View Source Cldr.Calendar.Julian (Cldr Calendars v1.26.1)



Identifies that this calendar is month based.

Returns the calendar year as displayed on rendered calendars.

Defines the CLDR calendar type for this calendar.

Returns the cyclic year as displayed on rendered calendars.

Returns a {year, month, day} calculated from the number of iso_days.

Returns the number of days since the calendar epoch for a given year-month-day

Calculates the day and era from the given year, month, and day.

Calculates the day of the week from the given year, month, and day. It is an integer from 1 to 7, where 1 is Monday and 7 is Sunday.

Calculates the day of the year from the given year, month, and day.

Returns how many days there are in the given month.

Returns how many days there are in the given year-month.

Returns the number days in a a week.

Returns the number days in a given year.

Returns the extended year as displayed on rendered calendars.

Calculates the ISO week of the year from the given year, month, and day. It is an integer from 1 to 53.

Returns if the given year is a leap year.

Returns a Date.Range.t representing a given month of a year.

Calculates the month of the year from the given year, month, and day. It is an integer from 1 to 12.

Converts the Calendar.iso_days/0 format to the datetime format specified by this calendar.

Calculates the number of period in a given year. A period corresponds to a month in month-based calendars and a week in week-based calendars..

Adds an increment number of date_parts to a year-month-day.

Returns a Date.Range.t representing a given quarter of a year.

Calculates the quarter of the year from the given year, month, and day. It is an integer from 1 to 4.

Returns the related gregorian year as displayed on rendered calendars.

Shifts a date by given duration.

Determines if the date given is valid according to this calendar.

Returns a Date.Range.t representing a given week of a year.

Calculates the week of the year from the given year, month, and day. It is an integer from 1 to 53.

Calculates the week of the year from the given year, month, and day. It is an integer from 1 to 53.

Returns a Date.Range.t representing a given year.

Calculates the year and era from the given year. The ISO calendar has two eras: the current era which starts in year 1 and is defined as era "1". And a second era for those years less than 1 defined as era "0".

Calculates the year and era from the given year, month and day.


@type day() :: 1..31
@type month() :: 1..12
@type year() :: -9999..-1 | 1..9999


Identifies that this calendar is month based.

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calendar_year(year, month, day)

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@spec calendar_year(year(), month(), day()) :: Calendar.year()

Returns the calendar year as displayed on rendered calendars.

Defines the CLDR calendar type for this calendar.

This type is used in support of Cldr.Calendar.localize/3. Currently only :gregorian is supported.

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cyclic_year(year, month, day)

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@spec cyclic_year(year(), month(), day()) :: Calendar.year()

Returns the cyclic year as displayed on rendered calendars.

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Returns a {year, month, day} calculated from the number of iso_days.

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date_to_iso_days(year, month, day)

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Returns the number of days since the calendar epoch for a given year-month-day

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day_of_era(year, month, day)

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@spec day_of_era(year(), month(), day()) :: {day :: pos_integer(), era :: 0..1}

Calculates the day and era from the given year, month, and day.

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day_of_week(year, month, day, atom)

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@spec day_of_week(year(), month(), day(), 1..7 | :default) ::
  {Calendar.day_of_week(), first_day_of_week :: non_neg_integer(),
   last_day_of_week :: non_neg_integer()}

Calculates the day of the week from the given year, month, and day. It is an integer from 1 to 7, where 1 is Monday and 7 is Sunday.

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day_of_year(year, month, day)

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@spec day_of_year(year(), month(), day()) :: 1..366

Calculates the day of the year from the given year, month, and day.

@spec days_in_month(month()) :: | {:error, :unresolved}

Returns how many days there are in the given month.

If the days in month cannot be determined without knowning the year an error tuple is returned.

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days_in_month(year, month)

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@spec days_in_month(year(), month()) :: 28..31

Returns how many days there are in the given year-month.

Returns the number days in a a week.

Returns the number days in a given year.

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extended_year(year, month, day)

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@spec extended_year(year(), month(), day()) :: Calendar.year()

Returns the extended year as displayed on rendered calendars.

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iso_week_of_year(year, month, day)

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@spec iso_week_of_year(year(), month(), day()) :: {:error, :not_defined}

Calculates the ISO week of the year from the given year, month, and day. It is an integer from 1 to 53.

@spec leap_year?(year()) :: boolean()

Returns if the given year is a leap year.

Returns a Date.Range.t representing a given month of a year.

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month_of_year(year, month, day)

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@spec month_of_year(year(), month(), day()) :: month()

Calculates the month of the year from the given year, month, and day. It is an integer from 1 to 12.

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Converts the Calendar.iso_days/0 format to the datetime format specified by this calendar.

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naive_datetime_to_iso_days(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond)

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Returns the Calendar.iso_days/0 format of the specified date.

Calculates the number of period in a given year. A period corresponds to a month in month-based calendars and a week in week-based calendars..

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plus(year, month, day, date_part, increment, options \\ [])

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Adds an increment number of date_parts to a year-month-day.

date_part can be :quarters or:months.

Returns a Date.Range.t representing a given quarter of a year.

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quarter_of_year(year, month, day)

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@spec quarter_of_year(year(), month(), day()) :: 1..4

Calculates the quarter of the year from the given year, month, and day. It is an integer from 1 to 4.

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shift_date(year, month, day, duration)

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Shifts a date by given duration.

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shift_naive_datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond, duration)

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Shifts a naive date time by given duration.

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shift_time(hour, minute, second, microsecond, duration)

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Shifts a time by given duration.

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valid_date?(year, month, day)

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Determines if the date given is valid according to this calendar.

Returns a Date.Range.t representing a given week of a year.

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week_of_month(year, month, day)

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@spec week_of_month(year(), month(), day()) ::
  {pos_integer(), pos_integer()} | {:error, :not_defined}

Calculates the week of the year from the given year, month, and day. It is an integer from 1 to 53.

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week_of_year(year, month, day)

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@spec week_of_year(year(), month(), day()) :: {:error, :not_defined}

Calculates the week of the year from the given year, month, and day. It is an integer from 1 to 53.

Returns a Date.Range.t representing a given year.

@spec year_of_era(year()) :: {year(), era :: 0..1}

Calculates the year and era from the given year. The ISO calendar has two eras: the current era which starts in year 1 and is defined as era "1". And a second era for those years less than 1 defined as era "0".

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year_of_era(year, month, day)

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@spec year_of_era(year(), month(), day()) :: {year :: Calendar.year(), era :: 0..1}

Calculates the year and era from the given year, month and day.