Essence.Document (essence v0.3.0)

This module defines the struct type Essence.Document, as well as a variety of convenience methods for access the document's text, paragraphs, sentences and tokens.

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Pretty prints all occurrences of token in the given Essence.Document, doc. Prints n (default=20) characters of context.

For each occurrence of token in the given Essence.Document, doc, returns a list containing the token as well as n (default=5) tokens to the left and right of the occurrence.

Retrieve the list of all tokens contained in the given Essence.Document

Find all occurrences of token in the given Essence.Document. Returns a list of [token: index] tuples.

Read the text represented by a String and create an Essence.Document.

Returns a list of all the 1-contexts (1 token to the left, 1 token to the right) of the given token in the given document, excluding the token itself.

Retrieve a the n-th tokenized paragraph from the given Essence.Document

Retrieve the tokenized paragraphs from the given Essence.Document.

Retrieve the n-th tokenized sentence from the given Essence.Document

Retrieve the tokenized sentences from the given Essence.Document.

Retrieve the list of all words in the given Essence.Document, ignoring all tokens that are punctuation.

Link to this section Functions

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concordance(doc, token, n \\ 20)


  doc :: %Essence.Document{
    meta: term(),
    nested_tokens: term(),
    text: term(),
    type: term(),
    uri: term()
  token :: String.t(),
  n :: number()
) :: :ok

Pretty prints all occurrences of token in the given Essence.Document, doc. Prints n (default=20) characters of context.

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context_of(doc, token, n \\ 5)


  doc :: %Essence.Document{
    meta: term(),
    nested_tokens: term(),
    text: term(),
    type: term(),
    uri: term()
  token :: String.t(),
  n :: number()
) :: List.t()

For each occurrence of token in the given Essence.Document, doc, returns a list containing the token as well as n (default=5) tokens to the left and right of the occurrence.

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  document :: %Essence.Document{
    meta: term(),
    nested_tokens: term(),
    text: term(),
    type: term(),
    uri: term()
) :: List.t()

Retrieve the list of all tokens contained in the given Essence.Document

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find_token(doc, token)


  doc :: %Essence.Document{
    meta: term(),
    nested_tokens: term(),
    text: term(),
    type: term(),
    uri: term()
  token :: String.t()
) :: List.t()

Find all occurrences of token in the given Essence.Document. Returns a list of [token: index] tuples.

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from_text(text :: String.t()) :: %Essence.Document{
  meta: term(),
  nested_tokens: term(),
  text: term(),
  type: term(),
  uri: term()

Read the text represented by a String and create an Essence.Document.

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one_contexts_of(doc, token)


  doc :: %Essence.Document{
    meta: term(),
    nested_tokens: term(),
    text: term(),
    type: term(),
    uri: term()
  token :: String.t()
) :: List.t()

Returns a list of all the 1-contexts (1 token to the left, 1 token to the right) of the given token in the given document, excluding the token itself.

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paragraph(document, n)


  document :: %Essence.Document{
    meta: term(),
    nested_tokens: term(),
    text: term(),
    type: term(),
    uri: term()
  n :: integer()
) :: List.t()

Retrieve a the n-th tokenized paragraph from the given Essence.Document

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  document :: %Essence.Document{
    meta: term(),
    nested_tokens: term(),
    text: term(),
    type: term(),
    uri: term()
) :: List.t()

Retrieve the tokenized paragraphs from the given Essence.Document.

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sentence(doc, n)


  document :: %Essence.Document{
    meta: term(),
    nested_tokens: term(),
    text: term(),
    type: term(),
    uri: term()
  n :: integer()
) :: List.t()

Retrieve the n-th tokenized sentence from the given Essence.Document

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  document :: %Essence.Document{
    meta: term(),
    nested_tokens: term(),
    text: term(),
    type: term(),
    uri: term()
) :: List.t()

Retrieve the tokenized sentences from the given Essence.Document.


  document :: %Essence.Document{
    meta: term(),
    nested_tokens: term(),
    text: term(),
    type: term(),
    uri: term()
) :: List.t()

Retrieve the list of all words in the given Essence.Document, ignoring all tokens that are punctuation.