Cldr v2.14.0 Cldr View Source

Cldr provides the core functions to retrieve and manage the CLDR data that supports formatting and localisation.

This module provides the core functions to access formatted CLDR data, set and retrieve a current locale and validate certain core data types such as locales, currencies and territories.

Cldr functionality is packaged into a several packages that each depend on this one. These additional modules are:

  • Cldr.Number.to_string/2 for formatting numbers and Cldr.Currency.to_string/2 for formatting currencies. These functions are contained in the hex package ex_cldr_numbers.

  • Cldr.List.to_string/2 for formatting lists. These function is contained in the hex package ex_cldr_lists.

  • Cldr.Unit.to_string/2 for formatting SI units. These function is contained in the hex package ex_cldr_units.

  • Cldr.DateTime.to_string/2 for formatting of dates, times and datetimes. This function is contained in the hex package ex_cldr_dates_times.

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Returns a list of all the locale names defined in the CLDR repository.

Returns a boolean indicating if the specified locale is available in CLDR.

Returns the configured default backend module.

Returns the configured global default locale.

Returns the global default locale for a given backend.

Returns the default territory when a locale does not specify one and none can be inferred.

Add locale-specific ellipsis to a string.

Returns a unicode string representing a flag for a territory.

Return the Cldr locale for the current process.

Return the backend's locale for the current process.

Returns a list of strings representing the calendars known to Cldr.

Returns a list of strings representing the currencies known to Cldr.

Returns either the Gettext locale_name in Cldr format or false based upon whether the locale name is configured in GetText.

Returns a boolean indicating if the specified locale name is configured and available in Gettext.

Returns a list of GetText locale names but in CLDR format with underscore replaces by hyphen in order to facilitate comparisons with Cldr locale names.

Returns either the locale_name or false based upon whether the locale name is configured in Cldr.

Returns a boolean indicating if the specified locale name is configured and available in Cldr.

Returns a list of the known locale names.

Returns a list of atoms representing the number systems types known to Cldr.

Returns a list of atoms representing the number systems known to Cldr.

Returns either the RBNF locale_name or false based upon whether the locale name is configured in Cldr and has RBNF rules defined.

Returns a boolean indicating if the specified locale name is configured and available in Cldr and supports rules based number formats (RBNF).

Returns a list of locale names which have rules based number formats (RBNF).

Returns a list of the territories known to Cldr.

Returns a map of territory subdivisions sith a list of their parent subdivisions and region.

Returns the map of territories and subdivisions and their child subdivsions.

Set the default system-wide backend module.

Set's the system default locale.

Set the current process's locale for all backends.

Set the current process's locale for a specified backend.

Add locale-specific quotation marks around a string.

Returns a list of all requested locale names.

Return the territory fallback chain based upon a locales territory (including u extension) and territory containment definitions.

Return the territory fallback chain based upon a locales territory (including u extension) and territory containment definitions.

Returns the territory for the world

Return a localsed string for types that implement the Cldr.Chars protocol.

Returns an error tuple for an invalid calendar.

Returns an error tuple for an invalid currency.

Returns a list of the locales names that are configured, but not known in CLDR.

Returns an error tuple for an unknown number system.

Returns an error tuple for an unknown number system type.

Returns an error tuple for an unknown plural type.

Returns an error tuple for an unknown territory.

Validates that a module is a CLDR backend module.

Normalise and validate a calendar name.

Normalize and validate a currency code.

Normalise and validate a gettext locale name.

Normalise and validate a locale name.

Normalise and validate a measurement system type.

Normalize and validate a number system name.

Normalize and validate a plural type.

Normalise and validate a territory code.

Normalise and validate a territory subdivision code.

Returns the version of the CLDR repository as a tuple

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territory() :: atom()

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all_locale_names() :: [Cldr.Locale.locale_name(), ...]

Returns a list of all the locale names defined in the CLDR repository.

Note that not necessarily all of these locales are available since functions are only generated for configured locales which is most cases will be a subset of locales defined in CLDR.

See also: requested_locales/1 and known_locales/1

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available_locale_name?(Cldr.Locale.locale_name() | Cldr.LanguageTag.t()) ::

Returns a boolean indicating if the specified locale is available in CLDR.

The return value depends on whether the locale is defined in the CLDR repository. It does not necessarily mean the locale is configured for Cldr. See also Cldr.known_locale_name?/2.



iex> Cldr.available_locale_name?("en-AU")

iex> Cldr.available_locale_name?("en-SA")
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default_backend() :: backend() | no_return()

Returns the configured default backend module.

The default backend can be set with Cldr.put_default_backend/1. This would most commonly be set in the Application.init/1 function in keeping with modern Elixir configuration principles.

Alternatively the default backend may be configured in config.exs under the ex_cldr key as follows:

config :ex_cldr,
  default_backend: <backend_module>

Important Note

If this function is called and no default backend is configured an exception will be raised.

Returns the configured global default locale.

The default locale can be set with Cldr.put_default_locale/1. This would most commonly be set in the Application.init/1 function in keeping with modern Elixir configuration principles.

