
Version: 1.0.0

Authors: Pedro Perez .


sql92-predicate-evaluator is an Erlang library that allows to evaluate SQL-92 predicates in the same way as in Azure Service Bus.

It supports the BNF grammar specified here.

To create the lexer and parser we have used leex and yecc.


        1> evaluator:evaluate("2 in (1,2,3)", dict:new()).
        2> true
        3> evaluator:evaluate("NOT 3 > 5", dict:new()).
        4> true
        5> evaluator:evaluate("YEAR % 4 = 0 AND (NOT YEAR % 100 = 0 OR YEAR % 400 = 0)", dict:append("YEAR", 2018, dict:new())).
        6> false

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