View Source Cldr.Currency (Cldr Currencies v2.16.3)

Defines a currency structure and a set of functions to manage the validity of a currency code and to return metadata for currencies.



Returns a boolean indicating if a given currency is annotated.

Returns a map of the metadata for all currencies for a given locale.

Returns a map of the metadata for all currencies for a given locale and raises on error.

Return only those currencies meeting the filter criteria.

Returns the currency metadata for the requested currency code.

Returns the currency metadata for the requested currency code.

Returns the effective currency format for a given locale.

Returns the effective currency format for a given locale.

Returns the effective currency for a given locale.

Returns the effective currency for a given locale.

Returns a list of historic and the current currency for a given locale.

Returns a map that matches a currency string to a currency code.

Returns a map that matches a currency string to a currency code or raises an exception.

Returns a boolean indicating if a given currency is current.

Returns the current currency for a given territory.

Returns the current currency from a given locale.

Returns a mapping from a territory code to its current currency code.

Return the display name for a currency.

Return the display name for a currency or raises and exception on error.

Returns a boolean indicating if a given currency is historic.

Returns a 2-tuple indicating if the supplied currency code is known.

Returns a boolean indicating if the supplied currency code is known.

Returns a list of all known currency codes.

Returns a Currency struct created from the arguments.

Returns the appropriate currency display name for the currency, based on the plural rules in effect for the locale.

Returns a map of private currencies.

Returns a list of all private currency codes.

Returns the strings associated with a currency in a given locale.

Returns a boolean indicating if a given currency is legal tender.

Returns a mapping of all ISO3166 territory codes and a list of historic and the current currency for those territories.

Returns a list of currencies associated with a given territory.

Returns a list of currencies associated with a given territory.

Returns a boolean indicating if a given currency is unannotated.

Determines is a new currency is already defined.


@type code() :: atom()
@type currency_reference() :: code() | binary()
@type currency_status() ::
  :all | :current | :historic | :tender | :unannotated | :private
@type filter() :: [currency_status() | code()] | currency_status() | code()
@type format() :: :standard | :accounting | :short | :long | :percent | :scientific
@type t() :: %Cldr.Currency{
  alt_code: code(),
  cash_digits: non_neg_integer(),
  cash_rounding: non_neg_integer(),
  code: code(),
  count: %{},
  decimal_separator: String.t() | nil,
  digits: non_neg_integer(),
  from: Calendar.year(),
  grouping_separator: String.t() | nil,
  iso_digits: non_neg_integer(),
  name: String.t(),
  narrow_symbol: String.t(),
  rounding: non_neg_integer(),
  symbol: String.t(),
  tender: boolean(),
  to: Calendar.year()
@type territory() :: atom() | String.t()


@spec annotated?(currency :: t()) :: boolean()

Returns a boolean indicating if a given currency is annotated.

Annotated means that the currency description has annotations (comments inside parenthesis). This is mostly found in currency codes used as financial instruments (not legal tender).


  • currency is a t:Cldr.Currency


  • true or false
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currencies_for_locale(locale, backend, only \\ :all, except \\ nil)

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@spec currencies_for_locale(
  Cldr.Locale.locale_name() | Cldr.LanguageTag.t(),
  only :: filter(),
  except :: filter()
) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

Returns a map of the metadata for all currencies for a given locale.



  • {:ok, currency_map} or

  • {:error, {exception, reason}}


=> Cldr.Currency.currencies_for_locale("en", MyApp.Cldr) {:ok, %{

 FJD: %Cldr.Currency{
   cash_digits: 2,
   cash_rounding: 0,
   code: "FJD",
   count: %{one: "Fijian dollar", other: "Fijian dollars"},
   digits: 2,
   from: nil,
   iso_digits: 2,
   name: "Fijian Dollar",
   narrow_symbol: "$",
   rounding: 0,
   symbol: "FJD",
   tender: true,
   to: nil
 SUR: %Cldr.Currency{
   cash_digits: 2,
   cash_rounding: 0,
   code: "SUR",
   count: %{one: "Soviet rouble", other: "Soviet roubles"},
   digits: 2,
   from: nil,
   iso_digits: nil,
   name: "Soviet Rouble",
   narrow_symbol: nil,
   rounding: 0,
   symbol: "SUR",
   tender: true,
   to: nil
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currencies_for_locale!(locale, backend, only \\ :all, except \\ nil)

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@spec currencies_for_locale!(
  Cldr.Locale.locale_name() | Cldr.LanguageTag.t(),
  only :: filter(),
  except :: filter()
) :: map() | no_return()

Returns a map of the metadata for all currencies for a given locale and raises on error.



