View Source Estructura.LazyMap (estructura v1.5.0)

The implementation of lazy map implementing lazy Access for its keys.

Estructura.LazyMap is backed by the “raw” object and a key-value pairs where values might be instances of Estructura.Lazy. If this is a case, they will be accessed through Lazy implementation.

Values might be also raw values, which makes LazyMap a drop-in replacement of standard Elixir maps, assuming they are accessed through Access only (e. g. map[:key] and not map.key.)



Eagerly instantiates the data

Returns all the keys of the underlying map

Creates new instance of LazyMap with a second parameter being a backed up object, which would be used for lazy retrieving data for values, when value is an instance of Estructura.Lazy.


@type t() :: %Estructura.LazyMap{__lazy_data__: term(), data: map()}


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@spec fetch_all(t()) :: t()

Eagerly instantiates the data

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@spec keys(t()) :: [Map.key()]

Returns all the keys of the underlying map

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new(initial \\ %{}, lazy_data \\ nil)

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Creates new instance of LazyMap with a second parameter being a backed up object, which would be used for lazy retrieving data for values, when value is an instance of Estructura.Lazy.


iex> lm =
...>   [int:], "42")
...> get_in lm, [:int]