of the generated file.
// an alternative might be to put this type into a `shared` project.
header: "
pub type Environment {
case result {
Ok(Nil) -> Nil
Error(errs) -> io.println_error(generate.describe_errors(errs))
// a custom environment parser
fn environment(value: String) -> generate.Code {
// requires us to set the header above to include the type!
case value {
"development" -> generate.Constant("Development")
"production" -> generate.Constant("Production")
"testing" -> generate.Constant("Testing")
_ -> generate.GenerateError("Invalid environment: " <> value)