View Source ErrorTracker.Plugins.Pruner (ErrorTracker v0.5.0)

Periodically delete resolved errors based on their age.

Pruning allows you to keep your database size under control by removing old errors that are not needed anymore.

Using the pruner

To enable the pruner you must register the plugin in the ErrorTracker configuration. This will use the default options, which is to prune errors resolved after 24 hours.

config :error_tracker,
  plugins: [ErrorTracker.Plugins.Pruner]

You can override the default options by passing them as an argument when registering the plugin.

config :error_tracker,
  plugins: [{ErrorTracker.Plugins.Pruner, max_age: :timer.minutes(30)}]


  • :limit - the maximum number of errors to prune on each execution. Occurrences are removed along the errors. The default is 200 to prevent timeouts and unnecesary database load.

  • :max_age - the number of milliseconds after a resolved error may be pruned. The default is 24 hours.

  • :interval - the interval in milliseconds between pruning runs. The default is 30 minutes.

You may find the :timer module functions useful to pass readable values to the :max_age and :interval options.

Manual pruning

In certain cases you may prefer to run the pruner manually. This can be done by calling the prune_errors/2 function from your application code. This function supports the :limit and :max_age options as described above.

For example, you may call this function from an Oban worker so you can leverage Oban's cron capabilities and have a more granular control over when pruning is run.

defmodule MyApp.ErrorPruner do
  use Oban.Job

  def perform(%Job{}) do
    ErrorTracker.Plugins.Pruner.prune_errors(limit: 10_000, max_age: :timer.minutes(60))



Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

Prunes resolved errors.


Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

See Supervisor.

Link to this function

prune_errors(opts \\ [])

View Source
@spec prune_errors(keyword()) :: {:ok, [ErrorTracker.Error.t()]}

Prunes resolved errors.

You do not need to use this function if you activate the Pruner plugin. This function is exposed only for advanced use cases and Oban integration.


  • :limit - the maximum number of errors to prune on each execution. Occurrences are removed along the errors. The default is 200 to prevent timeouts and unnecesary database load.

  • :max_age - the number of milliseconds after a resolved error may be pruned. The default is 24 hours. You may find the :timer module functions useful to pass readable values to this option.