Erl2ex v0.0.9 API Reference


Erl2ex is an Erlang to Elixir transpiler, converting well-formed Erlang source to Elixir source with equivalent functionality

This module provides the command line interface for the erl2ex binary and the mix erl2ex task

Erl2ex.Results defines the structure of result data returned from most functions in the Erl2ex module

Erl2ex.Results.Collector is a process that accumulates results of a conversion run

Erl2ex.Results.File defines the result data structure for a particular file

Erl2ex.Sink is a process that consumes generated Elixir source, normally writing files to the file system

Erl2ex.Source is a process that produces Erlang source, normally reading files from the file system

Usage: mix erl2ex [options] [input path]