API Reference etl_core v0.1.55
Module oriented to common functions for working with payloads
Module oriented to common functions for working with tables
Module oriented to the creation of queries to ElasticSearch
Module for working with the HTTP protocol
Work with Node Service
Module for working with the ODBC library. It frees you from having to know how Erlang's :odbc library works.
Module for working with access tickets
Work with Workflow Service
Module for the definition of internal decorators to the project
Tools for working with files
Module/genserver oriented to delete the least updated rows in Bigquery. use the timestamp
Genserver orientado a la carga de los datos
Genserver oriented to consume from a table in a database in Postgres
Batch-oriented genserver of rabbit queues
Definition of the method to be used for the automatic deletion of the repeated tuples, in the tables
Definition of the function for forced or manual data loading
Protocol oriented to load data from a table in a database in postgres
Protocol oriented to the definition of the function that the message lot will take, processed it if necessary and sent it to the corresponding module, for processing
Module responsible for sending notifications to other spaces: Slack, Email, etc.
Module oriented to the creation of queries to Elastic
Module for definition and construction of SQL statements
Definition of the attributes belonging to each table and link with the payload.
The payload is assumed to be in map
Useful functions
Module oriented to the specification of each business with its schedules
It expands functionalities that Timex library does not present
Module oriented to the calculation of working time, according to the business
Protocol oriented to the definition of the function to convert from one data type to another
Protocol for the work of documentaries in NodeService
Protocol oriented to determine the data type of an object
Module for working with data types