Alternatively the default locale may be configured in config.exs under the ex_cldr key as follows:

config :ex_cldr,
  default_locale: <locale_name>


  • The default locale or

  • Raises an exception if no default backend is configured


Cldr.default_locale/0 returns the system-wide default locale.


iex> Cldr.default_locale
  backend: TestBackend.Cldr,
  canonical_locale_name: "en-Latn-001",
  cldr_locale_name: "en-001",
  language_subtags: [],
  extensions: %{},
  gettext_locale_name: nil,
  language: "en",
  locale: %{},
  private_use: [],
  rbnf_locale_name: "en",
  requested_locale_name: "en-001",
  script: "Latn",
  territory: :"001",
  transform: %{},
  language_variant: nil
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default_locale(backend()) :: Cldr.LanguageTag.t()

Returns the global default locale for a given backend.


  • backend is any module that includes use Cldr and therefore is a Cldr backend module


  • The default locale for the backend


iex> Cldr.default_locale(TestBackend.Cldr)
  backend: TestBackend.Cldr,
  canonical_locale_name: "en-Latn-001",
  cldr_locale_name: "en-001",
  language_subtags: [],
  extensions: %{},
  gettext_locale_name: "en",
  language: "en",
  locale: %{},
  private_use: [],
  rbnf_locale_name: "en",
  requested_locale_name: "en-001",
  script: "Latn",
  territory: :"001",
  transform: %{},
  language_variant: nil
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default_territory(backend \\ default_backend())

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default_territory(backend()) :: atom()

Returns the default territory when a locale does not specify one and none can be inferred.



  • The default territory or

  • Raises if no argument is supplied and there is no default backend configured


iex> Cldr.default_territory(TestBackend.Cldr)
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ellipsis(string, backend \\ default_backend(), options \\ [])

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ellipsis(String.t() | [String.t()], backend(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t()

Add locale-specific ellipsis to a string.


  • string is any valid Elixir string

  • backend is any module that includes use Cldr and therefore is a Cldr backend module. The default is Cldr.default_backend/0. Note that Cldr.default_backend/0 will raise an exception if no :default_backend is configured under the :ex_cldr key in config.exs.

  • options is a keyword list of options


  • :locale is any valid locale name returned by Cldr.known_locale_names/1. The default is Cldr.get_locale/0

  • :location determines where to place the ellipsis. The options are :after (the default for a single string argument), :between (the default and only valid location for an argument that is a list of two strings) and :before


iex> Cldr.ellipsis "And furthermore", MyApp.Cldr
"And furthermore…"

iex> Cldr.ellipsis ["And furthermore", "there is much to be done"], MyApp.Cldr, locale: "ja"
"And furthermore…there is much to be done"

Returns a unicode string representing a flag for a territory.



  • A string representing a flag or

  • An empty string if the territory is valid but no unicode grapheme is defined. This is true for territories that are aggregate areas such as "the world" which is "001"

  • {:error, {Cldr.UnknownTerritoryError, message}}


iex> Cldr.flag :AU

iex> Cldr.flag :US

iex> Cldr.flag "UN"

iex> Cldr.flag :UK
{:error, {Cldr.UnknownTerritoryError, "The territory :UK is unknown"}}

Return the Cldr locale for the current process.

Note that the locale is set per-process. If the locale is not set for the given process then:

  • Return the global default locale which is defined under the :ex_cldr key in config.exs

  • Or the system-wide default locale which is %Cldr.LanguageTag{backend: nil, canonical_locale_name: "en-Latn-001", cldr_locale_name: "en-001", extensions: %{}, gettext_locale_name: nil, language: "en", language_subtags: [], language_variant: nil, locale: %{}, private_use: [], rbnf_locale_name: "en", requested_locale_name: "en-001", script: "Latn", territory: :"001", transform: %{}}

Note that if there is no locale set for the current process then an error is not returned - a default locale will be returned per the rules above.


iex> Cldr.put_locale(!("pl"))
iex> Cldr.get_locale()
   backend: TestBackend.Cldr,
   canonical_locale_name: "pl-Latn-PL",
   cldr_locale_name: "pl",
   extensions: %{},
   language: "pl",
   locale: %{},
   private_use: [],
   rbnf_locale_name: "pl",
   territory: :PL,
   requested_locale_name: "pl",
   script: "Latn",
   transform: %{},
   language_variant: nil

Return the backend's locale for the current process.

Note that the locale is set per-process. If the locale is not set for the given process then:

  • return the current processes default locale

  • or if not set, return the default locale of the specified backend

  • or if that is not set, return the global default locale which is defined under the :ex_cldr key in config.exs

  • Or the system-wide default locale which is %Cldr.LanguageTag{backend: nil, canonical_locale_name: "en-Latn-001", cldr_locale_name: "en-001", extensions: %{}, gettext_locale_name: nil, language: "en", language_subtags: [], language_variant: nil, locale: %{}, private_use: [], rbnf_locale_name: "en", requested_locale_name: "en-001", script: "Latn", territory: :"001", transform: %{}}

Note that if there is no locale set for the current process then an error is not returned - a default locale will be returned per the rules above.


