erlperf: Erlang Performance & Benchmarking Suite.

Version: 2.0.0

Authors: Maxim Fedorov, (


Erlang Performance & Benchmarking Suite. Simple way to say "this code is faster than that one".


       $ rebar3 as prod escriptize


Find out how many times per sample (second) a function can be run (beware of shell escaping your code!):

       $ ./erlperf 'rand:uniform().'
       Code                    ||        QPS       Time
       rand:uniform().          1   13942 Ki      71 ns

Run four processes executing rand:uniform() in a tight loop, and see that code is indeed concurrent:

       $ ./erlperf 'rand:uniform().' -c 4
       Code                    ||        QPS       Time
       rand:uniform().          4   39489 Ki     100 ns

Benchmark one function vs another, taking average of 10 seconds and skipping first second:

       $ ./erlperf 'rand:uniform().' 'crypto:strong_rand_bytes(2).' --samples 10 --warmup 1
       Code                                 ||        QPS       Time     Rel
       rand:uniform().                       1   15073 Ki      66 ns    100%
       crypto:strong_rand_bytes(2).          1    1136 Ki     880 ns      7%

Run a function passing the state into the next iteration. This code demonstrates performance difference between rand:uniform_s with state passed explicitly, and rand:uniform reading state from the process dictionary:

       $ ./erlperf 'r(_Init, S) -> {_, NS} = rand:uniform_s(S), NS.' --init_runner 'rand:seed(exsss).' 'r() -> rand:uniform().'
       Code                                                    ||        QPS       Time     Rel
       r(_Init, S) -> {_, NS} = rand:uniform_s(S), NS.          1   20272 Ki      49 ns    100%
       r() -> rand:uniform().                                   1   15081 Ki      66 ns     74%

Squeeze mode: measure how concurrent your code is. In the example below, code:is_loaded/1 is implemented as gen_server:call, and all calculations are done in a single process. It is still possible to squeeze a bit more from a single process by putting work into the queue from multiple runners, therefore the example may show higher concurrency.

       $ ./erlperf 'code:is_loaded(local_udp).' --init 'code:ensure_loaded(local_udp).' --squeeze
       Code                               ||        QPS       Time
       code:is_loaded(local_udp).          5     927 Ki    5390 ns

Start a server (pg scope in this example), use it in benchmark, and shut down after:

       $ ./erlperf 'pg:join(scope, group, self()), pg:leave(scope, group, self()).' --init 'pg:start_link(scope).' --done 'gen_server:stop(scope).'
       Code                                                                   ||        QPS       Time
       pg:join(scope, group, self()), pg:leave(scope, group, self()).          1     336 Ki    2978 ns

Run the same code with different arguments, returned from init_runner function:

       $ ./erlperf 'runner(X) -> timer:sleep(X).' --init_runner '1.' 'runner(X) -> timer:sleep(X).' --init_runner '2.'
       Code                                 ||        QPS       Time     Rel
       runner(X) -> timer:sleep(X).          1        498    2008 us    100%
       runner(X) -> timer:sleep(X).          1        332    3012 us     66%

Determine how many times a process can join/leave pg2 group on a single node:

       $ ./erlperf 'ok = pg2:join(g, self()), ok = pg2:leave(g, self()).' --init 'pg2:create(g).'
       Code                                                         ||        QPS       Time
       ok = pg2:join(g, self()), ok = pg2:leave(g, self()).          1      64021   15619 ns

Compare pg with pg2 running two nodes (note the -i argument spawning an extra node to run benchmark in):

       ./erlperf 'ok = pg2:join(g, self()), ok = pg2:leave(g, self()).' --init 'pg2:create(g).' 'ok = pg:join(g, self()), ok = pg:leave(g, self()).' --init 'pg:start(pg).' -i
       Code                                                         ||        QPS       Time     Rel
       ok = pg:join(g, self()), ok = pg:leave(g, self()).            1     241 Ki    4147 ns    100%
       ok = pg2:join(g, self()), ok = pg2:leave(g, self()).          1       1415     707 us      0%

Watch the progress of your test running (use -v option) with extra information: scheduler utilisation, dirty CPU & IO schedulers, number of running processes, ports, ETS tables, and memory consumption. Last column is the job throughput. When there are multiple jobs, multiple columns are printed.

       $ ./erlperf 'rand:uniform().' -q -v

       YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-oo:oo  Sched   DCPU    DIO    Procs    Ports     ETS Mem Total  Mem Proc   Mem Bin   Mem ETS   <0.80.0>
       2022-04-08T22:42:55-07:00   3.03   0.00   0.32       42        3      20  30936 Kb   5114 Kb    185 Kb    423 Kb   13110 Ki
       2022-04-08T22:42:56-07:00   3.24   0.00   0.00       42        3      20  31829 Kb   5575 Kb    211 Kb    424 Kb   15382 Ki
       2022-04-08T22:42:57-07:00   3.14   0.00   0.00       42        3      20  32079 Kb   5849 Kb    211 Kb    424 Kb   15404 Ki
       2022-04-08T22:43:29-07:00  37.50   0.00   0.00       53        3      20  32147 Kb   6469 Kb    212 Kb    424 Kb   49162 Ki
       2022-04-08T22:43:30-07:00  37.50   0.00   0.00       53        3      20  32677 Kb   6643 Kb    212 Kb    424 Kb   50217 Ki
       Code                    ||        QPS       Time
       rand:uniform().          8   54372 Ki     144 ns

Command-line benchmarking does not save results anywhere. It is designed to provide a quick answer to the question "is that piece of code faster".

