API Reference eventize v0.2.0



EventSourcedProcess is a optininated GenServer that will use event sourcing to store its state as a sequence of events.

A pipeline step that is used to apply events to a Eventize.EventSourcedProcess both at startup and after a message has been executed.

A context containing useful data to apply a event to a Eventize.EventSourcedProcess.

A module that takes care of execution of a message.

The Eventize.ExecutionPipeline used to execute incoming messages to a process.

The context used to execute a incoming message to a process.

A behaviour that specifies how a step should execute.

A behaviour that specifies how a step should execute.

This module describes a process behavior that can execute incoming messages to a process. With a process behavior you can specify different handlers for different messages depending on what has happened to the process before.

A struct representing the state of a Eventize.EventSourcedProcess.

This module can be used to create a pipeline of functions that should be executed in a certain order. Each function is responsible for executing the next function in the pipeline.

A default, empty, context used in a Eventize.ExecutionPipeline that doesn't specify a context.

EventStore is a GenServer process used to store events for Eventize.EventSourcedProcess instances.

Represents a event with payload, meta data and a sequence number.

Represents a snapshot with payload, meta data and version.

InMemoryEventStore is a Eventize.Persistence.EventStore process used to store events for Eventize.EventSourcedProcess instances in memory.

The internal state used to store events and snapshots.

Helper to get a EventStore.event_bus that doesn't store any events.

A serializer that uses the Jason library.

Behaviour that specifies how events and snapshots can be serialized and deserialized.