  • backend is any module that includes use Cldr and therefore is a Cldr backend module


iex> Cldr.put_locale(TestBackend.Cldr, "pl")
iex> Cldr.get_locale(TestBackend.Cldr)
   backend: TestBackend.Cldr,
   canonical_locale_name: "pl-Latn-PL",
   cldr_locale_name: "pl",
   extensions: %{},
   language: "pl",
   locale: %{},
   private_use: [],
   rbnf_locale_name: "pl",
   territory: :PL,
   requested_locale_name: "pl",
   script: "Latn",
   transform: %{},
   language_variant: nil
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known_calendars() :: [atom(), ...]

Returns a list of strings representing the calendars known to Cldr.


iex> Cldr.known_calendars
[:buddhist, :chinese, :coptic, :dangi, :ethiopic, :ethiopic_amete_alem,
 :gregorian, :hebrew, :indian, :islamic, :islamic_civil, :islamic_rgsa,
 :islamic_tbla, :islamic_umalqura, :japanese, :persian, :roc]
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known_currencies() :: [atom(), ...] | []

Returns a list of strings representing the currencies known to Cldr.


iex> Cldr.known_currencies
[:XBB, :XEU, :SKK, :AUD, :CZK, :ISJ, :BRC, :IDR, :UYP, :VEF, :UAH, :KMF, :NGN,
 :NAD, :LUC, :AWG, :BRZ, :AOK, :SHP, :DEM, :UGS, :ECS, :BRR, :HUF, :INR, :TPE,
 :GYD, :MCF, :USS, :ALK, :TJR, :BGO, :BUK, :DKK, :LSL, :AZM, :ZRN, :MKN, :GHC,
 :JMD, :NOK, :GWP, :CVE, :RUR, :BDT, :NIC, :LAK, :XFO, :KHR, :SRD, :ESB, :PGK,
 :YUD, :BRN, :MAD, :PYG, :QAR, :MOP, :BOB, :CHW, :PHP, :SDG, :SEK, :KZT, :SDP,
 :ZWD, :XTS, :SRG, :ANG, :CLF, :BOV, :XBA, :TMT, :TJS, :CUC, :SUR, :MAF, :BRL,
 :PLZ, :PAB, :AOA, :ZWR, :UGX, :PTE, :NPR, :BOL, :MRO, :MXN, :ATS, :ARP, :KWD,
 :CLE, :NLG, :TMM, :SAR, :PEN, :PKR, :RUB, :AMD, :MDL, :XRE, :AOR, :MZN, :ESA,
 :XOF, :CNX, :ILR, :KRW, :CDF, :VND, :DJF, :FKP, :BIF, :FJD, :MYR, :BBD, :GEK,
 :PES, :CNY, :GMD, :SGD, :MTP, :ZMW, :MWK, :BGN, :GEL, :TTD, :LVL, :XCD, :ARL,
 :EUR, :UYU, :ZAL, :CSD, :ECV, :GIP, :CLP, :KRH, :CYP, :TWD, :SBD, :SZL, :IRR,
 :LRD, :CRC, :XDR, :SYP, :YUM, :SIT, :DOP, :MVP, :BWP, :KPW, :GNS, :ZMK, :BZD,
 :TRY, :MLF, :KES, :MZE, :ALL, :JOD, :HTG, :TND, :ZAR, :LTT, :BGL, :XPD, :CSK,
 :SLL, :BMD, :BEF, :FIM, :ARA, :ZRZ, :CHF, :SOS, :KGS, :GWE, :LTL, :ITL, :DDM,
 :ERN, :BAM, :BRB, :ARS, :RHD, :STD, :RWF, :GQE, :HRD, :ILP, :YUR, :AON, :BYR,
 :RSD, :ZWL, :XBD, :XFU, :GBP, :VEB, :BTN, :UZS, :BGM, :BAD, :MMK, :XBC, :LUF,
 :BSD, :XUA, :GRD, :CHE, :JPY, :EGP, :XAG, :LYD, :XAU, :USD, :BND, :XPT, :BRE,
 :ROL, :PLN, :MZM, :FRF, :MGF, :LUL, :SSP, :DZD, :IEP, :SDD, :ADP, :AFN, :IQD,
 :GHS, :TOP, :LVR, :YUN, :MRU, :MKD, :GNF, :MXP, :THB, :CNH, :TZS, :XPF, :AED,
 :SVC, :RON, :BEC, :CUP, :USN, :LBP, :BOP, :BHD, :UYW, :BAN, :MDC, :VUV, :MGA,
 :ISK, :COP, :BYN, :UAK, :TRL, :SCR, :KRO, :ILS, :ETB, :CAD, :AZN, :VNN, :NIO,
 :COU, :EEK, :KYD, :MNT, :HNL, :WST, :PEI, :YER, :MTL, :STN, :AFA, :ARM, :HKD,
 :NZD, :VES, :UYI, :MXV, :GTQ, :BYB, :XXX, :XSU, :HRK, :OMR, :BEL, :MUR, :ESP,
 :YDD, :MVR, :LKR, :XAF]
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known_gettext_locale_name(locale_name, backend \\ default_backend())

