View Source Cldr.Number.Format (Cldr Numbers v2.33.5)
Functions to manage the collection of number patterns defined in Cldr.
Number patterns affect how numbers are interpreted in a localized context. Here are some examples, based on the French locale. The "." shows where the decimal point should go. The "," shows where the thousands separator should go. A "0" indicates zero-padding: if the number is too short, a zero (in the locale's numeric set) will go there. A "#" indicates no padding: if the number is too short, nothing goes there. A "¤" shows where the currency sign will go. The following illustrates the effects of different patterns for the French locale, with the number "1234.567". Notice how the pattern characters ',' and '.' are replaced by the characters appropriate for the locale.
Number Pattern Examples
Pattern | Currency | Text |
#,##0.## | n/a | 1 234,57 |
#,##0.### | n/a | 1 234,567 |
###0.##### | n/a | 1234,567 |
###0.0000# | n/a | 1234,5670 |
00000.0000 | n/a | 01234,5670 |
#,##0.00 ¤ | EUR | 1 234,57 € |
The number of # placeholder characters before the decimal do not matter, since no limit is placed on the maximum number of digits. There should, however, be at least one zero some place in the pattern. In currency formats, the number of digits after the decimal also do not matter, since the information in the supplemental data (see Supplemental Currency Data) is used to override the number of decimal places — and the rounding — according to the currency that is being formatted. That can be seen in the above chart, with the difference between Yen and Euro formatting.
Details of the number formats are described in the Unicode documentation
Returns the decimal formats defined for a given locale.
Returns the decimal formats defined for a given locale.
Returns the currency space for a given locale and number system.
Returns the list of decimal formats in the configured locales including
the list of locales configured for precompilation in config.exs
Returns the list of decimal formats for a configured locale.
Returns the decimal format styles that are supported by
Returns the default grouping for a locale.
Returns the default grouping for a locale or raises if there is an error.
Returns the format styles available for a locale
Returns the names of the number systems for the locale
Returns the number system types available for a locale
Return the predfined formats for a given locale
and number_system
Return the predfined formats for a given locale
and number_system
or raises
if either the locale
or number_system
is invalid.
Returns the minimum grouping digits for a locale.
Returns the minimum grouping digits for a locale or raises if there is an error.
Returns the short formats available for a locale.
@type format() :: String.t()
@spec all_formats_for( Cldr.LanguageTag.t() | Cldr.Locale.locale_name(), Cldr.backend() ) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}
Returns the decimal formats defined for a given locale.
is any valid locale name returned byCldr.known_locale_names/1
or aCldr.LanguageTag
struct returned!/2
. The default isCldr.get_locale/1
is anyCldr
backend. That is, any module that containsuse Cldr
. The default isCldr.default_backend!/0
which will raiee an exception if not default backend is configured.
{:ok, map_of_formats_by_number_system}
or{:error, {exception, reason}}
Cldr.Number.Format.all_formats_for("en", MyApp.Cldr)
#=> {:ok, %{latn: %Cldr.Number.Format{
accounting: "¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)",
currency: "¤#,##0.00",
percent: "#,##0%",
scientific: "#E0",
standard: "#,##0.###",
currency_short: [{"1000", [one: "¤0K", other: "¤0K"]},
{"10000", [one: "¤00K", other: "¤00K"]},
{"100000", [one: "¤000K", other: "¤000K"]},
{"1000000", [one: "¤0M", other: "¤0M"]},
{"10000000", [one: "¤00M", other: "¤00M"]},
{"100000000", [one: "¤000M", other: "¤000M"]},
{"1000000000", [one: "¤0B", other: "¤0B"]},
{"10000000000", [one: "¤00B", other: "¤00B"]},
{"100000000000", [one: "¤000B", other: "¤000B"]},
{"1000000000000", [one: "¤0T", other: "¤0T"]},
{"10000000000000", [one: "¤00T", other: "¤00T"]},
{"100000000000000", [one: "¤000T", other: "¤000T"]}],
Returns the decimal formats defined for a given locale.
is any valid locale name returned byCldr.known_locale_names/1
or aCldr.LanguageTag
struct returned!/2
. The default isCldr.get_locale/1
is anyCldr
backend. That is, any module that containsuse Cldr
. The default isCldr.default_backend!/0
which will raiee an exception if not default backend is configured.
a list of decimal formats or
raises an exception
See Cldr.Number.Format.all_formats_for/2
for further information.
@spec currency_spacing( Cldr.LanguageTag.t() | Cldr.Locale.locale_name(), Cldr.Number.System.system_name(), Cldr.backend() ) :: map() | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}
Returns the currency space for a given locale and number system.
is any valid locale name returned byCldr.known_locale_names/1
or aCldr.LanguageTag
struct returned!/2
. The default isCldr.get_locale/1
is any valid number system or number system type returned byCldr.Number.System.number_systems_for/2
is anyCldr
backend. That is, any module that containsuse Cldr
. The default isCldr.default_backend!/0
which will raiee an exception if not default backend is configured.
