
This module contains macros to be used with Quviq QuickCheck. It defines Elixir versions of the Erlang macros found in eqc/include/eqc_component.hrl. For detailed documentation of the macros, please refer to the QuickCheck documentation.

Copyright (C) Quviq AB, 2014-2015.


pretty_commands(mod, cmds, res, bool)

Same as :eqc_component.pretty_commands/4 but takes a keyword list with :history, :state, and :result instead of a tuple as the third argument

run_commands(mod, cmds)

Same as :eqc_component.run_commands/2 but returns a keyword list with :history, :state, and :result instead of a tuple

run_commands(mod, cmds, env)

Same as :eqc_component.run_commands/3 but returns a keyword list with :history, :state, and :result instead of a tuple

weight(state, cmds)

Generate a weight function given a keyword list of command names and weights


pretty_commands(mod, cmds, res, bool)

Same as :eqc_component.pretty_commands/4 but takes a keyword list with :history, :state, and :result instead of a tuple as the third argument.

run_commands(mod, cmds)

Same as :eqc_component.run_commands/2 but returns a keyword list with :history, :state, and :result instead of a tuple.

run_commands(mod, cmds, env)

Same as :eqc_component.run_commands/3 but returns a keyword list with :history, :state, and :result instead of a tuple.


weight(state, cmds)

Generate a weight function given a keyword list of command names and weights.


weight state,
  cmd1: weight1,
  cmd2: weight2

Commands not in the list get weight 1.