View Source ExDoc.Markdown behaviour (ExDoc v0.34.2)

Adapter behaviour and conveniences for converting Markdown to HTML.

ExDoc is compatible with any markdown processor that implements the functions defined in this module. The markdown processor can be changed via the :markdown_processor option in your mix.exs.

ExDoc supports the following Markdown parsers out of the box:

ExDoc uses EarmarkParser by default.



Returns true if all dependencies necessary are available.

Converts markdown into HTML.


Gets the current markdown processor set globally.

Changes the markdown processor globally.

Converts the given markdown document to HTML AST.


@callback available?() :: boolean()

Returns true if all dependencies necessary are available.

@callback to_ast(String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: term()

Converts markdown into HTML.


Link to this function


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Gets the current markdown processor set globally.

Link to this function


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Changes the markdown processor globally.

Link to this function

to_ast(text, opts \\ [])

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Converts the given markdown document to HTML AST.