View Source Endo (Endo v0.1.22)

Endo is a library which allows you to reflect on the tables, columns, indexes, and other data stored within a given Ecto Repo.

Basic Usage

To get started with Endo, all you need is a supported Ecto Repo from your application, as well as the Endo dependency.

Currently, Endo only supports the Ecto.Adapters.Postgres adapter, but Endo was built to be adapter agnostic, so additional adapters may be implemented in the future.

Given an Ecto Repo whose adapter is Ecto.Adapters.Postgres, you can execute Endo with the following snippet:


This default invokation will return a list of all public tables in your repo's database, as well as metadata pertaining to said tables.

At the time of writing, table metadata includes:

  • The name of the given table.
  • A list of columns defined in the given table.
  • A list of indexes defined in the given table.
  • A list of associations, if any, sourced from the given table.
  • The repo adapter, for reference.

In the future, we plan on implementing a list of constraints, as well as surfacing additional stats and metrics which we can lift from the underlying adapters.


By default, Endo will return all tables in the public schema for a Postgres repo. This will include a default schema_migrations table which is seeded by Ecto itself.

Additionally, if you're using dependencies such as Oban, any tables created for these dependencies may also be returned.

Complex Lookups

By providing the optional second paramter to Endo.list_tables/2, you can instruct Endo to fetch tables matching an arbitrary set of criterion.

Options are ultimately passed down into the Endo adapter matching the given repo module, but in general the supported high-level options are:

  • with_column, instructs Endo to only return tables which define a column with the given name
  • without_column, instructs Endo to only return tables which do not define a column with the given name
  • with_foreign_key_constraint, instructs Endo to only return tables which have a foreign key constraint to the given table name
  • without_foreign_key_constraint, instructs Endo to only return tables which do not have a foreign key constraint to the given table name
  • with_index, instructs Endo to only return tables with indexes on the given column or columns. If a list of columns if given, then we look for a compound index that exactly matches the given ones components and order.
  • without_index, instructs Endo to only return tables without indexes on the given column or columns. Likewise, compound indexes must exactly match the given ones components and order.
  • with_index_covering, instructs Endo to only return tables with an index which covers the given column(s). An index covering a given column(s) is defined as whether or not there exists a single index or composite index which contains the given column(s) regardless of ordering.
  • without_index_covering, instructs Endo to only return tables without an index which covers the given column(s). The same caveats as the above option apply.

Additionally, adapters are free to implement custom filters. The Endo.Adapters.Postgres adapter forwards any filters not matching the above list directly to direct SQL queries against the base information schema tables the adapter sources from.

This means that is it possible to perform direct queries such as Endo.list_tables(MyApp.Repo, table_name: "payments"). See Endo.Adapters.Postgres and Endo.Adapters.Postgres.Table for a list of supported fields -- though as these are internal to Endo, do not count on these being stable across version upgrades.

Endo also supports multiple filters being given in a single invokation. Multiple filters will apply in addition to one another, in the order which they are given. The same filter can be provided multiple times also.

See the following example for details:

Endo.list_tables(MyApp.Repo, with_column: "inserted_at")
# Returns list of tables defining an `inserted_at` column.

Endo.list_tables(MyApp.Repo, with_column: "inserted_at", without_index: "inserted_at")
# Returns list of tables defining an `inserted_at` column that does not index said column.

Endo.list_tables(MyApp.Repo, with_column: "inserted_at", without_column: "updated_at")
# Returns list of tables defining an `inserted_at` column while also not defining an `updated_at` column.

Endo.list_tables(MyApp.Repo, with_foreign_key_constraint: "cars", without_index: "car_id")
# Returns list of tables defining a relation to `cars`, without an index on said column

Endo.list_tables(MyApp.Repo, with_index: ["org_id", "location_id", "patient_id"])
# Returns list of tables defining a *composite index* on `(org_id, location_id, patient_id)`
# Tables containing the same index in a different order, or a partial match will not be returned.

Endo.list_tables(MyApp.Repo, with_index_covering: "org_id")
# Returns list of tables defining any index which includes `org_id` (exact matches, or there exists
# some composite index where `org_id` is a member).
# Ordering does not matter.

