ets v0.5.0 Ets View Source

Ets, an Elixir wrapper for Erlang’s :ets module.

See Ets.Set for information on creating and managing Sets, and Ets.Bag for information on creating and managing Bags.

Link to this section Summary


Same as all/1 but unwraps or raises on :error

Returns list of current :ets tables, each wrapped as either Ets.Set or Ets.Bag

Link to this section Types

Link to this type ets_table_reference() View Source
ets_table_reference() :: :ets.tid()
Link to this type match_pattern() View Source
match_pattern() :: :ets.match_pattern()
Link to this type table_identifier() View Source
table_identifier() :: table_name() | ets_table_reference()
Link to this type table_name() View Source
table_name() :: atom()

Link to this section Functions

Same as all/1 but unwraps or raises on :error.

Link to this function all() View Source
all() :: {:ok, [Ets.table_identifier()]} | {:error, any()}

Returns list of current :ets tables, each wrapped as either Ets.Set or Ets.Bag.

NOTE: Ets.Bag is not yet implemented. This list returns only :set and :ordered_set tables, both wrapped as Ets.Set.


iex> {:ok, all} = Ets.all()
iex> x = length(all)
iex> {:ok, all} = Ets.all()
iex> length(all) == x + 1