Module emmap

Data Types


mmap_file() = #file_descriptor{}


open_extra_info() = #{exist => boolean(), size => non_neg_integer()}

Extra information returned by the call to emmap:open/2,3. The value of exist true means that an existing memory map was open. The size represents the size of the memory map that was open.


open_option() = anon | auto_unlink | create | debug | direct | fixed | lock | nocache | nolock | noreserve | populate | private | read | shared | shared_validate | sync | truncate | uninitialized | write | fixed_size | {address, pos_integer()} | {chmod, pos_integer()} | {size, pos_integer()} | {max_inc_size, pos_integer()}

Options for opening a memory mapped file:

Anonymous mapping. The mapping is not backed by any file; its contents are initialized to zero. The offset argument should be zero.
Automatically delete the mapped file after the mapped data was garbage collected. This can be used when the mapped file is a file-based shared-memory area (e.g. /dev/shm/...) and is mapped in direct mode to free the memory after the data was gc'd
Allow to create mmap file if it doesn't exist.
Turn on debug printing in the NIF library.
Read/pread operations do not copy memory, but rather use "resource binaries" that can change content if the underlying data is changed. This is the most performant, but also has other thread-safety implications when not using atomic operations.
Don't interpret addr as a hint: place the mapping at exactly that address. The implementation aligns the given address to a multiple of the page size.
Use a semaphore (read/write lock) to control state changes internally in the NIF library. This is the default option.
Pages in this mapping are not retained in the kernel's memory cache. If the system runs low on memory, pages in MAP_NOCACHE mappings will be among the first to be reclaimed. NOTE: this option is only valid for Mac OS.
Don't use a semaphore (read/write lock) to control state changes internally in the NIF library
Do not reserve swap space for this mapping. When swap space is reserved, one has the guarantee that it is possible to modify the mapping.
Populate (prefault) page tables for a mapping. For a file mapping, this causes read-ahead on the file. This will help to reduce blocking on page faults later.
Create a private copy-on-write mapping. Updates to the mapping are not visible to other processes mapping the same file, and are not carried through to the underlying file.
Open for reading (this is default).
Share this mapping. Updates to the mapping are visible to other processes mapping the same region, and (in the case of file-backed mappings) are carried through to the underlying file. May be used in combination with sync to precisely control when updates are carried through to the underlying file.
This flag provides the same behavior as shared except that shared mappings ignore unknown flags in flags. By contrast, when creating a mapping using shared_validate, the kernel verifies all passed flags are known and fails the mapping with the error eopnotsupp for unknown flags. This mapping type is also required to be able to use some mapping flags (e.g., sync)
This flag is available only with the shared_validate mapping type; mappings of type shared will silently ignore this flag. This flag is supported only for files supporting DAX (direct mapping of persistent memory). For other files, creating a mapping with this flag results in an eopnotsupp error. Shared file mappings with this flag provide the guarantee that while some memory is mapped writable in the address space of the process, it will be visible in the same file at the same offset even after the system crashes or is rebooted. In conjunction with the use of appropriate CPU instructions, this provides users of such mappings with a more efficient way of making data modifications persistent.
Truncate existing mmap file after it's open.
Don't clear anonymous pages. This flag is intended to improve performance on embedded devices. This flag is honored only if the kernel was configured with the CONFIG_MMAP_ALLOW_UNINITIALIZED option.
Open memory map for writing.
Don't allow the memory to be resized
{address, pos_integer()}
Open mapping at the given memory address (sets MAP_FIXED on the memory mapped file)
{chmod, pos_integer()}
Create mmap file with this mode (default: 0600)
{size, pos_integer()}
Create/access memory map on this size.
{max_inc_size, pos_integer()}
Size threshold used when automatically resizing shared memory with call to resize/1. Below this threshold the memory will double, and after this threshold, the resized memory will be increased by max_inc_size.


resource() = binary()

