Statement.Sql (etl_core v0.1.55)

Module for definition and construction of SQL statements



Construct an DELETE statement

Construct an instruction to generate a UUID

Returns the known SQL function

Returns the concatenation operator. The BETWEEN operator is not expected.

Construct an INSERT statement

Combine multiple INSERT queries into a single one


Link to this function


Construct an DELETE statement


- table_id: String. Name of the table.

- conditions. List of (list of tuple). If the value is a empty list, it will be assumed that the existence of the WHERE component is not desired. Otherwise, each tuple has the format {a, b, c} or {a, b, c, d} where

    - a: Atom. Column name.

    - b: t(). Value to compare.

    - c: Atom. Operation to use. Expect :eq, :eq_nil, :neq, :neq_nil, :gt, :gte, :lt, :lte, :in, :like. You can query get_operator/1.

    - d: Atom. Function to use.

Each list of this parameter, its elements are concatenated by the first value defined in `operators` and the lists are related to each other by the second value defined in `operators`.

- operators: List of size at most 2. List of connectors. if it has cardinality

    - 0 => length(conditions) = 0

    - 1 => length(conditions) = 1

    - 2 => length(conditions) > 1


- String
Link to this function

delete(table_id, conditions, operators \\ [])

Link to this function


Construct an instruction to generate a UUID


- String
Link to this function


Returns the known SQL function


- function_name: Atom. Name of SQL function to use. The possible values are:
    :timestamp  Function returns a datetime value based on a date or datetime value string, contains a time zone.
    :datetime   Function returns a datetime value based on a date or datetime value string
    :time       Function returns a time value based on a date or time value string
    :date       Function returns a time value based on a date or date value string


- String
Link to this function


Returns the concatenation operator. The BETWEEN operator is not expected.


- operator: Atom. Operator to convert. The possible values are:
    :eq     =       equal
    :neq    <>      not equal
    :gt     >       greater than
    :gte    >=      greater than or equal
    :lt     <       less than
    :lte    <=      less than or equal
    :like   LIKE    search for a pattern
    :in     IN      to specify multiple possible values for a column
    :and    AND     and
    :or     OR      or
    :on     ON      to join

    :inner_join     INNER JOIN          returns records that have matching values in both tables
    :left_join      LEFT OUTER JOIN     returns all records from the left table, and the matched records from the right table
    :right_join     RIGHT OUTER JOIN    returns all records from the right table, and the matched records from the left table
    :full_join      FULL OUTER JOIN     returns all records when there is a match in either left or right table


- String
Link to this function

insert(table_id, values)

Construct an INSERT statement


- table_id: String. Name of the table to insert the data into.

- values: List of tuples. List of values to insert. Each tuple is {column_name, associated_value_to_store}.


- String
Link to this function


Combine multiple INSERT queries into a single one


- `queries`: [String]. List of insert clauses. It is assumed that they all belong to the same table


- String
Link to this function

select(table_id, columns_to_return \\ :all, conditions \\ [], operators \\ [])

Construct an SELECT statement


- table_id: String. Name of the table.

- columns_to_return: List of atoms | :all. Defines the columns to return. If the `all` atom is defined, all the columns of the table will be returned; otherwise, a list will be defined with those that interest

- conditions. List of (list of tuple). If the value is a empty list, it will be assumed that the existence of the WHERE component is not desired. Otherwise, each tuple has the format {a, b, c} or {a, b, c, d} where

    - a: Atom. Column name.

    - b: t(). Value to compare.

    - c: Atom. Operation to use. Expect :eq, :eq_nil, :neq, :neq_nil, :gt, :gte, :lt, :lte, :in, :like. You can query get_operator/1.

    - d: Atom. Function to use.

Each list of this parameter, its elements are concatenated by the first value defined in `operators` and the lists are related to each other by the second value defined in `operators`.

- operators: List of size at most 2. List of connectors. if it has cardinality

    - 0 => length(conditions) = 0

    - 1 => length(conditions) = 1

    - 2 => length(conditions) > 1


- String
Link to this function

update(table_id, changes, conditions \\ [], operators \\ [])

Construct an UPDATE statement


- table_id: String. Name of the table.

- changes: List of tuple of size 2 [{atom, t()}, ...]. Change list. Each tuple {A, B} indicates

    - A field to modify

    - B value to modify in field a

- conditions. List of (list of tuple). If the value is a empty list, it will be assumed that the existence of the WHERE component is not desired. Otherwise, each tuple has the format {a, b, c} or {a, b, c, d} where

    - a: Atom. Column name.

    - b: t(). Value to compare.

    - c: Atom. Operation to use. Expect :eq, :eq_nil, :neq, :neq_nil, :gt, :gte, :lt, :lte, :in, :like. You can query get_operator/1.

    - d: Atom. Function to use.

Each list of this parameter, its elements are concatenated by the first value defined in `operators` and the lists are related to each other by the second value defined in `operators`.

- operators: List of size at most 2. List of connectors. if it has cardinality

    - 0 => length(conditions) = 0

    - 1 => length(conditions) = 1

    - 2 => length(conditions) > 1


- String