  • {:ok, currency_map} or

  • raises an exception


#=> MyApp.Cldr.Currency.currencies_for_locale!("en") %{

FJD: %Cldr.Currency{
  cash_digits: 2,
  cash_rounding: 0,
  code: "FJD",
  count: %{one: "Fijian dollar", other: "Fijian dollars"},
  digits: 2,
  from: nil,
  iso_digits: 2,
  name: "Fijian Dollar",
  narrow_symbol: "$",
  rounding: 0,
  symbol: "FJD",
  tender: true,
  to: nil
SUR: %Cldr.Currency{
  cash_digits: 2,
  cash_rounding: 0,
  code: "SUR",
  count: %{one: "Soviet rouble", other: "Soviet roubles"},
  digits: 2,
  from: nil,
  iso_digits: nil,
  name: "Soviet Rouble",
  narrow_symbol: nil,
  rounding: 0,
  symbol: "SUR",
  tender: true,
  to: nil


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currency_filter(currencies, only \\ :all, except \\ nil)

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Return only those currencies meeting the filter criteria.


  • currency is a t:Cldr.Currency, a list of t:Cldr.Currency or a map where the values of each item is a Cldr.Currency.t

  • only is :all, :current, :historic, :tender unannotated or a list of one or more status or currency codes. The default is :all

  • except is :current, :historic, :tender unannotated or a list of one or more status or currency codes. The default is nil

Currency Status

A currency may be in current use or of historic interest only. It may or may not be legal tender. And it may mostly be used as a financial instrument. To help return the most useful currencies the currency status code acts as follows:

  • :all, the default, returns all currencies

  • :current returns those currencies that have a :to date of nil and which also is a known ISO4217 currency

  • :historic is the opposite of :current

  • :tender is a currency that is legal tender

  • :unannotated is a currency that doesn't have "(some string)" in its name. These are usually financial instruments.

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currency_for_code(currency_or_currency_code, backend \\ Cldr.default_backend!(), options \\ [])

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@spec currency_for_code(currency_reference() | t(), Cldr.backend(), Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, t()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

Returns the currency metadata for the requested currency code.


  • currency_or_currency_code is a binary or atom representation of an ISO 4217 currency code, or a t:Cldr.Currency struct.

  • backend is any module that includes use Cldr and therefore is a Cldr backend module. The default is Cldr.default_backend!/0.

  • options is a Keyword list of options. The default is [].



  • A {:ok, currency} or

  • {:error, {exception, reason}}


iex> Cldr.Currency.currency_for_code(:AUD, MyApp.Cldr)
    cash_digits: 2,
    cash_rounding: 0,
    code: "AUD",
    count: %{one: "Australian dollar", other: "Australian dollars"},
    digits: 2,
    iso_digits: 2,
    name: "Australian Dollar",
    narrow_symbol: "$",
    rounding: 0,
    symbol: "A$",
    tender: true

iex> Cldr.Currency.currency_for_code("THB", MyApp.Cldr)
    cash_digits: 2,
    cash_rounding: 0,
    code: "THB",
    count: %{one: "Thai baht", other: "Thai baht"},
    digits: 2,
    iso_digits: 2,
    name: "Thai Baht",
    narrow_symbol: "฿",
    rounding: 0,
    symbol: "THB",
    tender: true
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currency_for_code!(currency_or_currency_code, backend \\ nil, options \\ [])

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@spec currency_for_code!(code() | t(), Cldr.backend(), Keyword.t()) ::
  t() | no_return()

Returns the currency metadata for the requested currency code.