Function Index

close_counters/1Close persistent memory-mapped file previously open with open_counters/2
dec_counter/2Decrement a counter number CounterNum in the mmap file by one and return old value.
dec_counter/3Decrement a counter number CounterNum in the mmap file by Count and return old value.
flush/1Ask the OS to flush the modified memory to disk.
inc_counter/2Increment a counter number CounterNum in the mmap file by one and return old value.
inc_counter/3Increment a counter number CounterNum in the mmap file by Count and return old value.
open/2Open/create a memory-mapped file.
open/4Open/create a memory-mapped file.
open_counters/1Open a persistent memory-mapped file with space for one 64-bit integer counter.
open_counters/2Open a persistent memory-mapped file with space for several 64-bit integer counters.
patomic_add/3Perform an atomic ADD operation on a 64-bit integer value at given Position using specified argument Value.
patomic_and/3Perform an atomic AND operation on a 64-bit integer value at given Position using specified argument Value.
patomic_cas/4Perform an atomic compare and swap (CAS) operation on a 64-bit integer value at given Position using specified argument Value.
patomic_or/3Perform an atomic OR operation on a 64-bit integer value at given Position using specified argument Value.
patomic_read_integer/2Perform an atomic load operation on a 64-bit integer value at given Position.
patomic_sub/3Perform an atomic SUBTRACT operation on a 64-bit integer value at given Position using specified argument Value.
patomic_write_integer/3Perform an atomic store operation of a 64-bit integer Value at given Position.
patomic_xchg/3Perform an atomic EXCHANGE operation on a 64-bit integer value at given Position using specified argument Value.
patomic_xor/3Perform an atomic XOR operation on a 64-bit integer value at given Position using specified argument Value.
position/2Write Data bytes to a memory-mapped file at a given offset At.
pread/3Read Len bytes from a memory-mapped file at a given offset Off.
pwrite/3Write Data bytes to a memory-mapped file at a given offset Off.
read/2Read next Len bytes from a memory-mapped file.
resize/1Resize shared memory.
resize/2Resize shared memory to a given new size.
set_counter/3Set a counter number CounterNum in the mmap file and return the old value.

Function Details


close(File::mmap_file()) -> ok


close_counters(X1) -> any()

Close persistent memory-mapped file previously open with open_counters/2


dec_counter(X1, CounterNum) -> any()

Decrement a counter number CounterNum in the mmap file by one and return old value.


dec_counter(X1, CounterNum, Count) -> any()

Decrement a counter number CounterNum in the mmap file by Count and return old value.


flush(File::mmap_file()) -> ok

Ask the OS to flush the modified memory to disk. The call is asyncronous and non-blocking. This call is not required as the OS will asynchronously flush the modified memory pages to disk lazily, but this call will trigger that process immediately.


inc_counter(X1, CounterNum) -> any()

Increment a counter number CounterNum in the mmap file by one and return old value.


inc_counter(X1, CounterNum, Count) -> any()

Increment a counter number CounterNum in the mmap file by Count and return old value.


init() -> any()


open(FileName::string() | binary(), Options::[open_option()]) -> {ok, mmap_file(), open_extra_info()} | {error, term()}

Open/create a memory-mapped file. If creating a new file, [create, read, write, {size, N}] options are required. For opening an existing file for writing [read, write] options are required.


open(File::string() | binary(), Offset::pos_integer(), Length::pos_integer(), Options::[open_option()]) -> {ok, mmap_file(), open_extra_info()} | {error, term()}

Open/create a memory-mapped file. If creating a new file, [create, read, write] options and the Len parameter are required. For opening an existing file for writing [read, write] options are required, and Len can be 0.


open_counters(Filename) -> any()

Open a persistent memory-mapped file with space for one 64-bit integer counter


open_counters(Filename, NumCounters) -> any()

Open a persistent memory-mapped file with space for several 64-bit integer counters


patomic_add(File::mmap_file(), Position::pos_integer(), Value::integer()) -> {ok, OldValue::integer()} | {error, atom()} | no_return()