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known_gettext_locale_name(Cldr.Locale.locale_name(), backend()) ::
  String.t() | false

Returns either the Gettext locale_name in Cldr format or false based upon whether the locale name is configured in GetText.



iex> Cldr.known_gettext_locale_name("en", TestBackend.Cldr)

iex> Cldr.known_gettext_locale_name("en-SA", TestBackend.Cldr)
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known_gettext_locale_name?(locale_name, backend \\ default_backend())

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known_gettext_locale_name?(Cldr.Locale.locale_name(), backend()) :: boolean()

Returns a boolean indicating if the specified locale name is configured and available in Gettext.



iex> Cldr.known_gettext_locale_name?("en", TestBackend.Cldr)

iex> Cldr.known_gettext_locale_name?("!!", TestBackend.Cldr)
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known_gettext_locale_names(backend \\ default_backend())

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known_gettext_locale_names(backend()) :: [Cldr.Locale.locale_name(), ...] | []

Returns a list of GetText locale names but in CLDR format with underscore replaces by hyphen in order to facilitate comparisons with Cldr locale names.


  • backend is any module that includes use Cldr and therefore is a Cldr backend module. The default is Cldr.default_backend/0. Note that Cldr.default_backend/0 will raise an exception if no :default_backend is configured under the :ex_cldr key in config.exs.
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known_locale_name(locale_name, backend \\ default_backend())

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known_locale_name(Cldr.Locale.locale_name(), backend()) :: String.t() | nil

Returns either the locale_name or false based upon whether the locale name is configured in Cldr.

This is helpful when building a list of or expressions to return the first known locale name from a list.



iex> Cldr.known_locale_name("en-AU", TestBackend.Cldr)

iex> Cldr.known_locale_name("en-SA", TestBackend.Cldr)
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known_locale_name?(locale_name, backend \\ default_backend())

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known_locale_name?(Cldr.Locale.locale_name(), backend()) :: boolean()

Returns a boolean indicating if the specified locale name is configured and available in Cldr.



iex> Cldr.known_locale_name?("en", TestBackend.Cldr)

iex> Cldr.known_locale_name?("!!", TestBackend.Cldr)
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known_locale_names(backend \\ default_backend())

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known_locale_names(backend()) :: [Cldr.Locale.locale_name(), ...] | []

Returns a list of the known locale names.


  • backend is any module that includes use Cldr and therefore is a Cldr backend module. The default is Cldr.default_backend/0. Note that Cldr.default_backend/0 will raise an exception if no :default_backend is configured under the :ex_cldr key in config.exs.

Known locales are those locales which are the subset of all CLDR locales that have been configured for use either directly in the config.exs file or in Gettext.

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known_number_system_types(backend \\ default_backend())

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Returns a list of atoms representing the number systems types known to Cldr.


  • backend is any module that includes use Cldr and therefore is a Cldr backend module. The default is Cldr.default_backend/0. Note that Cldr.default_backend/0 will raise an exception if no :default_backend is configured under the :ex_cldr key in config.exs.


iex> Cldr.known_number_system_types(TestBackend.Cldr)
[:default, :finance, :native, :traditional]
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known_number_systems() :: [atom(), ...] | []

Returns a list of atoms representing the number systems known to Cldr.


iex> Cldr.known_number_systems
[:adlm, :ahom, :arab, :arabext, :armn, :armnlow, :bali, :beng, :bhks, :brah,
 :cakm, :cham, :cyrl, :deva, :diak, :ethi, :fullwide, :geor, :gong, :gonm, :grek,
 :greklow, :gujr, :guru, :hanidays, :hanidec, :hans, :hansfin, :hant, :hantfin,
 :hebr, :hmng, :hmnp, :java, :jpan, :jpanfin, :jpanyear, :kali, :khmr, :knda, :lana, :lanatham,
 :laoo, :latn, :lepc, :limb, :mathbold, :mathdbl, :mathmono, :mathsanb,
 :mathsans, :mlym, :modi, :mong, :mroo, :mtei, :mymr, :mymrshan, :mymrtlng,
 :newa, :nkoo, :olck, :orya, :osma, :rohg, :roman, :romanlow, :saur, :segment, :shrd,
 :sind, :sinh, :sora, :sund, :takr, :talu, :taml, :tamldec, :telu, :thai, :tibt,
 :tirh, :vaii, :wara, :wcho]
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known_rbnf_locale_name(locale_name, backend \\ default_backend())

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known_rbnf_locale_name(Cldr.Locale.locale_name(), backend()) ::
  String.t() | false

Returns either the RBNF locale_name or false based upon whether the locale name is configured in Cldr and has RBNF rules defined.



iex> Cldr.known_rbnf_locale_name("en", TestBackend.Cldr)

iex> Cldr.known_rbnf_locale_name("en-SA", TestBackend.Cldr)
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known_rbnf_locale_name?(locale_name, backend \\ default_backend())

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known_rbnf_locale_name?(Cldr.Locale.locale_name(), backend()) :: boolean()

Returns a boolean indicating if the specified locale name is configured and available in Cldr and supports rules based number formats (RBNF).



iex> Cldr.known_rbnf_locale_name?("en", TestBackend.Cldr)

iex> Cldr.known_rbnf_locale_name?("!!", TestBackend.Cldr)
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known_rbnf_locale_names(backend \\ default_backend())

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known_rbnf_locale_names(backend()) :: [Cldr.Locale.locale_name(), ...] | []

Returns a list of locale names which have rules based number formats (RBNF).


