Copyright © 2021
Version: 1.0.0
Authors: Matthijs Bakker (matthijs at hypothermic .nl).
is a library which can manipulate NBT (Named Binary Tag) data.
It can decode binary NBT data to an Erlang Map. It can encode data in an Erlang Map to binary NBT data.
Examples of how to use the library can be found under the test
or on the documentation page usage.edoc
The mapping of NBT types to Erlang types can be found below:
NBT Type | Description | Erlang Type |
Byte | 8-bit signed integer | erlang:integer() |
Short | 16-bit signed integer | erlang:integer() |
Int | 32-bit signed integer | erlang:integer() |
Long | 64-bit signed integer | erlang:integer() |
Float | 32-bit signed float | erlang:float() |
Double | 64-bit signed float | erlang:float() |
String | List of characters | erlang:string() |
The following options can be passed to erl_nbt:decode/2
and/or erl_nbt:encode/2
Option | Value Type | Description |
?OPTION_COMPRESSION | erl_nbt:compression() | Instructs the encoder/decoder to force the usage of a particular kind of compression. |
?OPTION_MAX_DEPTH | integer() | Sets the maximum depth of nested compound tags that will be read. This value defaults to ?DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH |
?OPTION_MAX_CHILDREN | integer() | Sets the maximum amount of children that will be read from a compound tag. This value defaults to ?DEFAULT_MAX_CHILDREN |
?OPTION_RETURN_REMAINDER | - | Instructs the decoder to return any bytes that follow the first NBT tag. Does not have any use in 'erl_nbt:encode/2'. |
Minimal example:
EncodedBinary = erl_nbt:encode(#{"player" => #{"name" => {?TAG_STRING_TYPE, "Bananrama"}}}), DecodedNbt = erl_nbt:decode(EncodedBinary),
Version history:
Version Tag | Notes |
0.1.0 | Initial Release |
0.2.0 | Improved Erlang data structure representation, support for typed array tags |
1.0.0 | Support for typed lists, let user give encoder/decoder options, solidify API |
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