Changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.13.0

This is the changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.13.0 released on April 8th, 2021. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub


  • Fix creating durations from two Times.

  • Add support for CLDR 39 data release

Changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.12.1

This is the changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.12.1 released on April 7th, 2021. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub

Bug Fixes

  • Fix a bug that prevented durations being created from times (as apposed to dates and datetimes)

Changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.12.0

This is the changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.12.0 released on November 8th, 2020. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub


Changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.11.0

This is the changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.11.0 released on November 1st, 2020. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub


Changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.10.1

This is the changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.10.1 released on September 26th, 2020. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub

Bug Fixes

Changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.10.0

This is the changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.10.0 released on August 29th, 2020. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub


  • Supports upcoming Elixir 1.11.0. The Calendar callback for day_of_week/3 has been changed to day_of_week/4 to allow for a different start day of week. Since Cldr Calendars already supports defining calendars with different start days of the week (ie other than Monday), the impementation only supports the :default parameter. Thanks to @lostkobrakai for the report. Closes Cldr Dates Times issue #17.

Changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.9.0

This is the changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.9.0 released on June 7th, 2020. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub


Bug Fixes

  • More complete test coverage on durations with some additional corner case fixes

Changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.8.1

This is the changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.8.1 released on June 4th, 2020. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub

Bug Fixes

  • Fix duration calculation when the year and month are the same and the day of the last date is greater than the day of the first date

Changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.8.0

This is the changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.8.0 released on May 4th, 2020. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub

Breaking Change (that you might notice but probably won't)

  • The min_days_in_first_week for the calendar Cldr.Calendar.Gregorian is changed to be 1 rather than the previous value of 4. This only affects week-related processing for the calendar. The reason for the change is that the majority of territories have a preference for 1 for min_days_in_first_week so Cldr.Calendar.Gregorian more closely aligns to majority expectations.

Breaking changes (that you shouldn't notice)

  • The return result from may return {:module_already_exists, module}. It previously returned {:already_exists, module}

Bug Fixes

  • Use backend.get_locale/0 instead of Cldr.get_locale/0 for all options

  • Ensure that the default values for a locale's min_days and first_day_of_week are correctly applied in Any values passed as options take precedence over those defined for a locale.


Changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.7.1

This is the changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.7.1 released on January 26th, 2020. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub

Bug Fixes

  • Fix doc link in MyApp.Cldr.Calendar.strftime_options!/2

Changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.7.0

This is the changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.7.0 released on January 2nd, 2020. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub


  • Remove call to deprecated Code.ensure_compiled?/1 in Elixir 1.10

Changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.6.0

This is the changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.6.0 released on December 9th, 2019. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub


  • Adds support for localizing Persian, Coptic and Ethiopic calendar localization. These calendars are published separately but they rely upon localization support from this package.

Changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.5.1

This is the changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.5.1 released on November 10th, 2019. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub

Bug Fixes

Changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.5.0

This is the changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.5.0 released on November 3rd, 2019. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub


  • Adds MyApp.Cldr.Calendar.strftime_options!/2 to return a keyword list of options that can be applied to NimbleStrftime.format/3

Changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.4.0

This is the changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.4.0 released on September 14th, 2019. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub


  • Adjusts <calendar>.add/3 to <calendar>.add/5 so that it takes individual date and time elements and not formal structs. This is consistent with other calendar behaviours.

Changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.3.0

This is the changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.3.0 released on September 1st, 2019. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub


Adds <calendar>.add/3 to add :quarter or :week to a naive datetime. This adds to the existing support for :year and :month.

Changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.2.0

This is the changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.2.0 released on August 31st, 2019. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub


Changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.1.0

This is the changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.1.0 released on August 30th, 2019. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub


Changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.0.0

This is the changelog for Cldr Calendars v1.0.0 released on June 16th, 2019. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub

Breaking changes

  • The format produced by inspecting a Date (or DateTime or NaiveDateTime) has changed. The parsing of dates in sigil_d (the ~d sigil) has also changed in order to facilitate roundtrip conversions. Previously a date would inspect as (using the NRF calendar) ~d[2019-W01-1]NRF. It now inspects as ~d[2019-W01-1 NRF]. The same approach is used for all calendars. See the examples in Cldr.Calendar.Sigils. This change is applicable to Elixir 1.10 and later.

  • The calendar configuration option :min_days has been renamed :min_days_in_first_week. The configuration option :day has been renamed to :day_of_week and the option :month has been renamed to :month_of_year. An exception will be raised if existing calendars are not updated.

  • An exception will be raised if a calendar is configured with an unknown option.


  • Implements inspect_date/4, inspect_datetime/11, inspect_naive_datetime/8 and inspect_time/5 for all Cldr.Calendar calendars. This implementation supports the revised Inspect protocol implementation for Date, Time, DateTime and NaiveDateTime structs. The purpose of that change is to allow customer calendars to be inspected. This change is applicable to Elixir 1.10 and later.

  • Adds Cldr.Calendar.week_of_month/1 and Cldr.Calendar callback week_of_month/4 to return the week of a month. The weeks are calculated on the basis of the calendar configuration. As a result, the week of the month, like the week of the year, may be in a different Gregorian year and month compared to the specified date.

  • Adds Cldr.Calendar.weeks_in_year/1 to return the number of weeks in a year.

  • Adds a calendar configuration where weeks start on the first day of the year. This configuration is valid only for :month based calendars. The configuration option day: :first triggers this behaviour. This configuration can result in the last week of the year being less than 7 days.

