View Source ExCurl.Client behaviour (ex_curl v0.3.0)

A helper to create HTTP Clients based on ExCurl that can share common options.

Example HTTP Client

You can use ExCurl.Client on any module to provide HTTP Client functionality and share default options. Below is an example based on the great Tesla documentation:

defmodule GitHubClient do
  use ExCurl.Client, defaults: [base_url: "", headers: %{"Authorization" => "Bearer some-secret-token"}]

  def user_repos(username), do: get("/users/#{username}/repos")

We can then use this client with the shared defaults and custom functions:

# A custom GET request using our default base_url and headers

# Our custom function, requiring only a username

Response Handling

You may define an optional handle_response/1 callback to transform a response after a successful request. A common example would be parsing a JSON string into a map. Below we have the same GitHub client as above but we also parse the JSON response if possible using the handle_response/1 callback:

defmodule GitHubClient do
  use ExCurl.Client, defaults: [base_url: "", headers: %{"Authorization" => "Bearer some-secret-token"}]

  def handle_response(%ExCurl.Response{body: body}) do
    case Jason.decode(body) do
      {:ok, decoded_body} -> decoded_body
      _ -> body

  def user_repos(username), do: get("/users/#{username}/repos")


All of the Shared Options from ExCurl are available. There are also the following additional options:

  • base_url - The base URL used for all requests by this client module



Link to this callback


View Source (optional)
@callback handle_response(
  response :: %ExCurl.Response{
    body: term(),
    headers: term(),
    metrics: term(),
    status_code: term()
) :: any()

See Response Handling for usage and examples.