Additionally, many filters (such as table_name, with_column, etc.) can be given a regular expression which will be attempted to be used by the Endo adapter of choice. This enables more complex queries to be performed, such as:

Endo.list_tables(MyApp.Repo, with_column: ~r/(^|_)ID$/i)
# Return all tables containing columns that either have a singular `id` column, or a `*_id` column.

Adapter-specific metadata

While Endo is designed to be able to adapt and connect to several different database backends, it is known that certain features are very much database-engine specific.

As a result of this, each Endo.Table.t() also surfaces potentially adapter-specific metadata by way of its metadata key.

A piece of metadata will be of type Endo.Metadata.Postgres.t() if it surfaces from the Endo.Adapters.Postgres adapter for example. Said metadata will thus be tailored to the underlying repo database engine.

This information is useful if one wants to build CI checks and other features on a lower level; i.e. writing a check that enforces all tables in your application which don't have a primary key has REPLICA IDENTITY FULL set to enable Postgres to replicate to read replicas correctly.

See below for an example of such a check:

[] =
  |> Endo.list_tables()
  |> Enum.reject(&Enum.any?(&1.indexes, fn index -> index.is_primary end))
  |> Enum.reject(&(&1.metadata.replica_identity == "FULL"))

As features get built out, we make no hard guarantees of keeping the metadata field stable, but efforts will of course be taken to mitigate unnecessary breaking changes from occuring.

Setting schema prefixes / table schemas

By default, Endo will assume that your application's tables are stored in the public schema. This is the default schema for Postgres, but it is possible to change this by setting the :table_schema config option in your application's config like so:

config :endo, table_schema: "custom_schema"

If set this way, Endo will use the given schema as the default schema for all queries. This can be overridden on a per-query basis by passing the :prefix option to Endo.list_tables/2 or Endo.get_table/3 mimicing the behavior of the :prefix option in Ecto:

[%Endo.Table{}, ...] = Endo.list_tables(MyApp.Repo, prefix: "custom_schema")
%Endo.Table{} = Endo.get_table(MyApp.Repo, "special_table", prefix: "custom_schema")

Additionally, Endo will display the table schema of any given table via %Endo.Table{schema: schema}.

For runtime debugging, you can use the Endo.table_schema/0 function to retrieve the current default schema.



Given an Ecto Repo and a table name, tries to return an Endo Table or nil if said table does not exist.

Given an Ecto Repo, returns a list of all tables, columns, associations, and indexes. Takes an optional keyword list of filters which filter said tables down to given constraints.

Given Endo Column(s) or Endo Table(s), tries to populate a given Endo.Column.t()'s Endo.Index.NotLoaded.t() entries.

Given a list of Endo Tables or a single Endo Table, tries to load the application-specific Ecto Schemas See Endo.Schema.load/1 for more information.

Returns the default table schema used by Endo if not otherwise specified.


Link to this function

get_table(repo, table_name, filters \\ [])

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@spec get_table(repo :: module(), table_name :: String.t(), filters :: Keyword.t()) ::
  Endo.Table.t() | nil

Given an Ecto Repo and a table name, tries to return an Endo Table or nil if said table does not exist.

Internally delegates to list_tables/2 with the table_name option set. See list_tables/2 for more information.

Link to this function

list_tables(repo, filters \\ [])

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@spec list_tables(repo :: module(), filters :: Keyword.t()) :: [Endo.Table.t()]

Given an Ecto Repo, returns a list of all tables, columns, associations, and indexes. Takes an optional keyword list of filters which filter said tables down to given constraints.

Link to this function

load_indexes(entity, opts \\ [])

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@spec load_indexes(Endo.Table.t() | Endo.Column.t(), Keyword.t()) ::
  Endo.Table.t() | Endo.Column.t()
@spec load_indexes([Endo.Table.t() | Endo.Column.t()], Keyword.t()) :: [
  Endo.Table.t() | Endo.Column.t()

Given Endo Column(s) or Endo Table(s), tries to populate a given Endo.Column.t()'s Endo.Index.NotLoaded.t() entries.

See Endo.Index.load/2 for more information.

@spec load_schemas(Endo.Table.t()) :: Endo.Table.t()
@spec load_schemas([Endo.Table.t()]) :: [Endo.Table.t()]

Given a list of Endo Tables or a single Endo Table, tries to load the application-specific Ecto Schemas See Endo.Schema.load/1 for more information.

@spec table_schema() :: String.t()

Returns the default table schema used by Endo if not otherwise specified.