Perform an atomic ADD operation on a 64-bit integer value at given Position using specified argument Value. The function returns an old value at that location. This function is thread-safe and can be used for implementing persistent counters.


patomic_and(File::mmap_file(), Position::pos_integer(), Value::integer()) -> {ok, integer()} | {error, atom()} | no_return()

Perform an atomic AND operation on a 64-bit integer value at given Position using specified argument Value. The function returns an AND'd value at that location.


patomic_cas(File::mmap_file(), Position::pos_integer(), OldValue::integer(), Value::integer()) -> {boolean(), integer()} | {error, atom()} | no_return()

Perform an atomic compare and swap (CAS) operation on a 64-bit integer value at given Position using specified argument Value. The function returns a tuple {Success, OldVal}, where OldVal is the old value at that location.


patomic_or(File::mmap_file(), Position::pos_integer(), Value::integer()) -> {ok, integer()} | {error, atom()} | no_return()

Perform an atomic OR operation on a 64-bit integer value at given Position using specified argument Value. The function returns an OR'd value at that location.


patomic_read_integer(File::mmap_file(), Position::pos_integer()) -> Value::integer()

Perform an atomic load operation on a 64-bit integer value at given Position. This function is thread-safe and can be used for implementing persistent counters.


patomic_sub(File::mmap_file(), Position::pos_integer(), Value::integer()) -> {ok, OldValue::integer()} | {error, atom()} | no_return()

Perform an atomic SUBTRACT operation on a 64-bit integer value at given Position using specified argument Value. The function returns an old value at that location. This function is thread-safe and can be used for implementing persistent counters.


patomic_write_integer(File::mmap_file(), Position::pos_integer(), Value::integer()) -> ok

Perform an atomic store operation of a 64-bit integer Value at given Position. This function is thread-safe and can be used for implementing persistent counters.


patomic_xchg(File::mmap_file(), Position::pos_integer(), Value::integer()) -> {ok, integer()} | {error, atom()} | no_return()

Perform an atomic EXCHANGE operation on a 64-bit integer value at given Position using specified argument Value. The function returns an old value at that location.


patomic_xor(File::mmap_file(), Position::pos_integer(), Value::integer()) -> {ok, integer()} | {error, atom()} | no_return()

Perform an atomic XOR operation on a 64-bit integer value at given Position using specified argument Value. The function returns an XOR'd value at that location.


position(File::mmap_file(), Position::pos_integer() | {bof | cur | eof, Position::integer()}) -> {ok, pos_integer()} | {error, term()}

Write Data bytes to a memory-mapped file at a given offset At.


pread(File::mmap_file(), Offset::pos_integer(), Length::pos_integer()) -> {ok, binary()} | {error, term()} | eof

Read Len bytes from a memory-mapped file at a given offset Off.


pwrite(File::mmap_file(), Position::pos_integer(), Data::binary()) -> ok | {error, term()}

Write Data bytes to a memory-mapped file at a given offset Off.


read(File::mmap_file(), Length::pos_integer()) -> {ok, binary()} | {error, term()} | eof

Read next Len bytes from a memory-mapped file. Internally the new position within the file is incremented by Len.


read_counter(X1, CounterNum) -> any()


read_line(File::mmap_file()) -> {ok, binary()} | {error, term()} | eof


resize(File::mmap_file()) -> {ok, NewSize::non_neg_integer()} | {error, string()}

Resize shared memory. The new size will double the existing size up until the max_inc_size threshold (passed to open/4 (default 64M), otherwise incremented by max_inc_size.


resize(File_descriptor::mmap_file(), NewSize::non_neg_integer()) -> {ok, NewSize::non_neg_integer()} | {error, string()}

Resize shared memory to a given new size.


set_counter(X1, CounterNum, Value) -> any()

Set a counter number CounterNum in the mmap file and return the old value.