- A map defining how spacing between a currency symbol and its number format should be applied.
iex> Cldr.Number.Format.currency_spacing(:en, :latn, MyApp.Cldr)
before_currency: %{
insert_between: " ",
surrounding_match: "[[:digit:]]",
currency_match: "[[:^S:]&[:^Z:]]"
after_currency: %{
insert_between: " ",
surrounding_match: "[[:digit:]]",
currency_match: "[[:^S:]&[:^Z:]]"
@spec decimal_format_list(Cldr.backend()) :: [format()]
Returns the list of decimal formats in the configured locales including
the list of locales configured for precompilation in config.exs
This function exists to allow the decimal formatter to precompile all the known formats at compile time.
is anyCldr
backend. That is, any module that containsuse Cldr
. The default isCldr.default_backend!/0
which will raiee an exception if not default backend is configured.
##@ Example
=> Cldr.Number.Format.decimal_format_list(MyApp.Cldr)
["#", "#,##,##0%", "#,##,##0.###", "#,##,##0.00¤", "#,##,##0.00¤;(#,##,##0.00¤)",
"#,##,##0 %", "#,##0%", "#,##0.###", "#,##0.00 ¤",
"#,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00 ¤)", "#,##0.00¤", "#,##0.00¤;(#,##0.00¤)",
"#,##0 %", "#0%", "#0.######", "#0.00 ¤", "#E0", "%#,##0", "% #,##0",
"0", "0.000000E+000", "0000 M ¤", "0000¤", "000G ¤", "000K ¤", "000M ¤",
"000T ¤", "000mM ¤", "000m ¤", "000 Bio'.' ¤", "000 Bln ¤", "000 Bn ¤",
"000 B ¤", "000 E ¤", "000 K ¤", "000 MRD ¤", "000 Md ¤", "000 Mio'.' ¤",
"000 Mio ¤", "000 Mld ¤", "000 Mln ¤", "000 Mn ¤", "000 Mrd'.' ¤",
"000 Mrd ¤", "000 Mr ¤", "000 M ¤", "000 NT ¤", "000 N ¤", "000 Tn ¤",
"000 Tr ¤", ...]
@spec decimal_format_list_for( Cldr.LanguageTag.t() | Cldr.Locale.locale_name(), Cldr.backend() ) :: {:ok, [String.t()]} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}
Returns the list of decimal formats for a configured locale.
is any valid locale name returned byCldr.known_locale_names/1
or aCldr.LanguageTag
struct returned!/2
. The default isCldr.get_locale/1
is anyCldr
backend. That is, any module that containsuse Cldr
. The default isCldr.default_backend!/0
which will raiee an exception if not default backend is configured.
This function exists to allow the decimal formatter to precompile all the known formats at compile time. Its use is not otherwise recommended.
{:ok, list_of_decimal_formats_as_strings}
or{:error, {exception, reason}}
iex> Cldr.Number.Format.decimal_format_list_for("en", MyApp.Cldr)
{:ok, ["#,##0%", "#,##0.###", "#,##0.00", "#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)","#E0",
"0 billion", "0 million", "0 thousand",
"0 trillion", "00 billion", "00 million", "00 thousand", "00 trillion",
"000 billion", "000 million", "000 thousand", "000 trillion", "000B", "000K",
"000M", "000T", "00B", "00K", "00M", "00T", "0B", "0K", "0M", "0T",
"¤#,##0.00", "¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)", "¤000B", "¤000K", "¤000M",
"¤000T", "¤00B", "¤00K", "¤00M", "¤00T", "¤0B", "¤0K", "¤0M", "¤0T",
"¤ #,##0.00", "¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00)", "¤ 000B", "¤ 000K", "¤ 000M",
"¤ 000T", "¤ 00B", "¤ 00K", "¤ 00M", "¤ 00T", "¤ 0B", "¤ 0K", "¤ 0M", "¤ 0T"]}
@spec decimal_format_styles_for( Cldr.LanguageTag.t() | Cldr.Locale.locale_name(), Cldr.Number.System.system_name(), Cldr.backend() ) :: {:ok, [atom()]} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}
Returns the decimal format styles that are supported by
is any valid locale name returned byCldr.known_locale_names/1
or aCldr.LanguageTag
struct returned!/2
. The default isCldr.get_locale/1
is any valid number system or number system type returned byCldr.Number.System.number_systems_for/2
is anyCldr
backend. That is, any module that containsuse Cldr
. The default isCldr.default_backend!/0
which will raiee an exception if not default backend is configured.
