View Source EventStreamex.Operators.EntityProcessed (EventStreamex v1.3.1)
This module is called last for each event.
All it does is register the last updated timestamp of the entity and store it
in the EventStreamex.Operators.ProcessStatus
By default the timestamp is taken from the updated_at
field of the entity
but you can change that in the :process_status_entity_field
config param.
If no timestamp could be found, the entity is not registered in the process status.
Works with fields of type:
: The unix timestamp with a microsecond precisionDateTime
: Using microsecond precisionNaiveDateTime
: Using microsecond precision
Transforms the last updated time field value to a unix timestamp. The precision must be in microsecond.
Transforms the last updated time field value to a unix timestamp.
Transforms the last updated time field value to a unix timestamp. The precision must be in microsecond.
Allowed types are:
: The unix timestamp with a microsecond precisionDateTime
: Using microsecond precisionNaiveDateTime
: Using microsecond precision
Returns {:ok, unix_timestamp}
or {:error, reason}
iex> EventStreamex.Operators.EntityProcessed.to_unix_timestamp(nil)
{:error, :no_value}
iex> EventStreamex.Operators.EntityProcessed.to_unix_timestamp("bad arg")
{:error, :bad_arg}
iex> EventStreamex.Operators.EntityProcessed.to_unix_timestamp(1422057007123000)
{:ok, 1422057007123000}
iex> {:ok, datetime, 9000} = DateTime.from_iso8601("2015-01-23T23:50:07.123+02:30")
iex> EventStreamex.Operators.EntityProcessed.to_unix_timestamp(datetime)
{:ok, 1422048007123000}
iex> naivedatetime = NaiveDateTime.from_iso8601!("2015-01-23T23:50:07.123Z")
iex> EventStreamex.Operators.EntityProcessed.to_unix_timestamp(naivedatetime)
{:ok, 1422057007123000}
Transforms the last updated time field value to a unix timestamp.