  • backend is any module that includes use Cldr and therefore is a Cldr backend module
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known_territories() :: [atom(), ...]

Returns a list of the territories known to Cldr.

The territories codes are defined in UN M.49 which defines both individual territories and enclosing territories. These enclosing territories are defined for statistical purposes and do not relate to political alignment.

For example, the territory :"001" is defined as "the world".


iex> Cldr.known_territories
[:"001", :"002", :"003", :"005", :"009", :"011", :"013", :"014", :"015", :"017",
 :"018", :"019", :"021", :"029", :"030", :"034", :"035", :"039", :"053", :"054",
 :"057", :"061", :"142", :"143", :"145", :"150", :"151", :"154", :"155", :"202",
 :"419", :AC, :AD, :AE, :AF, :AG, :AI, :AL, :AM, :AO, :AQ, :AR, :AS, :AT, :AU,
 :AW, :AX, :AZ, :BA, :BB, :BD, :BE, :BF, :BG, :BH, :BI, :BJ, :BL, :BM, :BN, :BO,
 :BQ, :BR, :BS, :BT, :BV, :BW, :BY, :BZ, :CA, :CC, :CD, :CF, :CG, :CH, :CI, :CK,
 :CL, :CM, :CN, :CO, :CP, :CR, :CU, :CV, :CW, :CX, :CY, :CZ, :DE, :DG, :DJ, :DK,
 :DM, :DO, :DZ, :EA, :EC, :EE, :EG, :EH, :ER, :ES, :ET, :EU, :EZ, :FI, :FJ, :FK,
 :FM, :FO, :FR, :GA, :GB, :GD, :GE, :GF, :GG, :GH, :GI, :GL, :GM, :GN, :GP, :GQ,
 :GR, :GS, :GT, :GU, :GW, :GY, :HK, :HM, :HN, :HR, :HT, :HU, :IC, :ID, :IE, :IL,
 :IM, :IN, :IO, :IQ, :IR, :IS, :IT, :JE, :JM, :JO, :JP, :KE, :KG, :KH, :KI, :KM,
 :KN, :KP, :KR, :KW, :KY, :KZ, :LA, :LB, :LC, :LI, :LK, :LR, :LS, :LT, :LU, :LV,
 :LY, :MA, :MC, :MD, :ME, :MF, :MG, :MH, :MK, :ML, :MM, :MN, :MO, :MP, :MQ, :MR,
 :MS, :MT, :MU, :MV, :MW, :MX, :MY, :MZ, :NA, :NC, :NE, :NF, :NG, :NI, :NL, :NO,
 :NP, :NR, :NU, :NZ, :OM, :PA, :PE, :PF, :PG, :PH, :PK, :PL, :PM, :PN, :PR, :PS,
 :PT, :PW, :PY, :QA, :QO, :RE, :RO, :RS, :RU, :RW, :SA, :SB, :SC, :SD, :SE, :SG,
 :SH, :SI, :SJ, :SK, :SL, :SM, :SN, :SO, :SR, :SS, :ST, :SV, :SX, :SY, :SZ, :TA,
 :TC, :TD, :TF, :TG, :TH, :TJ, :TK, :TL, :TM, :TN, :TO, :TR, :TT, :TV, :TW, :TZ,
 :UA, :UG, :UM, :UN, :US, :UY, :UZ, :VA, :VC, :VE, :VG, :VI, :VN, :VU, :WF, :WS,
 :XK, :YE, :YT, :ZA, :ZM, :ZW]
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known_territory_subdivision_containment() :: map()

Returns a map of territory subdivisions sith a list of their parent subdivisions and region.

For a description of territory subdivisions see Cldr.known_territory_subdivisions/0

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known_territory_subdivisions() :: %{required(atom()) => list()}

Returns the map of territories and subdivisions and their child subdivsions.

The subdivision codes designate a subdivision of a country or region. They are called various names, such as a state in the United States, or a province in Canada.

The codes in CLDR are based on ISO 3166-2 subdivision codes. The ISO codes have a region code followed by a hyphen, then a suffix consisting of 1..3 ASCII letters or digits.

The CLDR codes are designed to work in a unicode_locale_id (BCP47), and are thus all lowercase, with no hyphen. For example, the following are valid, and mean “English as used in California, USA”.


