View Source Cldr.Plug.PutLocale (Cldr Plug v1.3.2)

Puts the Cldr and/or Gettext locales derived from the accept-language header, a query parameter, a url parameter, a body parameter, the route or the session for the current process with Cldr.put_locale/2 and/or Gettext.put_locale/2.


  • :apps - list of apps for which to set locale. See the apps configuration section.

  • :from - where in the request to look for the locale. The default is [:session, :accept_language, :query, :path, :route]. The valid options are:

    • :accept_language will parse the accept-language header and finds the best matched configured locale
    • :path will look for a locale by examining conn.path_params
    • :query will look for a locale by examining conn.query_params
    • :body will look for a locale by examining conn.body_params
    • :cookie will look for a locale in the request cookie(s)
    • :session will look for a locale in the session
    • :route will look for a locale in the route that was matched under the key private.:cldr_locale. The key may be populated by a Phoenix router and it is used extensively by the ex_cldr_routes library. Note that any locale set in the route represents the locale defined for the route, not necessarily one requested by the user. Therefore setting the locale from the :route key should be a lower priority than other methods based on the actual request.
    • :host will attempt to resolve a locale from the host name top-level domain using Cldr.Locale.locale_from_host/3
    • {Module, function, args} in which case the indicated function will be called. If it returns {:ok, locale} then the locale is set to locale. locale must be a t:Cldr.LanguageTag.t(). Any other return is considered an error and no locale will be set. When calling the function, conn and options will be prepended to args.
    • {Module, function} in which case the function is called with conn and options as its two arguments. All other behaviour is the same as that for a {Module, function, args} option.
  • :default - the default locale to set if no locale is found by other configured methods. It can be a string like "en" or a Cldr.LanguageTag struct. It may also be :none to indicate that no locale is to be set by default. Lastly, it may also be a {Module, function, args} or {Module, function} tuple. The default is Cldr.default_locale/1. If the case of {Module, function, args}, a return of {:ok, %Cldr.LanguageTag{}} will set the locale. Any other return will not set a locale.

  • :gettext - the name of the Gettext backend module upon which the locale will be validated. This option is not required if a gettext module is specified in the :apps configuration.

  • :cldr - the name of the Cldr backend module upon which the locale will be validated. This option is not required if a gettext module is specified in the :apps configuration.

  • :session_key - defines the key used to look for the locale in the session. The default is cldr_locale. This option is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. The session key is being standardised in order to faciliate a simpler integration with Phoenix LiveView by ensuring that the session key is always under a well known key.

If a locale is found then conn.private[:cldr_locale] is also set. It can be retrieved with Cldr.Plug.PutLocale.get_cldr_locale/1.

App configuration

The :apps configuration key defines which applications will have their locale set by this plug.

Cldr.Plug.PutLocale can set the locale for cldr, gettext or both. The basic configuration of the :app key is an atom, or list of atoms, containing one or both of these app names. For example:

apps: :cldr
apps: :gettext
apps: [:cldr, :gettext]

In each of these cases, the locale is set globally for the current process.

Sometimes setting the locale for only a specific backend is required. In this case, configure the :apps key as a keyword list pairing an application with the required backend module. The value :global signifies setting the local for the global context. For example:

apps: [cldr: MyApp.Cldr]
apps: [gettext: MyAppGettext]
apps: [gettext: :global]
apps: [cldr: MyApp.Cldr, gettext: MyAppGettext]

Using Cldr.Plug.PutLocale without Phoenix

If you are using Cldr.Plug.PutLocale without Phoenix and you plan to use :path_param to identify the locale of a request then Cldr.Plug.PutLocale must be configured after plug :match and before plug :dispatch. For example:

defmodule MyRouter do
  use Plug.Router

  plug :match

  plug Cldr.Plug.PutLocale,
    apps: [:cldr, :gettext],
    from: [:path, :query],
    gettext: MyApp.Gettext,
    cldr: MyApp.Cldr

  plug :dispatch

  get "/hello/:locale" do
    send_resp(conn, 200, "world")

Using Cldr.Plug.PutLocale with Phoenix

If you are using Cldr.Plug.PutLocale with Phoenix and you plan to use the :path_param to identify the locale of a request then Cldr.Plug.PutLocale must be configured in the router module, not in the endpoint module. This is because conn.path_params has not yet been populated in the endpoint. For example:

defmodule MyAppWeb.Router do
  use MyAppWeb, :router

  pipeline :browser do
    plug :accepts, ["html"]
    plug :fetch_session
    plug Cldr.Plug.PutLocale,
        apps: [:cldr, :gettext],
        from: [:path, :query],
        gettext: MyApp.Gettext,
        cldr: MyApp.Cldr
    plug :fetch_flash
    plug :protect_from_forgery
    plug :put_secure_browser_headers

  scope "/:locale", HelloWeb do
    pipe_through :browser

    get "/", PageController, :index


# Will set the global locale for the current process
# for both `:cldr` and `:gettext`
plug Cldr.Plug.PutLocale,
  apps:    [:cldr, :gettext],
  from:    [:query, :path, :body, :cookie, :accept_language],
  param:   "locale",
  gettext: GetTextModule,
  cldr:    MyApp.Cldr

# Will set the backend-only locale for the current process
# for both `:cldr` and `:gettext`
plug Cldr.Plug.PutLocale,
  apps:    [cldr: MyApp.Cldr, gettext: GetTextModule],
  from:    [:query, :path, :body, :cookie, :accept_language],
  param:   "locale"

# Will set the backend-only locale for the current process
# for `:cldr` and globally for `:gettext`
plug Cldr.Plug.PutLocale,
  apps:    [cldr: MyApp.Cldr, gettext: :global],
  from:    [:query, :path, :body, :cookie, :accept_language],
  param:   "locale"



Return the locale set by Cldr.Plug.PutLocale

Returns the name of the session key used to store the CLDR locale name.


Return the locale set by Cldr.Plug.PutLocale

Returns the name of the session key used to store the CLDR locale name.


iex> Cldr.Plug.PutLocale.session_key() "cldr_locale"