
The event_hub module provides a way to manage and notify subscribers about events. It supports stateless observers, allowing functions to be registered and invoked in parallel when an event occurs.


Simple Observer

import gleam/io
import event_hub

pub fn main() {
  use hub <- event_hub.new()

  let unsubscribe =
    event_hub.subscribe(hub, fn(value) {
      io.println("Received value: " <> value)

  event_hub.notify(hub, "Hello, world!")
  event_hub.notify(hub, "This won't be received")


Represents a callback function that gets called with a value when an event occurs.

pub type Callback(value_type) =
  fn(value_type) -> Nil

Represents a hub for managing event subscriptions and notifications.

pub type Hub(value_type)

Represents an unsubscribe function that can be called to remove a previously added callback.

pub type Unsubscribe =
  fn() -> Nil


pub fn new(in context: fn(Hub(a)) -> b) -> b

Creates a new stateless observer hub, executes the given context with the hub, and stops the hub afterward.


  • context: A function that takes the created Hub and returns a result.


The result of executing the context function.


import event_hub

pub fn example() {
  event_hub.new(fn(hub) { event_hub.notify(hub, "event") })
pub fn notify(on hub: Hub(a), with value: a) -> Nil

Notifies all subscribers of the hub that an event has occurred with the given value. These notifications occur in parallel but notify waits for all of them to complete.


  • hub: The Hub to notify.
  • value: The value to send to all subscribers.


import event_hub

pub fn example(hub: event_hub.Hub(String)) {
  event_hub.notify(hub, "event")
pub fn subscribe(
  on hub: Hub(a),
  with callback: fn(a) -> Nil,
) -> fn() -> Nil

Adds a callback to the hub and returns an unsubscribe function.


  • hub: The Hub to add the callback to.
  • callback: The callback function to add.


An Unsubscribe function that can be called to remove the callback.


import gleam/io
import event_hub

pub fn example(hub: event_hub.Hub(String)) {
  let unsubscribe =
    event_hub.subscribe(hub, fn(value) {
      io.println("Received value: " <> value)

  // To unsubscribe
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