CLDR has additional subdivision codes. These may start with a 3-digit region code or use a suffix of 4 ASCII letters or digits, so they will not collide with the ISO codes. Subdivision codes for unknown values are the region code plus "zzzz", such as "uszzzz" for an unknown subdivision of the US. Other codes may be added for stability.

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Set the default system-wide backend module.



  • {:ok, backend} or

  • {:error, {exception, reason}}

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Set's the system default locale.

The locale set here is the based level system default equivalent to setting the :default_locale key in config.exs.



  • {:ok, locale}
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put_default_locale(locale_name, backend \\ default_backend())

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Sets the system default locale.

The locale set here is the based level system default equivalent to setting the :default_locale key in config.exs.


  • locale is any valid locale name returned by Cldr.known_locale_names/1

  • backend is any module that includes use Cldr and therefore is a Cldr backend module


  • {:ok, locale} or

  • {:error, {exception, reason}}

Set the current process's locale for all backends.

This is the preferred approach.



  • {:ok, locale}


iex> Cldr.put_locale(!("en"))
   backend: TestBackend.Cldr,
   canonical_locale_name: "en-Latn-US",
   cldr_locale_name: "en",
   language_subtags: [],
   extensions: %{},
   gettext_locale_name: "en",
   language: "en",
   locale: %{},
   private_use: [],
   rbnf_locale_name: "en",
   requested_locale_name: "en",
   script: "Latn",
   territory: :US,
   transform: %{},
   language_variant: nil
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put_locale(backend, locale)

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put_locale(backend(), Cldr.Locale.locale_name() | Cldr.LanguageTag.t()) ::
  {:ok, Cldr.LanguageTag.t()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

Set the current process's locale for a specified backend.



  • {:ok, locale}


See rfc5646 for the specification of a language tag


iex> Cldr.put_locale(TestBackend.Cldr, "en")
   backend: TestBackend.Cldr,
   canonical_locale_name: "en-Latn-US",
   cldr_locale_name: "en",
   language_subtags: [],
   extensions: %{},
   gettext_locale_name: "en",
   language: "en",
   locale: %{},
   private_use: [],
   rbnf_locale_name: "en",
   requested_locale_name: "en",
   script: "Latn",
   territory: :US,
   transform: %{},
   language_variant: nil

iex> Cldr.put_locale(TestBackend.Cldr, "invalid-locale")
{:error, {Cldr.LanguageTag.ParseError,
  "Expected a BCP47 language tag. Could not parse the remaining \"le\" starting at position 13"}}
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quote(string, backend \\ default_backend(), options \\ [])

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quote(String.t(), backend(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t()

Add locale-specific quotation marks around a string.


  • string is any valid Elixir string

  • backend is any module that includes use Cldr and therefore is a Cldr backend module. The default is Cldr.default_backend/0. Note that Cldr.default_backend/0 will raise an exception if no :default_backend is configured under the :ex_cldr key in config.exs.

  • options is a keyword list of options



iex> Cldr.quote "Quoted String", MyApp.Cldr
"“Quoted String”"

iex> Cldr.quote "Quoted String", MyApp.Cldr, locale: "ja"
"「Quoted String」"
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requested_locale_names(backend \\ default_backend())

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requested_locale_names(backend()) :: [Cldr.Locale.locale_name(), ...] | []

Returns a list of all requested locale names.


  • backend is any module that includes use Cldr and therefore is a Cldr backend module. The default is Cldr.default_backend/0. Note that Cldr.default_backend/0 will raise an exception if no :default_backend is configured under the :ex_cldr key in config.exs.

The list is the combination of configured locales, Gettext locales and the default locale.

See also known_locales/1 and all_locales/0

Return the territory fallback chain based upon a locales territory (including u extension) and territory containment definitions.

While CLDR also includes subdivisions in the territory chain, this implementation does not consider them.


  • territory is either a binary or atom territory code or a t:Cldr.LanguageTag


  • {:ok, list} where list is a list of territories in decreasing order of containment (ie larger enclosing areas) or

  • {:error, {exception, reason}} indicating an error


iex> Cldr.territory_chain "US"
{:ok, [:US, :"021", :"019", :"001"]}

iex> Cldr.territory_chain :AU
{:ok, [:AU, :"053", :"009", :"001"]}

iex> {:ok, locale} = Cldr.validate_locale("en-US-u-rg-CAzzzz", MyApp.Cldr)
iex> Cldr.territory_chain locale
{:ok, [:CA, :"021", :"019", :"001"]}

iex> Cldr.territory_chain :"001"
{:ok, [:"001"]}
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territory_chain(locale_name, backend)

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Return the territory fallback chain based upon a locales territory (including u extension) and territory containment definitions.

While CLDR also includes subdivisions in the territory chain, this implementation does not consider them.


  • locale is a binary locale name

  • backend is any module that includes use Cldr and therefore is a Cldr backend module.


  • {:ok, list} where list is a list of territories in decreasing order of containment (ie larger enclosing areas) or

  • {:error, {exception, reason}} indicating an error


iex> Cldr.territory_chain "en-US-u-rg-CAzzzz", MyApp.Cldr
{:ok, [:CA, :"021", :"019", :"001"]}
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territory_containment() :: map()

Returns the territory for the world

This is the outermost containment of territories in CLDR.