  • Adds Cldr.Calendar.inspect/2 that can be used as an :inspect_fun option in Inspect.Opts for Elixir version 1.9. It will not be required for Elixir 1.10 and later since this commit introduces inspect_* callbacks for Date, Time, DateTime and NaiveDateTime. An :inspect_fun can be configured in IEx by:

iex> IEx.configure(inspect: [inspect_fun: &Cldr.Calendar.inspect/2])

Bug Fixes

  • Ensure that Cldr.Calendar callbacks return a Calendar.ISO calendar if called with one (either as part of a date or as a separate argument).

  • Ensure the return calendar types of a an Interval are Calendar.ISO is the date provided is Calendar.ISO

  • Fix for :months when the month wraps into the previous year(s)

  • Fix sigil_d to correctly parse ISO Week dates that have only a single digit day

Changelog for Cldr Calendars v0.9.0

This is the changelog for Cldr Calendars v0.9.0 released on June 9th, 2019. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub

Breaking changes

  • Depends on Elixir 1.8 and above since it requires recent Calendar functionality.

Changelog for Cldr Calendars v0.8.0

This is the changelog for Cldr v0.8.0 released on June 8th, 2019. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub


  • Adds option :type to Cldr.Calendar.localize/3. This determines the format type to be localized. The valid types are :format (the default) or :stand_alone.

  • Add Cldr.Calendar.day_periods/2 to support localization of the day periods of a time

  • Add Cldr.Calendar.default_calendar/0. Returns Cldr.Calendar.Gregorian

  • Add Cldr.Calendar.default_cldr_calendar/0. Returns :gregorian

Changelog for Cldr Calendars v0.7.0

This is the changelog for Cldr Calendars v0.7.0 released on June 1st, 2019. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub

Breaking Changes


Changelog for Cldr Calendars v0.6.0

This is the changelog for Cldr Calendars v0.6.0 released on April 28th, 2019. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub


Changelog for Cldr Calendars v0.5.0

This is the changelog for Cldr Calendars v0.5.0 released on April 21th, 2019. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub

Breaking changes

  • Cldr.Calendar.localize/3 for :days_of_week now returns a list of 2-tuples that are of the format {day_of_week, day_name}.


  • Add Cldr.Calendar.localize/6 which localises numbers as part of a date without parameter checking. This is considered a private implementation for now.

Changelog for Cldr Calendars v0.4.1

This is the changelog for Cldr Calendars v0.4.1 released on April 19th, 2019. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub

Bug Fixes

  • Fix calculation of days_in_month for the last month in long year of a week-based calendar

Changelog for Cldr Calendars v0.4.0

This is the changelog for Cldr Calendars v0.4.0 released on April 19th, 2019. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub


  • Adds Cldr.Calendar.interval_stream/3 which returns a stream function that when enumerated generates a list of dates with a specified precision of either :years, :quarters, :months, :weeks or :days. This function has the same arguments and generates the same results as Cldr.Calendar.interval/3 except it generates the results lazily.

  • Adds :days_of_week option to Cldr.Calendar.localize/3 which returns a list of the localized names of the days of the week in calendar order.

  • Adds calendar_base/0 to identify whether the calendar is week or month based.

Bug Fixes

Changelog for Cldr Calendars v0.3.0

This is the changelog for Cldr Calendars v0.3.0 released on April 16th, 2019. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub


  • Adds Cldr.Calendar.interval/3 which generates an enumerable list of dates with a specified precision of either :years, :quarters, :months, :weeks or :days.


iex> import Cldr.Calendar.Sigils

iex> d = ~d[2019-01-31]
%Date{calendar: Cldr.Calendar.Gregorian, day: 31, month: 1, year: 2019}

iex> d2 = ~d[2019-05-31]
%Date{calendar: Cldr.Calendar.Gregorian, day: 31, month: 5, year: 2019}

iex> Cldr.Calendar.interval d, 3, :months
  %Date{calendar: Cldr.Calendar.Gregorian, day: 28, month: 2, year: 2019},
  %Date{calendar: Cldr.Calendar.Gregorian, day: 31, month: 3, year: 2019},
  %Date{calendar: Cldr.Calendar.Gregorian, day: 30, month: 4, year: 2019}

iex> Cldr.Calendar.interval d, d2, :months
  %Date{calendar: Cldr.Calendar.Gregorian, day: 31, month: 1, year: 2019},
  %Date{calendar: Cldr.Calendar.Gregorian, day: 28, month: 2, year: 2019},
  %Date{calendar: Cldr.Calendar.Gregorian, day: 31, month: 3, year: 2019},
  %Date{calendar: Cldr.Calendar.Gregorian, day: 30, month: 4, year: 2019},
  %Date{calendar: Cldr.Calendar.Gregorian, day: 31, month: 5, year: 2019}

Changelog for Cldr Calendars v0.2.0

This is the changelog for Cldr Calendars v0.2.0 released on April 14th, 2019. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub

Breaking Changes

  • All calendars now return {year, month, day} tuples from date_from_iso_days/1. Previously in some cases they returned a Date.t

  • first_day_of_year/1 and last_day_of_year/1, first_gregorian_day_of_year/1 and last_gregorian_day_of_year/1 now all return a Date.t or an error tuple. Previously the returned result types were inconsistent.

  • Remove first_gregorian_day_of_year/1 and last_gregorian_day_of_year/1 from Cldr.Calendar callbacks.


  • Adds Cldr.Calendar.Julian implementing the Julian calendar. This calendar does not implement week/2, week_of_year/3 or iso_week_of_year/3.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes calculating negative offsets for months in a week-based calendar. Thanks to @bglusman. Closes #2.

Changelog for Cldr Calendars v0.1.0

This is the changelog for Cldr Calendars v0.1.0 released on April 5th, 2019. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub


  • Initial release. See the README for a description of this project.