  • currency_or_currency_code is a binary or atom representation of an ISO 4217 currency code, or a t:Cldr.Currency struct.

  • backend is any module that includes use Cldr and therefore is a Cldr backend module

  • options is a Keyword list of options.



  • A t:Cldr.Current.t/0 or

  • raises an exception


iex> Cldr.Currency.currency_for_code!("AUD", MyApp.Cldr)
  cash_digits: 2,
  cash_rounding: 0,
  code: "AUD",
  count: %{one: "Australian dollar", other: "Australian dollars"},
  digits: 2,
  iso_digits: 2,
  name: "Australian Dollar",
  narrow_symbol: "$",
  rounding: 0,
  symbol: "A$",
  tender: true

iex> Cldr.Currency.currency_for_code!("THB", MyApp.Cldr)
  cash_digits: 2,
  cash_rounding: 0,
  code: "THB",
  count: %{one: "Thai baht", other: "Thai baht"},
  digits: 2,
  iso_digits: 2,
  name: "Thai Baht",
  narrow_symbol: "฿",
  rounding: 0,
  symbol: "THB",
  tender: true
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Returns the effective currency format for a given locale.



  • Either :accounting or :currency.


iex> {:ok, locale} = Cldr.validate_locale("en", MyApp.Cldr)
iex> Cldr.Currency.currency_format_from_locale locale

iex> {:ok, locale} = Cldr.validate_locale("en-AU-u-cu-eur", MyApp.Cldr)
iex> Cldr.Currency.currency_format_from_locale locale

iex> {:ok, locale} = Cldr.validate_locale("en-AU-u-cu-eur-cf-account", MyApp.Cldr)
iex> Cldr.Currency.currency_format_from_locale locale
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currency_format_from_locale(locale, backend \\ default_backend())

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Returns the effective currency format for a given locale.



  • Either :accounting or :currency.


iex> Cldr.Currency.currency_format_from_locale("en", MyApp.Cldr)

iex> Cldr.Currency.currency_format_from_locale("en-AU-u-cu-eur", MyApp.Cldr)

iex> Cldr.Currency.currency_format_from_locale("en-AU-u-cu-eur-cf-account", MyApp.Cldr)
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Returns the effective currency for a given locale.



  • A ISO 4217 currency code as an upcased atom.


iex> {:ok, locale} = Cldr.validate_locale("en", MyApp.Cldr)
iex> Cldr.Currency.currency_from_locale locale

iex> {:ok, locale} = Cldr.validate_locale("en-AU", MyApp.Cldr)
iex> Cldr.Currency.currency_from_locale locale

iex> Cldr.Currency.currency_from_locale("en-GB")
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currency_from_locale(locale, backend \\ nil)

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Returns the effective currency for a given locale.



  • A ISO 4217 currency code as an upcased atom.


iex> Cldr.Currency.currency_from_locale("fr-CH", MyApp.Cldr)

iex> Cldr.Currency.currency_from_locale("fr-CH-u-cu-INR", MyApp.Cldr)
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@spec currency_history_for_locale(Cldr.LanguageTag.t()) ::
  {:ok, %{required(currency :: code()) => map()}}
  | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

Returns a list of historic and the current currency for a given locale.



iex> Cldr.Currency.currency_history_for_locale("en", MyApp.Cldr)
    USD: %{from: ~D[1792-01-01], to: nil},
    USN: %{tender: false},
    USS: %{from: nil, tender: false, to: ~D[2014-03-01]}
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currency_history_for_locale(locale_name, backend)

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@spec currency_history_for_locale(Cldr.Locale.locale_reference(), Cldr.backend()) ::
  {:ok, map()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}
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currency_strings(locale, backend, only \\ :all, except \\ nil)

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Returns a map that matches a currency string to a currency code.

A currency string is a localised name or symbol representing a currency in a locale-specific manner.