iex> {:ok, styles} = Cldr.Number.Format.decimal_format_styles_for("en", :latn, MyApp.Cldr)
iex> Enum.sort(styles)
@spec default_grouping_for( Cldr.LanguageTag.t() | Cldr.Locale.locale_name(), Cldr.backend() ) :: {:ok, non_neg_integer()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}
Returns the default grouping for a locale.
is any valid locale name returned byCldr.known_locale_names/1
or aCldr.LanguageTag
struct returned!/2
. The default isCldr.get_locale/0
is anyCldr
backend. That is, any module that containsuse Cldr
. The default isCldr.default_backend!/0
which will raiee an exception if not default backend is configured.
{:ok, minumum_digits}
or{:error, {exception, message}}
iex> Cldr.Number.Format.default_grouping_for("en", MyApp.Cldr)
{:ok, %{fraction: %{first: 0, rest: 0}, integer: %{first: 3, rest: 3}}}
@spec default_grouping_for!( Cldr.LanguageTag.t() | Cldr.Locale.locale_name(), Cldr.backend() ) :: map() | no_return()
Returns the default grouping for a locale or raises if there is an error.
is any valid locale name returned byCldr.known_locale_names/1
or aCldr.LanguageTag
struct returned!/2
. The default isCldr.get_locale/1
is anyCldr
backend. That is, any module that containsuse Cldr
. The default isCldr.default_backend!/0
which will raiee an exception if not default backend is configured.
- default grouping definition as a map.
iex> Cldr.Number.Format.default_grouping_for!("en", MyApp.Cldr)
%{fraction: %{first: 0, rest: 0}, integer: %{first: 3, rest: 3}}
** (Cldr.UnknownLocaleError) The locale :invalid is invalid
@spec format_styles_for( Cldr.LanguageTag.t() | Cldr.Locale.locale_name(), Cldr.Number.System.system_name(), Cldr.backend() ) :: {:ok, [atom()]} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}
Returns the format styles available for a locale
is any valid locale name returned byCldr.known_locale_names/1
or aCldr.LanguageTag
struct returned!/2
. The default isCldr.get_locale/1
is any valid number system or number system type returned byCldr.Number.System.number_systems_for/2
is anyCldr
backend. That is, any module that containsuse Cldr
. The default isCldr.default_backend!/0
which will raiee an exception if not default backend is configured.
Format styles standardise the access to a format defined for a common
use. These types are :standard
, :currency
, :accounting
, :scientific
and :percent, :currency_short, :decimal_short, :decimal_long.
These types can be used when formatting a number for output. For example
Cldr.Number.to_string(123.456, format: :percent)
or{:error, {exception, reason}}
iex> {:ok, format_styles} = Cldr.Number.Format.format_styles_for("en", :latn, MyApp.Cldr)
iex> Enum.sort(format_styles)
@spec format_system_names_for( Cldr.LanguageTag.t() | Cldr.Locale.locale_name(), Cldr.backend() ) :: {:ok, [atom()]} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}
Returns the names of the number systems for the locale
is any valid locale name returned byCldr.known_locale_names/1
or aCldr.LanguageTag
struct returned!/2
. The default isCldr.get_locale/1
is anyCldr
backend. That is, any module that containsuse Cldr
. The default isCldr.default_backend!/0
which will raiee an exception if not default backend is configured.
iex> Cldr.Number.Format.format_system_names_for("th", MyApp.Cldr)
{:ok, [:latn, :thai]}
iex> Cldr.Number.Format.format_system_names_for("pl", MyApp.Cldr)
{:ok, [:latn]}
@spec format_system_types_for( Cldr.Locale.locale_name() | Cldr.LanguageTag.t(), Cldr.backend() ) :: {:ok, Keyword.t()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}
Returns the number system types available for a locale
is any valid locale name returned byCldr.known_locale_names/1
or aCldr.LanguageTag
struct returned!/2
. The default isCldr.get_locale/1
is anyCldr
backend. That is, any module that containsuse Cldr
. The default isCldr.default_backend!/0
which will raiee an exception if not default backend is configured.
A number system type is an identifier that categorises number systems that comprise a site of digits or rules for transliterating or translating digits and a number system name for determining plural rules and format masks.
