This module defines macros for using Quviq PULSE with Elixir. For more information about the compiler options see the QuickCheck documentation.
See also the pulse_libs
package for instrumented versions of some of the Elixir standard libraries.
Copyright (C) Quviq AB, 2014.
instrument() | Instrument the current file with PULSE |
no_side_effect(es) | Declare functions to not be effectful |
replace_module(old, opts) | Replace a module when instrumenting |
side_effect(es) | Declare side effects |
skip_function(funs) | Skip instrumentation of the given functions |
with_pulse(opts) | Define a QuickCheck property that uses PULSE |
Instrument the current file with PULSE.
Equivalent to
@compile {:parse_transform, :pulse_instrument}
Declare functions to not be effectful.
Useful to override side_effect/1
. For instance,
side_effect :ets._/_
no_side_effect :ets.is_compiled_ms/1
The latter line is quivalent to
@compile {:pulse_no_side_effect, [{:ets, :is_compiled_ms, 1}]}
Replace a module when instrumenting.
replace_module old, with: new
This will replace calls old.f(args)
by new.f(args)
. Note: it will not replace instances of old
used as an atom. For instance spawn old, :f, args
will not be changed.
Equivalent to
@compile {:pulse_replace_module, [{old, new}]}
Declare side effects.
side_effect [Mod.fun/2, :ets._/_]
Equivalent to
@compile {:pulse_side_effect, [{Mod, :fun, 2}, {:ets, :_, :_}]}
Skip instrumentation of the given functions.
skip_function [f/2, g/0]
Equivalent to
@compile {:pulse_skip, [{:f, 2}, {:g, 0}]}