ExCrypto v0.10.0 ExPublicKey

API module for public-key infrastructure.


Mostly wrappers Erlang' :public_key module, to help simplify using public/private key encryption in Elixir.

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Generate a new key. Note: To ensure Backwards compatibility when generating rsa keys on OTP < 20, we fall back to openssl via System.cmd

Loads PEM string from the specified file path and returns a ExPublicKey.RSAPrivateKey or a ExPublicKey.RSAPublicKey key. Optionally, a passphrase can be given to decode the PEM certificate

Loads PEM string from the specified file path and returns a ExPublicKey.RSAPrivateKey or a ExPublicKey.RSAPublicKey key. Optionally, a passphrase can be given to decode the PEM certificate. Identical to ExPublicKey.load/2, except that load! raises an ExCrypto.Error when an exception occurs

Converts a PEM string into an ExPublicKey.RSAPrivateKey or an ExPublicKey.RSAPublicKey key. Optionally, a passphrase can be given to decode the PEM certificate

Converts a PEM string into an ExPublicKey.RSAPrivateKey or an ExPublicKey.RSAPublicKey key. Identical to ExPublicKey.loads/2, except that loads! raises an ExCrypto.Error when an exception occurs

Encode a key into a PEM string. To decode, use ExPublicKey.loads/1

Extract the public part of a private string and return the results as a ExPublicKey.RSAPublicKey struct

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decrypt_private(cipher_text, private_key, opts \\ [])

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decrypt_public(cipher_text, public_key, opts \\ [])

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encrypt_private(clear_text, private_key, opts \\ [])

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encrypt_public(clear_text, public_key, opts \\ [])

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generate_key(bits, public_exp)

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generate_key(type, bits, public_exp)

Generate a new key. Note: To ensure Backwards compatibility when generating rsa keys on OTP < 20, we fall back to openssl via System.cmd.


{:ok, rsa_priv_key} = ExPublicKey.generate_key(:rsa, 2048)
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generate_key(atom, bits, public_exp, bool)

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load(file_path, passphrase \\ nil)

Loads PEM string from the specified file path and returns a ExPublicKey.RSAPrivateKey or a ExPublicKey.RSAPublicKey key. Optionally, a passphrase can be given to decode the PEM certificate.


{:ok, key} = ExPublicKey.load("/file/to/cert.pem")

{:ok, key} = ExPublicKey.load("/file/to/cert.pem", "pem_password")
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load!(file_path, passphrase \\ nil)

Loads PEM string from the specified file path and returns a ExPublicKey.RSAPrivateKey or a ExPublicKey.RSAPublicKey key. Optionally, a passphrase can be given to decode the PEM certificate. Identical to ExPublicKey.load/2, except that load! raises an ExCrypto.Error when an exception occurs.


key = ExPublicKey.load("/file/to/cert.pem")

key = ExPublicKey.load("/file/to/cert.pem", "pem_password")
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loads(pem_string, passphrase \\ nil)

Converts a PEM string into an ExPublicKey.RSAPrivateKey or an ExPublicKey.RSAPublicKey key. Optionally, a passphrase can be given to decode the PEM certificate.


{:ok, key} = ExPublicKey.loads(pem_string)

{:ok, key} = ExPublicKey.loads(pem_string, "pem_password")
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loads!(pem_string, passphrase \\ nil)

Converts a PEM string into an ExPublicKey.RSAPrivateKey or an ExPublicKey.RSAPublicKey key. Identical to ExPublicKey.loads/2, except that loads! raises an ExCrypto.Error when an exception occurs.


key = ExPublicKey.loads!(pem_string)
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normalize_error(kind, error)

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Encode a key into a PEM string. To decode, use ExPublicKey.loads/1


{:ok, pem_string} = ExPublicKey.pem_encode(key)
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Extract the public part of a private string and return the results as a ExPublicKey.RSAPublicKey struct.


{:ok, rsa_pub_key} = ExPublicKey.public_key_from_private_key(rsa_priv_key)
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sign(msg, private_key)

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sign(msg, sha, private_key)

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verify(msg, signature, public_key)

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verify(msg, sha, signature, public_key)