Minimal overhead mode

Since 2.0, erlperf includes "low overhead" mode. It cannot be used for continuous benchmarking. In this mode runner code is executed specified amount of times in a tight loop:

       ./erlperf 'rand:uniform().' 'rand:uniform(1000).' -l 10M
       Code                        ||        QPS       Time     Rel
       rand:uniform().              1   16319 Ki      61 ns    100%
       rand:uniform(1000).          1   15899 Ki      62 ns     97%

This mode effectively runs following code: loop(0) -> ok; loop(Count) -> rand:uniform(), loop(Count - 1). Continuous mode adds 1-2 ns to each iteration.

Benchmarking existing application

erlperf can be used to measure performance of your application running in production, or code that is stored on disk.

Running with existing codebase

Use -pa argument to add extra code path. Example:
       $ ./erlperf 'argparse:parse([], #{}).' -pa _build/test/lib/argparse/ebin
       Code                             ||        QPS       Time
       argparse:parse([], #{}).          1     955 Ki    1047 ns
If you need to add multiple released applications, supply ERL_LIBS environment variable instead:
       $ ERL_LIBS="_build/test/lib" erlperf 'argparse:parse([], #{}).'
       Code                             ||        QPS       Time
       argparse:parse([], #{}).          1     735 Ki    1361 ns

Usage in production

It is possible to use erlperf to benchmark a running application (even in production, assuming necessary safety precautions). To achieve this, add erlperf as a dependency, and use remote shell:

       # run a mock production node with `erl -sname production'
       # connect a remote shell to the production node
       erl -remsh production
       (production@max-au)3> erlperf:run(timer, sleep, [1]).

Continuous benchmarking

You can run a job continuously, to examine performance gains or losses while doing hot code reload. This process is designed to help during development and testing stages, allowing to quickly notice performance regressions.

Example source code:
       do(Arg) -> timer:sleep(Arg).

Example below assumes you have erlperf application started (e.g. in a rebar3 shell)

       % start a logger that prints VM monitoring information
       > {ok, Logger} = erlperf_file_log:start_link(group_leader()).

       % start a job that will continuously benchmark mymod:do(),
       %  with initial concurrency 2.
       > JobPid = erlperf:start(#{init_runner => "rand:uniform(10).",
           runner => "runner(Arg) -> mymod:do(Arg)."}, 2).

       % increase concurrency to 4
       > erlperf_job:set_concurrency(JobPid, 4).

       % watch your job performance

       % modify your application code,
       % set do(Arg) -> timer:sleep(2*Arg), do hot code reload
       > c(mymod).
       {module, mymod}.

       % see that after hot code reload throughput halved!

Reference Guide


* **runner**: code that gets continuously executed * **init**: code that runs one when the job starts (for example, start some registered process or create an ETS table) * **done**: code that runs when the job is about to stop (used for cleanup, e.g. stop some registered process) * **init_runner**: code that is executed in every runner process (e.g. add something to process dictionary) * **job**: single instance of the running benchmark (multiple runners) * **concurrency**: how many processes are running concurrently, executing *runner* code * **throughput**: total number of calls per sampling interval (for all concurrent processes) * **cv**: coefficient of variation, the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean. Used to stop the concurrency (squeeze) test, the lower the *cv*, the longer it will take to stabilise and complete the test

Using `erlperf' from `rebar3 shell' or `erl' REPL

Supported use-cases: * single run for MFA:
  erlperf:run({rand, uniform, [1000]}).
  erlperf:run(rand, uniform, []).
* anonymous function:
  erlperf:run(fun() -> rand:uniform(100) end).
* anonymous function with an argument:
  erlperf:run(fun(Init) -> io_lib:format("~tp", [Init]) end).
* source code:
  erlperf:run("runner() -> rand:uniform(20).").
* (experimental) call chain:
  erlperf:run([{rand, uniform, [10]}, {erlang, node, []}]).

, see [recording call chain](#recording-call-chain). Call chain may contain only complete MFA tuples and cannot be mixed with functions.

Startup and teardown * init, done and init_runner are supported (there is no done_runner, because it is never stopped in a graceful way) * init_runner and done may be defined with arity 0 and 1 (in the latter case, result of init/0 passed as an argument) * runner can be of arity 0, 1 (accepting init_runner return value) or 2 (first argument is init_runner return value, and second is state passed between runner invocations)

Example with mixed MFA:
              runner => fun(Arg) -> rand:uniform(Arg) end,
              init =>
                  {pg, start_link, []},
              init_runner =>
                  fun ({ok, Pid}) ->
                      {total_heap_size, THS} = erlang:process_info(Pid, total_heap_size),
              done => fun ({ok, Pid}) -> gen_server:stop(Pid) end
Same example with source code:
           runner => "runner(Max) -> rand:uniform(Max).",
           init => "init() -> pg:start_link().",
           init_runner => "init_runner({ok, Pid}) ->
               {total_heap_size, THS} = erlang:process_info(Pid, total_heap_size),
           done => "done({ok, Pid}) -> gen_server:stop(Pid)."