CLDR does not yet consider non-terrestrial territories.

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to_string(term()) :: String.t()

Return a localsed string for types that implement the Cldr.Chars protocol.

The Cldr.Chars protocol is implemented in this library for t:Cldr.LanguageTag.t().

Other CLDR-related libraries implement the protocol for the types they support such as Float, Integer, Decimal, Money, Unit and List.

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Returns an error tuple for an invalid calendar.



  • {:error, {Cldr.UnknownCalendarError, message}}


iex> Cldr.unknown_calendar_error("invalid")
{Cldr.UnknownCalendarError, "The calendar name \"invalid\" is invalid"}
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unknown_currency_error(any()) :: {Cldr.UnknownCurrencyError, String.t()}

Returns an error tuple for an invalid currency.



  • {:error, {Cldr.UnknownCurrencyError, message}}


iex> Cldr.unknown_currency_error("invalid")
{Cldr.UnknownCurrencyError, "The currency \"invalid\" is invalid"}
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unknown_locale_names(backend \\ default_backend())

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unknown_locale_names(backend()) :: [Cldr.Locale.locale_name(), ...] | []

Returns a list of the locales names that are configured, but not known in CLDR.


  • backend is any module that includes use Cldr and therefore is a Cldr backend module. The default is Cldr.default_backend/0. Note that Cldr.default_backend/0 will raise an exception if no :default_backend is configured under the :ex_cldr key in config.exs.

Since there is a compile-time exception raise if there are any unknown locales this function should always return an empty list.

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Returns an error tuple for an unknown number system.



  • {:error, {Cldr.UnknownNumberSystemError, message}}


iex> Cldr.unknown_number_system_error "invalid"
{Cldr.UnknownNumberSystemError, "The number system \"invalid\" is invalid"}

iex> Cldr.unknown_number_system_error :invalid
{Cldr.UnknownNumberSystemError, "The number system :invalid is unknown"}
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unknown_number_system_type_error(any()) ::
  {Cldr.UnknownNumberSystemTypeError, String.t()}

Returns an error tuple for an unknown number system type.



  • {:error, {Cldr.UnknownNumberSystemTypeError, message}}


iex> Cldr.unknown_number_system_type_error("invalid")
{Cldr.UnknownNumberSystemTypeError, "The number system type \"invalid\" is invalid"}

iex> Cldr.unknown_number_system_type_error(:invalid)
{Cldr.UnknownNumberSystemTypeError, "The number system type :invalid is unknown"}
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unknown_plural_type_error(any()) :: {Cldr.UnknownPluralTypeError, String.t()}

Returns an error tuple for an unknown plural type.


  • plural_type is any number system type name not returned by Cldr.Number.PluralRule.known_plural_types/0


  • {:error, {Cldr.UnknownPluralTypeError, message}}


iex> Cldr.unknown_plural_type_error("invalid")
{Cldr.UnknownPluralTypeError, "The plural type \"invalid\" is invalid"}

iex> Cldr.unknown_plural_type_error(:invalid)
{Cldr.UnknownPluralTypeError, "The plural type :invalid is unknown"}
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unknown_territory_error(any()) :: {Cldr.UnknownTerritoryError, String.t()}

Returns an error tuple for an unknown territory.



  • {:error, {Cldr.UnknownTerritoryError, message}}


iex> Cldr.unknown_territory_error("invalid")
{Cldr.UnknownTerritoryError, "The territory \"invalid\" is unknown"}
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validate_backend(backend :: atom()) ::
  {:ok, atom()} | {:error, {atom(), binary()}}

Validates that a module is a CLDR backend module.


  • backend is any module


  • {:ok, backend} is the module if a CLDR backend module or

  • {:error, {exception, reason}} if the module is unknown or if the module is not a backend module.


iex> Cldr.validate_backend MyApp.Cldr
{:ok, MyApp.Cldr}

iex> Cldr.validate_backend :something_else
  "The backend :something_else is not known or not a backend module."}}
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validate_calendar(atom() | String.t()) ::
  {:ok, atom()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

Normalise and validate a calendar name.



  • {:ok, normalized_calendar_name} or

  • {:error, {Cldr.UnknownCalendarError, message}}


iex> Cldr.validate_calendar(:gregorian)
{:ok, :gregorian}

iex> Cldr.validate_calendar(:invalid)
{:error, {Cldr.UnknownCalendarError, "The calendar name :invalid is invalid"}}
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Normalize and validate a currency code.


  • currency is any ISO 4217 currency code as returned by Cldr.known_currencies/0 or any valid private use ISO4217 code which is a three-letter alphabetic code that starts with "X".


