EthWallet (eth_wallet v0.1.1)

Documentation for EthWallet.

    1. keys operations
    1. generate signed tx

    tx generated path:

    build_tx -> hash_for_signing(serialize -> rlp encode -> kec) -> gen sig -> get signed tx

    -> to raw tx-> send tx to node



decrypt key with password.

encrypt key with password.

generate keys with/without privkey.

iex> EthWallet.generate_keys(<<21, ..., 166>>)

recover pubkey by recovcery id, generated by sign compact

sign uncompact, as sign in bitcoin.

sign compact, as sign in ethereum.

signed transaction to raw transaction

standard hash for msg signature.

verify uncompact, fit to sign()

verify by msg, sig and addr, fit to "sign_compact()"


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build_tx(to_str, value, data, nonce, gas_price, gas_limit)

@spec build_tx(String.t(), integer(), binary(), integer(), integer(), integer()) ::

build transaction

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decrypt_key(payload, password)

decrypt key with password.

## Examples

iex> EthWallet.decrypt_key(payload, "bbc")


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encrypt_key(encrypted_key, password)

encrypt key with password.

## Examples

iex> EthWallet.encrypt_key("ddd", "abc")

<<40, 28, 220, 122, 235, 180, 216, 145, 142, 171, 53, 146, 25, 136, 47, 215>>

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generate keys with/without privkey.

## Examples

iex> EthWallet.generate_keys()


addr: "0xd705f740d934acfb27df7bf71aadc00f20d03c7a",
priv: <<21, ..., 166>>,
pub: <<4, ..., 165, ...>>


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@spec generate_keys(binary()) :: map()

iex> EthWallet.generate_keys(<<21, ..., 166>>)


addr: "0xd705f740d934acfb27df7bf71aadc00f20d03c7a",
priv: <<21, ..., 166, ...>>,
pub: <<4, ..., 165, ...>>


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recover(digest, signature, recovery_id_handled, chain_id \\ nil)

@spec recover(binary(), binary(), integer(), nil | integer()) ::
  {:ok, binary()} | {:error, String.t()}

recover pubkey by recovcery id, generated by sign compact

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sign(digest, privkey)

@spec sign(binary(), binary()) :: binary()

sign uncompact, as sign in bitcoin.

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sign_compact(digest, privkey, chain_id \\ nil)

@spec sign_compact(<<_::256>>, <<_::256>>, nil | integer()) :: %{
  v: integer(),
  r: integer(),
  s: integer(),
  sig: <<_::512>>

sign compact, as sign in ethereum.

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sign_tx(tx, private_key, chain_id \\ nil)

sign transaction

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@spec signed_tx_to_raw_tx(EthWallet.Transaction.t()) :: String.t()

signed transaction to raw transaction

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@spec standard_hash(String.t()) :: binary()

standard hash for msg signature.

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verify(digest, sig, pubkey)

@spec verify(binary(), binary(), binary()) :: boolean()

verify uncompact, fit to sign()

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verify_compact(msg_unhashed, sig, addr)

@spec verify_compact(String.t(), String.t(), String.t()) :: boolean()

verify by msg, sig and addr, fit to "sign_compact()"