  • {:ok, currency_string_map} or

  • {:error, {exception, reason}}


=> Cldr.Currency.currency_strings("en", MyApp.Cldr)
   "mexican silver pesos" => :MXP,
   "sudanese dinar" => :SDD,
   "bad" => :BAD,
   "rsd" => :RSD,
   "swazi lilangeni" => :SZL,
   "zairean new zaire" => :ZRN,
   "guyanaese dollars" => :GYD,
   "equatorial guinean ekwele" => :GQE,

# Currencies match all currency status'
=> Cldr.Currency.currency_strings "en", MyApp.Cldr, [:tender, :current, :unannotated]
   "rsd" => :RSD,
   "swazi lilangeni" => :SZL,
   "guyanaese dollars" => :GYD,
   "syrian pound" => :SYP,
   "scr" => :SCR,
   "bangladeshi takas" => :BDT,
   "netherlands antillean guilders" => :ANG,
   "pen" => :PEN,
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currency_strings!(locale, backend, only \\ :all, except \\ nil)

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Returns a map that matches a currency string to a currency code or raises an exception.

A currency string is a localised name or symbol representing a currency in a locale-specific manner.



  • {:ok, currency_string_map} or

  • raises an exception.


=> Cldr.Currency.currency_strings!("en", MyApp.Cldr)
  "mexican silver pesos" => :MXP,
  "sudanese dinar" => :SDD,
  "bad" => :BAD,
  "rsd" => :RSD,
  "swazi lilangeni" => :SZL,
  "zairean new zaire" => :ZRN,
  "guyanaese dollars" => :GYD,
  "equatorial guinean ekwele" => :GQE,
@spec current?(currency :: t()) :: boolean()

Returns a boolean indicating if a given currency is current.

Current means that the currency is in current use.


  • currency is a t:Cldr.Currency


  • true or false
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@spec current_currency_for_territory(Cldr.Locale.territory_code()) ::
  code() | nil | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

Returns the current currency for a given territory.



iex> Cldr.Currency.current_currency_for_territory(:US)

iex> Cldr.Currency.current_currency_for_territory(:AU)
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@spec current_currency_from_locale(Cldr.LanguageTag.t()) ::
  code() | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

Returns the current currency from a given locale.

This function does not consider the U extenion parameters cu or rg. It is recommended to us Cldr.Currency.currency_from_locale/1 in most circumstances.



iex> Cldr.Currency.current_currency_from_locale("en", MyApp.Cldr)

iex> Cldr.Currency.current_currency_from_locale("en-AU", MyApp.Cldr)
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current_currency_from_locale(locale_name, backend)

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@spec current_currency_from_locale(
  Cldr.Locale.locale_name() | String.t(),
) ::
  code() | nil | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}
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@spec current_territory_currencies() :: %{
  required(Cldr.Locale.territory_code()) => code()

Returns a mapping from a territory code to its current currency code.

If a territory has no current currency (like Antartica, territory code :AQ) then no mapping is returned for that territory.


  • A map of {territory_code => currency.code}
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display_name(currency, options \\ [])

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@spec display_name(t() | code(), Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

Return the display name for a currency.

The display name is useful for UI uses, for example in menus. The display name is typically capitalized for stand-alone use where as the display name returned by Cldr.Currency.pluralize/4 is typically lower-cased for use within sentences.




  • {:ok, display_name}

  • or {:error, {exception, reason}}


iex> Cldr.Currency.display_name :AUD, backend: MyApp.Cldr
{:ok, "Australian Dollar"}

iex> Cldr.Currency.display_name "AUD", backend: MyApp.Cldr, locale: "fr"
{:ok, "dollar australien"}

iex> Cldr.Currency.display_name "EUR", backend: MyApp.Cldr, locale: "de"
{:ok, "Euro"}

iex> Cldr.Currency.display_name "ZZZ", backend: MyApp.Cldr
{:error, {Cldr.UnknownCurrencyError, "The currency \"ZZZ\" is invalid"}}
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display_name!(currency, options \\ [])

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@spec display_name!(t() | code(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t() | no_return()

Return the display name for a currency or raises and exception on error.

The display name is useful for UI uses, for example in menus. The display name is typically capitalized for stand-alone use where as the display name returned by Cldr.Currency.pluralize/4 is typically lower-cased for use within sentences.




