View Source Cldr Locale Display

Presents language tags in a presentation format suitable for UI applications. It implements the CLDR locale display name algorithm.


The package can be installed by adding ex_cldr_locale_display to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:ex_cldr_locale_display, "~> 1.1"}

Documentation can be found at


In keeping with all ex_cldr-based libraries, a backend module is required which hosts the display data used to produce locale display names. A simple example is given here. For full information on configuring a backend module, see the configuration section for ex_cldr.

defmodule MyApp.Cldr do
  use Cldr,
    locales: ["en", "de", "th", "fr", "fr-CH", "zh", "ar"],
    default_locale: "en",
    providers: [Cldr.Territory, Cldr.LocaleDisplay, Cldr.Currency]


The follow examples require that a :default_backend be set in config.exs for the :ex_cldr configuration key. See the configuration section for ex_cldr for more information.

iex> Cldr.LocaleDisplay.display_name "en"
{:ok, "English"}

iex> Cldr.LocaleDisplay.display_name "en-US"
{:ok, "American English"}

iex> Cldr.LocaleDisplay.display_name "en-US", compound_locale: false
{:ok, "English (United States)"}

iex> Cldr.LocaleDisplay.display_name "en-US-u-ca-gregory-cu-aud"
{:ok, "American English (Gregorian Calendar, Currency: A$)"}

iex> Cldr.LocaleDisplay.display_name "en-US-u-ca-gregory-cu-aud", locale: "fr"
{:ok, "anglais américain (calendrier grégorien, devise : A$)"}

iex> Cldr.LocaleDisplay.display_name "nl-BE"
{:ok, "Flemish"}

iex> Cldr.LocaleDisplay.display_name "nl-BE", compound_locale: false
{:ok, "Dutch (Belgium)"}

Rendering a list of locales in their own languages

When presenting a list of locales to a user for selection it may be appropriate to present those display name in the language of the locale. The package ex_cldr_html includes a helper function for this but a simple approach is also possible.

The following snippet renders the list of known locales as display names in each locales own language. It uses a backend module configuration noted above.

iex> MyApp.Cldr.known_locale_names()
.... |>{&1, MyApp.Cldr.LocaleDisplay.display_name!(&1, locale: &1, prefer: :menu)})
.... |> Enum.sort
  {"ar", "العربية"},
  {"de", "Deutsch"},
  {"en", "English"},
  {"fr", "français"},
  {"fr-CH", "français suisse"},
  {"th", "ไทย"},
  {"zh-Hans", "简体中文"},
  {"zh-Hant", "繁體中文"}

# In some cases it is preferred to not use compound
# locale names. Note the different rendering for the
# locale fr-CH
iex> MyApp.Cldr.known_locale_names
.... |>{&1, MyApp.Cldr.LocaleDisplay.display_name!(&1, locale: &1, compound_locale: false, prefer: :menu)})
.... |> Enum.sort
  {"ar", "العربية"},
  {"de", "Deutsch"},
  {"en", "English"},
  {"fr", "français"},
  {"fr-CH", "français (Suisse)"},
  {"th", "ไทย"},
  {"zh-Hans", "简体中文(简体)"},
  {"zh-Hant", "繁體中文(繁體)"}