  • {:ok, normalized_currency_code} or

  • {:error, {Cldr.UnknownCurrencyError, message}}


iex> Cldr.validate_currency(:USD)
{:ok, :USD}

iex> Cldr.validate_currency("USD")
{:ok, :USD}

iex> Cldr.validate_currency(:XTC)
{:ok, :XTC}

iex> Cldr.validate_currency("xtc")
{:ok, :XTC}

iex> Cldr.validate_currency("invalid")
{:error, {Cldr.UnknownCurrencyError, "The currency \"invalid\" is invalid"}}

iex> Cldr.validate_currency(:invalid)
{:error, {Cldr.UnknownCurrencyError, "The currency :invalid is invalid"}}
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validate_gettext_locale(locale_name, backend \\ default_backend())

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  Cldr.Locale.locale_name() | Cldr.LanguageTag.t(),
) :: {:ok, Cldr.LanguageTag.t()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

Normalise and validate a gettext locale name.



  • {:ok, language_tag}

  • {:error, reason}


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validate_locale(locale, backend \\ Cldr.default_backend())

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validate_locale(Cldr.Locale.locale_name() | Cldr.LanguageTag.t(), backend()) ::
  {:ok, Cldr.LanguageTag.t()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

Normalise and validate a locale name.



  • {:ok, language_tag}

  • {:error, reason}


iex> Cldr.validate_locale("en", TestBackend.Cldr)
  backend: TestBackend.Cldr,
  canonical_locale_name: "en-Latn-US",
  cldr_locale_name: "en",
  extensions: %{},
  gettext_locale_name: "en",
  language: "en",
  locale: %{},
  private_use: [],
  rbnf_locale_name: "en",
  requested_locale_name: "en",
  script: "Latn",
  territory: :US,
  transform: %{},
  language_variant: nil

iex> Cldr.validate_locale("zzz", TestBackend.Cldr)
{:error, {Cldr.UnknownLocaleError, "The locale \"zzz\" is not known."}}
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Normalise and validate a measurement system type.


  • measurement_system is a known measurement system.


  • {:ok, normalized_measurement_system} or

  • {:error, {exception, message}}


iex> Cldr.validate_measurement_system :metric
{:ok, :metric}

iex> Cldr.validate_measurement_system "ussystem"
{:ok, :ussystem}

iex> Cldr.validate_measurement_system "uksystem"
{:ok, :uksystem}

iex> Cldr.validate_measurement_system "something"
{:error, {Cldr.UnknownMeasurementSystemError,
 "The measurement system \"something\" is invalid"}}
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validate_number_system(atom() | String.t()) ::
  {:ok, atom()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

Normalize and validate a number system name.



  • {:ok, normalized_number_system_name} or

  • {:error, {exception, message}}


iex> Cldr.validate_number_system :latn
{:ok, :latn}

iex> Cldr.validate_number_system "latn"
{:ok, :latn}

iex> Cldr.validate_number_system "invalid"
  {Cldr.UnknownNumberSystemError, "The number system :invalid is unknown"}
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validate_number_system_type(number_system_type, backend \\ default_backend())

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validate_number_system_type(String.t() | atom(), backend()) ::
  {:ok, atom()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

Normalise and validate a number system type.



  • {:ok, normalized_number_system_type} or

  • {:error, {exception, message}}


iex> Cldr.validate_number_system_type(:default, TestBackend.Cldr)
{:ok, :default}

iex> Cldr.validate_number_system_type(:traditional, TestBackend.Cldr)
{:ok, :traditional}

iex> Cldr.validate_number_system_type(:latn, TestBackend.Cldr)
  {Cldr.UnknownNumberSystemTypeError, "The number system type :latn is unknown"}
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validate_plural_type(atom() | String.t()) ::
  {:ok, Cldr.Number.PluralRule.plural_type()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

Normalize and validate a plural type.


  • plural_type is any plural type returned by Cldr.Number.PluralRule.known_plural_types/0


  • {:ok, normalized_plural_type} or

  • {:error, {exception, message}}


iex> Cldr.validate_plural_type :few
{:ok, :few}

iex> Cldr.validate_plural_type "one"
{:ok, :one}

iex> Cldr.validate_plural_type "invalid"
  {Cldr.UnknownPluralTypeError, "The plural type :invalid is unknown"}
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validate_territory(atom() | String.t()) ::
  {:ok, atom()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

Normalise and validate a territory code.



  • {:ok, normalized_territory_code} or

  • {:error, {Cldr.UnknownTerritoryError, message}}


iex> Cldr.validate_territory("en")
{:error, {Cldr.UnknownTerritoryError, "The territory \"en\" is unknown"}}

iex> Cldr.validate_territory("gb")
{:ok, :GB}

iex> Cldr.validate_territory("001")
{:ok, :"001"}

iex> Cldr.validate_territory(!("en", TestBackend.Cldr))
{:ok, :US}

iex> Cldr.validate_territory(%{})
{:error, {Cldr.UnknownTerritoryError, "The territory %{} is unknown"}}
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Normalise and validate a territory subdivision code.



  • {:ok, normalized_subdivision_code} or

  • {:error, {Cldr.UnknownTerritoryError, message}}


Returns the version of the CLDR repository as a tuple


iex> Cldr.version
{37, 0, 0}