  • display_name

  • or raises an exception


iex> Cldr.Currency.display_name! :AUD, backend: MyApp.Cldr
"Australian Dollar"

iex> Cldr.Currency.display_name! "AUD", backend: MyApp.Cldr, locale: "fr"
"dollar australien"

iex> Cldr.Currency.display_name! "EUR", backend: MyApp.Cldr, locale: "de"

#=> Cldr.Currency.display_name! "ZZZ", backend: MyApp.Cldr
** (Cldr.UnknownCurrencyError) The currency "ZZZ" is invalid
@spec historic?(currency :: t()) :: boolean()

Returns a boolean indicating if a given currency is historic.

Historic means that the currency is no longer in use.


  • currency is a t:Cldr.Currency


  • true or false
This function is deprecated. Use known_currency_codes/0.

See Cldr.Currency.known_currency_codes/0.

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This function is deprecated. Use known_currency_code?/0.

See Cldr.Currency.known_currency_code?/1.

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@spec known_currency_code(code()) :: {:ok, code()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

Returns a 2-tuple indicating if the supplied currency code is known.


  • currency_code is a binary or atom representing an ISO4217 currency code.


  • {:ok, currency_code} or

  • {:error, {exception, reason}}


iex> Cldr.Currency.known_currency_code("AUD")
{:ok, :AUD}

iex> Cldr.Currency.known_currency_code("GGG")
{:error, {Cldr.UnknownCurrencyError, "The currency \"GGG\" is invalid"}}
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@spec known_currency_code?(code()) :: boolean()

Returns a boolean indicating if the supplied currency code is known.


  • currency_code is a binary or atom representing an ISO4217 currency code.


  • true or false


iex> Cldr.Currency.known_currency_code?("AUD")

iex> Cldr.Currency.known_currency_code?("GGG")

iex> Cldr.Currency.known_currency_code?(:XCV)
@spec known_currency_codes() :: [code(), ...]

Returns a list of all known currency codes.


iex> Cldr.Currency.known_currency_codes()
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new(currency, options \\ [])

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@spec new(binary() | atom(), map() | list()) ::
  {:ok, t()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

Returns a Currency struct created from the arguments.


  • currency is a private use currency code in a format defined by ISO4217 which is X followed by two alphanumeric characters.

  • options is a map of options representing the optional elements of the Cldr.Currency.t struct.


  • :name is the name of the currency. Required.
  • :digits is the precision of the currency. Required.
  • :symbol is the currency symbol. Optional.
  • :narrow_symbol is an alternative narrow symbol. Optional.
  • :round_nearest is the rounding precision such as 0.05. Optional.
  • :alt_code is an alternative currency code for application use.
  • :cash_digits is the precision of the currency when used as cash. Optional.
  • :cash_round_nearest is the rounding precision when used as cash such as 0.05. Optional.


  • {:ok, Cldr.Currency.t} or

  • {:error, {exception, message}}


iex>, name: "XAC currency", digits: 0)
   alt_code: :XAC,
   cash_digits: 0,
   cash_rounding: nil,
   code: :XAC,
   count: %{other: "XAC currency"},
   digits: 0,
   from: nil,
   iso_digits: 0,
   name: "XAC currency",
   narrow_symbol: nil,
   rounding: 0,
   symbol: "XAC",
   tender: false,
   to: nil
{:error, {Cldr.CurrencyAlreadyDefined, "Currency :XBC is already defined."}}
iex>, name: "Private Use Name")
{:error, "Required options are missing. Required options are [:name, :digits]"}
iex>, name: "Invalid Private Use Name", digits: 0)
{:error, {Cldr.UnknownCurrencyError, "The currency :ZAA is invalid"}}
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pluralize(number, currency, backend, options \\ [])

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@spec pluralize(pos_integer(), code(), Cldr.backend(), Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

Returns the appropriate currency display name for the currency, based on the plural rules in effect for the locale.



  • :locale is any locale returned by!/2. The default is <backend>.get_locale/1.