If that all sounds a bit complicated then the default number system type
called :default
is probably what you want nearly all the time.
iex> Cldr.Number.Format.format_system_types_for("pl", MyApp.Cldr)
{:ok, [:default, :native]}
iex> Cldr.Number.Format.format_system_types_for("ru", MyApp.Cldr)
{:ok, [:default, :native]}
iex> Cldr.Number.Format.format_system_types_for("th", MyApp.Cldr)
{:ok, [:default, :native]}
@spec formats_for( Cldr.LanguageTag.t() | Cldr.Locale.locale_name(), atom() | String.t(), Cldr.backend() ) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}
Return the predfined formats for a given locale
and number_system
is any valid locale name returned byCldr.known_locale_names/1
or aCldr.LanguageTag
struct returned!/2
. The default isCldr.get_locale/1
is any valid number system or number system type returned byCldr.Number.System.number_systems_for/2
is anyCldr
backend. That is, any module that containsuse Cldr
. The default isCldr.default_backend!/0
which will raiee an exception if not default backend is configured.
{:ok, Cldr.Number.Format struct}
or{:error, {exception, reason}}
Cldr.Number.Format.formats_for "fr", :native, MyApp.Cldr
#=> {:ok, %Cldr.Number.Format{
accounting: "#,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00 ¤)",
currency: "#,##0.00 ¤",
percent: "#,##0 %",
scientific: "#E0",
standard: "#,##0.###"
currency_short: [{"1000", [one: "0 k ¤", other: "0 k ¤"]},
{"10000", [one: "00 k ¤", other: "00 k ¤"]},
{"100000", [one: "000 k ¤", other: "000 k ¤"]},
{"1000000", [one: "0 M ¤", other: "0 M ¤"]},
{"10000000", [one: "00 M ¤", other: "00 M ¤"]},
{"100000000", [one: "000 M ¤", other: "000 M ¤"]},
{"1000000000", [one: "0 Md ¤", other: "0 Md ¤"]},
{"10000000000", [one: "00 Md ¤", other: "00 Md ¤"]},
{"100000000000", [one: "000 Md ¤", other: "000 Md ¤"]},
{"1000000000000", [one: "0 Bn ¤", other: "0 Bn ¤"]},
{"10000000000000", [one: "00 Bn ¤", other: "00 Bn ¤"]},
{"100000000000000", [one: "000 Bn ¤", other: "000 Bn ¤"]}],
@spec formats_for!( Cldr.LanguageTag.t(), Cldr.Number.System.system_name(), Cldr.backend() ) :: map() | no_return()
Return the predfined formats for a given locale
and number_system
or raises
if either the locale
or number_system
is invalid.
is any valid locale name returned byCldr.known_locale_names/1
or aCldr.LanguageTag
struct returned!/2
. The default isCldr.get_locale/1
is any valid number system or number system type returned byCldr.Number.System.number_systems_for/2
is anyCldr
backend. That is, any module that containsuse Cldr
. The default isCldr.default_backend!/0
which will raiee an exception if not default backend is configured.
Cldr.Number.Format struct
orraises an exception.
@spec minimum_grouping_digits_for(Cldr.LanguageTag.t(), Cldr.backend()) :: {:ok, non_neg_integer()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}
Returns the minimum grouping digits for a locale.
is any valid locale name returned byCldr.known_locale_names/1
or aCldr.LanguageTag
struct returned!/2
. The default isCldr.get_locale/0
is anyCldr
backend. That is, any module that containsuse Cldr
. The default isCldr.default_backend!/0
which will raiee an exception if not default backend is configured.
{:ok, minumum_digits}
or{:error, {exception, message}}
iex> Cldr.Number.Format.minimum_grouping_digits_for("en", MyApp.Cldr)
{:ok, 1}
Returns the minimum grouping digits for a locale or raises if there is an error.
is any valid locale name returned byCldr.known_locale_names/1
or aCldr.LanguageTag
struct returned!/2
. The default isCldr.get_locale/1
is anyCldr
backend. That is, any module that containsuse Cldr
. The default isCldr.default_backend!/0
which will raiee an exception if not default backend is configured.
- the number of grouping digits as an integer
iex> Cldr.Number.Format.minimum_grouping_digits_for!("en", MyApp.Cldr)
** (Cldr.UnknownLocaleError) The locale :invalid is invalid
@spec short_format_styles_for( Cldr.LanguageTag.t() | Cldr.Locale.locale_name(), binary() | atom(), Cldr.backend() ) :: {:ok, [atom()]} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}
Returns the short formats available for a locale.
is any valid locale name returned byCldr.known_locale_names/1
or aCldr.LanguageTag
struct returned!/2
. The default isCldr.get_locale/1
is any valid number system or number system type returned byCldr.Number.System.number_systems_for/2
is anyCldr
backend. That is, any module that containsuse Cldr
. The default isCldr.default_backend!/0
which will raiee an exception if not default backend is configured.
iex> {:ok, short_format_styles} = Cldr.Number.Format.short_format_styles_for("he", :latn, MyApp.Cldr)
iex> Enum.sort(short_format_styles)
[:currency_short, :decimal_long, :decimal_short]