Experimental module used to render functions
into an io list and turn that list into a string
This module is experimental and may change or be removed
pub type Attributes =
List(#(String, String))
pub type Element {
Text(text: String)
tag_name: String,
attributes: Attributes,
children: Children,
Raw(text: String)
tag_name: String,
attributes: Attributes,
children: Children,
pub fn a(el: Element, name: String, value: String) -> Element
Adds an attribute of name+value to an HTML element
pub fn c(el: Element, new_children: List(Element)) -> Element
Adds children to an element
pub fn doctype() -> StringBuilder
pub fn dyn(el: Element, dyn: a) -> Element
pub fn escape(acc: StringBuilder, text: String) -> StringBuilder
pub fn new(tag_name: String, attributes: List(#(String, String)), children: List(
)) -> Element
pub fn raw(text: String) -> Element
pub fn render(element: Element) -> StringBuilder
pub fn t(name: String) -> Element
Creates a new HTML element with the given tag name
pub fn to_string(dom: Element) -> String
Renders an HTML element into a string of HTML
pub fn txt(text: String) -> Element
Adds a text node to an element