View Source ExAws (ExAws v2.4.0)

Module for making and processing AWS requests.

Link to this section Summary


Perform an AWS request, raise if it fails.

Perform an AWS request.

Return a stream for the AWS resource.

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

request!(op, config_overrides \\ [])

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@spec request!(
) :: term()

Perform an AWS request, raise if it fails.

Same as request/1,2 except it will either return the successful response from AWS or raise an exception.

Link to this function

request(op, config_overrides \\ [])

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@spec request(
) :: {:ok, term()} | {:error, term()}

Perform an AWS request.

First build an operation from one of the services, and then pass it to this function to perform it.

If you want to build an operation manually, see: ExAws.Operation

This function takes an optional second parameter of configuration overrides. This is useful if you want to have certain configuration changed on a per request basis.

Also you can configure telemetry metrics with:

  • :telemetry_event - The telemetry event name to dispatch the event under. Defaults to [:ex_aws, :request].
  • :telemetry_options - Extra options to attach to telemetry event name.



If you have one of the service modules installed, you can just use those service modules like this:

ExAws.S3.list_buckets |> ExAws.request

ExAws.S3.list_buckets |> ExAws.request(region: "eu-west-1")

ExAws.Dynamo.get_object("users", "") |> ExAws.request

Alternatively you can create operation structs manually for services that aren't supported:

op = %ExAws.Operation.JSON{
  http_method: :post,
  service: :dynamodb,
  headers: [
    {"x-amz-target", "DynamoDB_20120810.ListTables"},
    {"content-type", "application/x-amz-json-1.0"}



Telemetry events

The following events are published:

  • [:ex_aws, :request, :start] - dispatched on start every request sent to the AWS.
  • [:ex_aws, :request, :stop] - dispatched on every response from AWS.
  • [:ex_aws, :request, :exception] - dispatched after exceptions on request sent to AWS.

With :metadata map including the following fields:

  • :result - the request result: :ok or :error
  • :attempt - the attempt number
  • :service - the AWS service
  • :options - extra options given to the repo operation under :telemetry_options
Link to this function

stream!(op, config_overrides \\ [])

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@spec stream!(
) :: Enumerable.t()

Return a stream for the AWS resource.



ExAws.S3.list_objects("my-bucket") |>!