Measurement options

Benchmarking is done by counting number of *runner* iterations done over a specified period of time (**sample_duration**). By default, erlperf performs no **warmup** cycle, then takes 3 consecutive **samples**, using **concurrency** of 1 (single runner). It is possible to tune this behaviour by specifying run_options:
       erlperf:run({erlang, node, []}, #{concurrency => 2, samples => 10, warmup => 1}).

Next example takes 10 samples with 100 ms duration. Note that throughput is reported per *sample_duration*: if you shorten duration in half, throughput report will also be halved:

       $ ./erlperf 'rand:uniform().' -d 100 -s 20
       Code                    ||        QPS       Time
       rand:uniform().          1    1480 Ki      67 ns
       $ ./erlperf 'rand:uniform().' -d 200 -s 20
       Code                    ||        QPS       Time
       rand:uniform().          1    2771 Ki      72 ns

Concurrency test (squeeze)

Sometimes it's necessary to measure code running multiple concurrent processes, and find out when it saturates the node. It can be used to detect bottlenecks, e.g. lock contention, single dispatcher process bottleneck etc.. Example (with maximum concurrency limited to 50):

       > erlperf:run({code, is_loaded, [local_udp]}, #{warmup => 1}, #{max => 50}).

In this example, 7 concurrent processes were able to squeeze 1284971 calls per second for code:is_loaded(local_udp).

Benchmarking overhead

Benchmarking overhead varies depending on ERTS version and the way runner code is supplied. See the example:

       (erlperf@max-au)7> erlperf:benchmark([
               #{runner => "runner(X) -> is_float(X).", init_runner=>"2."},
               #{runner => {erlang, is_float, [2]}},
               #{runner => fun (X) -> is_float(X) end, init_runner => "2."}],
           #{}, undefined).

This difference is caused by the ERTS itself: running compiled code (first variant) with OTP 25 is two times faster than applying a function, and 20 times faster than repeatedly calling anonymous fun. Use the same invocation method to get a relevant result.

Absolute benchmarking overhead may be significant for very fast functions taking just a few nanoseconds. Use "low overhead mode" for such occasions.

Experimental: recording call chain

This experimental feature allows capturing a sequence of calls as a list of {Module, Function, [Args]}. The trace can be supplied as a runner argument to erlperf for benchmarking purposes:

       > f(Trace), Trace = erlperf:record(pg, '_', '_', 1000).

       % for things working with ETS, isolation is recommended
       > erlperf:run(#{runner => Trace}, #{isolation => #{}}).

       % Trace can be saved to file before executing:
       > file:write("pg.trace", term_to_binary(Trace)).

       % run the saved trace
       > {ok, Bin} = file:read_file("pg.trace"),
       > erlperf:run(#{runner => binary_to_term(Trace)}).
It's possible to create a Common Test testcase using recorded samples. Just put the recorded file into xxx_SUITE_data:
       benchmark_check(Config) ->
           {ok, Bin} = file:read_file(filename:join(?config(data_dir, Config), "pg.trace")),
           QPS = erlperf:run(#{runner => binary_to_term(Bin)}),
           ?assert(QPS > 500). % catches regression for QPS falling below 500

Experimental: starting jobs in a cluster

It's possible to run a job on a separate node in the cluster.

       % watch the entire cluster (printed to console)
       (node1@host)> {ok, _} = erlperf_history:start_link().
       (node1@host)> {ok, ClusterLogger} = erlperf_cluster_monitor:start_link(group_leader(), [sched_util, jobs]).
       {ok, <0.216.0>}

       % also log cluster-wide reports to file (jobs & sched_util)
       (node1@host)> {ok, FileLogger} = erlperf_cluster_monitor:start_link("/tmp/cluster", [time, sched_util, jobs]).
       {ok, <0.223.0>}

       % run the benchmarking process in a different node of your cluster
       (node1@host)> rpc:call('node2@host', erlperf, run, [#{runner => {rand, uniform, []}}]).

Cluster-wide monitoring will reflect changes accordingly.

= Implementation details = Starting with 2.0, erlperf uses call counting for continuous benchmarking purposes. This allows the tightest possible loop without extra runtime calls. Running erlperfrand:uniform().' --init '1'. --done '2.' --init_runner '3.'' results in creating, compiling and loading a module with this source code:

       -export([init/0, init_runner/0, done/0, run/0]).

       init() ->

       init_runner() ->

       done() ->

       run() ->

       runner() ->

Number of run/0 calls per second is reported as throughput. Before 2.0, erlperf used atomics to maintain a counter shared between all runner processes, introducing unnecessary BIF call overhead.

Low-overhead mode tightens it even further, turning runner into this function:
   runner(0) ->
   runner(Count) ->
       runner(Count - 1).

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