Ergo.Parser (Ergo v0.9.9)

Ergo.Parser contains the Parser record type. Ergo parsers are anonymous functions but we embed them in a Parser record that can hold arbitrary metadata. The primary use for the metadata is the storage of debugging information.

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Create a new combinator parser with the given label, parsing function, and optional metadata.

invoke/2 invokes the parsing function of the given parser on the specified %Context{} structure. It maintains housekeeping for the parser generally.

Create a new terminal parser with the given label, parsing function, and optional metadata.

track_parser first checks if the parser has already been tracked for the current input index and, if it has, raises a CycleError to indicate the parser is in a loop. Otherwise it adds the parser at the current index.

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combinator(type, label, parser_fn, meta \\ [])

Create a new combinator parser with the given label, parsing function, and optional metadata.

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invoke(ctx, parser)

invoke/2 invokes the parsing function of the given parser on the specified %Context{} structure. It maintains housekeeping for the parser generally.

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terminal(type, label, parser_fn, meta \\ [])

Create a new terminal parser with the given label, parsing function, and optional metadata.

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track_parser first checks if the parser has already been tracked for the current input index and, if it has, raises a CycleError to indicate the parser is in a loop. Otherwise it adds the parser at the current index.


iex> alias Ergo.{Context, Parser} iex> import Ergo.{Terminals, Combinators} iex> parser = many(char(?H)) iex> context = ...>"Hello World") ...> |> Map.put(:parser, parser) ...> |> Parser.track_parser() iex> assert Context.parser_tracked?(context, parser.ref)