Module erl_nbt

Provides an interface for dealing with NBT data in Erlang.

Copyright © (C) 2021

Authors: Matthijs Bakker (matthijs at hypothermic .nl).


Provides an interface for dealing with NBT data in Erlang

Data Types



The types of compression that may be used in NBT files according to the official spec


decode_option() = '?OPTION_RETURN_REMAINDER' | {'?OPTION_COMPRESSION', Compression::compression()} | {'?OPTION_MAX_CHILDREN', MaxChildren::integer()} | {'?OPTION_MAX_DEPTH', MaxDepth::integer()}

An option which alters the functionality of the decoding process


decode_options() = [decode_option()]

A list of decode_option()


encode_option() = {'?OPTION_COMPRESSION', Compression::compression()}

An option which alters the functionality of the encoding process


encode_options() = [encode_option()]

A list of encode_option()


nbt() = #{nbt_key() => {nbt_type(), nbt_value()}}

A named NBT tag of any type


nbt_byte() = byte()

A value which is guaranteed to be a 8-bit signed integer (from -128 to +127)


nbt_byte_array() = list()

A list of nbt_byte()


nbt_compound() = map()

A collection of named tags. The order that these tags are stored in is not guaranteed.


nbt_double() = float()

A value which is guaranteed to be a double-precision floating point number (NaN possible) Due to the way the Erlang BEAM VM handles IEEE-754 floats, this value can't be SNaN, QNaN, -0/+0 or infinity.


nbt_float() = float()

A value which is guaranteed to be a single-precision floating point number (NaN possible) Due to the way the Erlang BEAM VM handles IEEE-754 floats, this value can't be SNaN, QNaN, -0/+0 or infinity.


nbt_int() = integer()

A value which is guaranteed to be a 32-bit signed integer (from -2^31 to (+2^31)-1)


nbt_int_array() = list()

A list of nbt_int()


nbt_key() = nbt_string()

A string containing the tag name


nbt_long() = integer()

A value which is guaranteed to be a 64-bit signed integer (from -2^63 to (+2^63)-1)


nbt_long_array() = list()

A list of nbt_long()


nbt_short() = integer()

A value which is guaranteed to be a 16-bit signed integer (from -32768 to +32767)


nbt_string() = string()

A string with a maximum length of nbt_short() (unchecked)


nbt_type() = byte | short | int | long | float | double | byte_array | int_array | long_array | string | compound

An atom describing the type of this tag


nbt_value() = nbt_byte() | nbt_short() | nbt_int() | nbt_long() | nbt_float() | nbt_double() | nbt_byte_array() | nbt_int_array() | nbt_long_array() | nbt_string() | nbt_compound()

The value of a tag. The type of this value depends on the type of the tag

Function Index

decode/1Decodes the first (nested) NBT tag in the specified binary.
decode/2Decodes the first (nested) NBT tag in the specified binary.
encode/1Encodes an NBT tag in Erlang Map form to binary.
encode/2Encodes an NBT tag in Erlang Map form to binary.

Function Details


decode(Binary::binary()) -> {ok, nbt()}

Binary: The binary to read the NBT tag from

returns: A tuple containing {ok, Nbt} where Nbt is a map

Decodes the first (nested) NBT tag in the specified binary.

This function reads the first NBT tag from a binary. If it is a compound tag, it will read all children (including nested compound tags.)

Both uncompressed and GZIP-ped binaries are accepted.

Introduced in: 0.1.0


decode(Binary::binary(), Options::decode_options()) -> {ok, nbt()} | {ok, nbt(), Remainder::binary()}

Binary: The binary to read the NBT tag from

returns: A tuple containing {ok, Nbt} where Nbt is a map

Decodes the first (nested) NBT tag in the specified binary.

This function reads the first NBT tag from a binary. If it is a compound tag, it will read all children (including nested compound tags.)

Both uncompressed and GZIP-ped binaries are accepted.

Introduced in: 0.3.0


encode(Nbt::nbt()) -> {ok, binary()}

Nbt: The NBT tag to encode

returns: A tuple containing {ok, Nbt} where Nbt is a map

Encodes an NBT tag in Erlang Map form to binary.

This function accepts an NBT tag representation in map-form (aka type erl_nbt:nbt()) and encodes it into a binary.

Introduced in: 0.1.0


encode(Nbt::nbt(), Options::encode_options()) -> {ok, binary()}

Nbt: The NBT tag to encode

returns: A tuple containing {ok, Nbt} where Nbt is a map

Encodes an NBT tag in Erlang Map form to binary.

This function accepts an NBT tag representation in map-form (aka type erl_nbt:nbt()) and encodes it into a binary.

Introduced in: 0.3.0

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