View Source Cldr.Rfc5646.Parser (Cldr v2.40.2)

Implements parsing for RFC5646 language tags with BCP47 extensions.

The primary interface to this module is the function Cldr.LanguageTag.parse/1.



error_on_remaining(arg1, context, line, offset)

language_tag(binary, opts \\ [])

@spec language_tag(
) ::
  {:ok, [term()], rest, context, line, byte_offset}
  | {:error, reason, rest, context, line, byte_offset}
when line: {pos_integer(), byte_offset},
     byte_offset: pos_integer(),
     rest: binary(),
     reason: String.t(),
     context: map()

Parses the given binary as language_tag.

Returns {:ok, [token], rest, context, position, byte_offset} or {:error, reason, rest, context, line, byte_offset} where position describes the location of the language_tag (start position) as {line, column_on_line}.


  • :byte_offset - the byte offset for the whole binary, defaults to 0
  • :line - the line and the byte offset into that line, defaults to {1, byte_offset}
  • :context - the initial context value. It will be converted to a map

parse(rule \\ :language_tag, input)