API Reference esshd v0.3.0


This module provides a means to permit incoming SSH connections based on the remote IP address and TCP port.

Default implementation of Sshd.AccessList, that permits every remote IP address.

This module helps to implement password-based authentication.

Default implementation of password-based authentication.

Default implementation of password-based authentication used during unit-testing.

This module helps with Public Key authentication.

Implementation of Sshd.PublicKeyAuthenticator which uses the authorized_keys file contained in the HOME directory of the user attempting to enter the SSH server.

Default implementation of Public Key authentication.

The module that encompasses the SSH socket acceptor and its dispatch.

As incoming SSH connections are accepted, authorized, and request remote shell services; they are passed to the Sshd.ShellHandler.on_shell/4 callback.

An example implementation of Sshd.ShellHandler, implementing a very simple Read-Eval-Loop, that does nothing.