  • {:ok, plural_string} or

  • {:error, {exception, message}}


iex> Cldr.Currency.pluralize(1, :USD, MyApp.Cldr)
{:ok, "US dollar"}

iex> Cldr.Currency.pluralize(3, :USD, MyApp.Cldr)
{:ok, "US dollars"}

iex> Cldr.Currency.pluralize(12, :USD, MyApp.Cldr, locale: :zh)
{:ok, "美元"}

iex> Cldr.Currency.pluralize(12, :USD, MyApp.Cldr, locale: :fr)
{:ok, "dollars des États-Unis"}

iex> Cldr.Currency.pluralize(1, :USD, MyApp.Cldr, locale: :fr)
{:ok, "dollar des États-Unis"}
@spec private_currencies() :: %{required(code()) => t()}

Returns a map of private currencies.

These comprise all currencies created with

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@spec private_currency_codes() :: [atom()]

Returns a list of all private currency codes.

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string_comparator(arg1, arg2)

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strings_for_currency(currency, locale, backend)

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@spec strings_for_currency(
  Cldr.LanguageTag.t() | Cldr.Locale.locale_name(),
) :: [

Returns the strings associated with a currency in a given locale.



  • A list of strings or

  • {:error, {exception, reason}}


iex> Cldr.Currency.strings_for_currency(:AUD, "en", MyApp.Cldr) |> Enum.sort
["a$", "aud", "australian dollar", "australian dollars"]

iex> Cldr.Currency.strings_for_currency(:AUD, "de", MyApp.Cldr) |> Enum.sort
["au$", "aud", "australische dollar", "australischer dollar"]

iex> Cldr.Currency.strings_for_currency(:AUD, "zh", MyApp.Cldr) |> Enum.sort
["au$", "aud", "澳大利亚元"]
@spec tender?(currency :: t()) :: boolean()

Returns a boolean indicating if a given currency is legal tender.

Legal tender is anything recognized by law as a means to settle a public or private debt or meet a financial obligation.


  • currency is a t:Cldr.Currency


  • true or false

Returns a mapping of all ISO3166 territory codes and a list of historic and the current currency for those territories.


iex> Cldr.Currency.territory_currencies() |> Map.get(:LT)
  EUR: %{from: ~D[2015-01-01], to: nil},
  LTL: %{from: nil, to: ~D[2014-12-31]},
  LTT: %{from: nil, to: ~D[1993-06-25]},
  SUR: %{from: nil, to: ~D[1992-10-01]}
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@spec territory_currencies(territory()) ::
  {:ok, map()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

Returns a list of currencies associated with a given territory.



  • {:ok, map} where map has as its key a t:Cldr.Currency struct and the value is a map of validity dates for that currency; or

  • {:error, {exception, reason}}


iex> Cldr.Currency.territory_currencies(:LT)
{:ok, %{
  EUR: %{from: ~D[2015-01-01], to: nil},
  LTL: %{from: nil, to: ~D[2014-12-31]},
  LTT: %{from: nil, to: ~D[1993-06-25]},
  SUR: %{from: nil, to: ~D[1992-10-01]}
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@spec territory_currencies!(territory()) :: map() | no_return()

Returns a list of currencies associated with a given territory.



  • map where map has as its key a t:Cldr.Currency struct and the value is a map of validity dates for that currency; or

  • raises an exception.


iex> Cldr.Currency.territory_currencies!(:LT)
  EUR: %{from: ~D[2015-01-01], to: nil},
  LTL: %{from: nil, to: ~D[2014-12-31]},
  LTT: %{from: nil, to: ~D[1993-06-25]},
  SUR: %{from: nil, to: ~D[1992-10-01]}
@spec unannotated?(currency :: t()) :: boolean()

Returns a boolean indicating if a given currency is unannotated.

Annotated means that the currency description has annotations (comments inside parenthesis). This is mostly found in currency codes used as financial instruments (not legal tender).


  • currency is a t:Cldr.Currency


  • true or false
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@spec validate_new_currency(code()) ::
  {:ok, code()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

Determines is a new currency is already defined.


iex> Cldr.Currency.validate_new_currency :XAD
{:ok, :XAD}

iex> Cldr.Currency.validate_new_currency :USD
{:error, {Cldr.CurrencyAlreadyDefined, "Currency :USD is already defined."}}