ExImageInfo v0.2.4 ExImageInfo View Source

ExImageInfo is an Elixir library to parse images (binaries) and get the dimensions (size), detected mime-type and overall validity for a set of image formats. Main module to parse a binary and get if it seems to be an image (validity), the mime-type (and variant detected) and the dimensions of the image, based on a specific image format.

It has convention functions to guess the type of an image by trying the formats supported by the library.

Main features

  • Check the validity of binary by providing a specific image format*.
  • Guess the validity of an image*.
  • Get the mime-type and variant type by providing a specific format.
  • Guess the mime-type and variant type of an image.
  • Get the dimensions of an image by providing a specific format.
  • Guess the dimensions of an image.

*Note: both cases as a general overview (partially checked).


Supported formats (image type to be parsed as):

  • :bmp
  • :gif
  • :ico (new in v0.2.0)
  • :jpeg
  • :jpg (alias of jpeg in v0.2.3)
  • :jp2 (new in v0.2.0)
  • :png
  • :pnm (new in v0.2.0)
  • :psd
  • :tiff
  • :webp (VP8X animated in v0.2.4)

Mime-types and Variants

The image variant type is an invented string to identify the type of format recognized by this library (more specific than the mime-type).

Each mime-type can be linked to at least one variant type:

mime-typevariant typedescription
image/gifGIF87a87a gif spec
image/gifGIF89a89a gif spec
image/jpegbaseJPEGbaseline JPEG
image/jpegprogJPEGprogressive JPEG
image/x-portable-anymapPNMpbmPortable BitMap
image/x-portable-anymapPNMpgmPortable GrayMap
image/x-portable-anymapPNMppmPortable PixMap
image/tiffTIFFIIII variant
image/tiffTIFFMMMM variant

The variant type is created just to provide a bit more of information for every image format (if applicable).

Note: :ico returns the dimensions of the largest image contained (not the first found).

The guessing functions try to detect the format of the binary by testing every available type based on its global usage (popularity, usage of image file formats, but still keeping the :png as the first one):

  • :png, :jpeg, :gif, :bmp, :ico, :tiff, :webp, :psd, :jp2, :pnm

Link to this section Summary


Gets the mime-type, variant-type and dimensions (width, height) for the given image binary (guessed version of ExImageInfo.info/2)

Gets the mime-type, variant-type and dimensions (width, height) for the given image format and binary

Detects the image format that seems to be the given binary (guessed version of ExImageInfo.seems?/2)

Detects if the given binary seems to be in the given image format

Gets the mime-type and variant type for the given image binary (guessed version of ExImageInfo.type/2)

Gets the mime-type and variant type for the given image format and binary

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function info(binary) View Source
info(binary()) ::
  {mimetype :: String.t(), width :: Integer.t(), height :: Integer.t(),
   variant :: String.t()}
  | nil

Gets the mime-type, variant-type and dimensions (width, height) for the given image binary (guessed version of ExImageInfo.info/2).

Possible Mime-types and Variants to be returned.

Returns a 4-item tuple with the mime-type, width, height and the variant type when the binary matches, nil otherwise.


iex> ExImageInfo.info <<0x38425053::size(32)>>
iex> ExImageInfo.info <<0x38425053::size(32), 0::size(80), 10::size(32), 12::size(32)>>
{"image/psd", 12, 10, "PSD"}

Usually it is used as:

ExImageInfo.info File.read!("path/to/image.unknown")
# {"image/tiff", 128, 256, "TIFFMM"}

webp_full_binary |> ExImageInfo.info
# {"image/webp", 20, 100, "webpVP8"}
Link to this function info(binary, format) View Source
info(binary(), format :: atom()) ::
  {mimetype :: String.t(), width :: Integer.t(), height :: Integer.t(),
   variant :: String.t()}
  | nil

Gets the mime-type, variant-type and dimensions (width, height) for the given image format and binary.

Possible Mime-types and Variants to be returned.

Valid formats to be used.

Returns a 4-item tuple with the mime-type, width, height and the variant type when the binary matches, nil otherwise.


89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A are the first 8 bytes in the PNG signature (PNG\r\n0x1A\n).

iex> ExImageInfo.info <<0x89504E470D0A1A0A::size(64)>>, :png
iex> ExImageInfo.info <<"RIFF", 0::size(32), "WEBPVP8L", 0::size(32), 0x2F7AC07100358683B68D::size(80)>>, :webp
{"image/webp", 123, 456, "webpVP8L"}

The signature part of a png it is now enough to get the type (it check also the IHDR field, just before the width and height).

Usually it is used as:

ExImageInfo.info File.read!("path/to/image.gif"), :gif
# {"image/gif", 1920, 1080, "GIF87a"}

maybe_png_binary |> ExImageInfo.info :png
# nil
Link to this function seems?(binary) View Source
seems?(binary()) :: atom() | nil

Detects the image format that seems to be the given binary (guessed version of ExImageInfo.seems?/2).

Returns the valid format (atom) if it matches, nil otherwise.


38 42 50 53 are the first 4 bytes in the PSD signature (8BPS).

iex> ExImageInfo.seems? <<0x38425053::size(32)>>
iex> ExImageInfo.seems? <<0x384250::size(24)>>

ExImageInfo.seems?/2 and ExImageInfo.seems?/1 does not necessarily needs a real image (as it is shown in the previous example) because it just checks the signature of every file format.

Usually it is used as:

ExImageInfo.seems? File.read!("path/to/image.unknown")
# :tiff

webp_full_binary |> ExImageInfo.seems?
# :webp
Link to this function seems?(binary, format) View Source
seems?(binary(), format :: atom()) :: boolean() | nil

Detects if the given binary seems to be in the given image format.

Valid formats to be used.

Returns true if seems to be, false otherwise.


89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A are the first 8 bytes in the PNG signature (PNG\r\n0x1A\n).

iex> ExImageInfo.seems? <<0x89504E470D0A1A0A::size(64)>>, :png
iex> ExImageInfo.seems? <<0x89504E470D0A1A0A::size(64)>>, :webp

ExImageInfo.seems?/2 and ExImageInfo.seems?/1 does not necessarily needs a real image (as it is shown in the previous example) because it just checks the signature of every file format.

Usually it is used as:

ExImageInfo.seems? File.read!("path/to/image.gif"), :gif
# true

maybe_png_binary |> ExImageInfo.seems? :png
# false
Link to this function type(binary) View Source
type(binary()) :: {mimetype :: String.t(), variant :: String.t()} | nil

Gets the mime-type and variant type for the given image binary (guessed version of ExImageInfo.type/2).

Possible Mime-types and Variants to be returned.

Returns a 2-item tuple with the mime-type and the variant type when the binary matches, nil otherwise.


iex> ExImageInfo.type <<0x38425053::size(32)>>
{"image/psd", "PSD"}
iex> ExImageInfo.type <<0x384250::size(24)>>

Usually it is used as:

ExImageInfo.type File.read!("path/to/image.unknown")
# {"image/tiff", "TIFFMM"}

webp_full_binary |> ExImageInfo.type
# {"image/webp", "webpVP8"}
Link to this function type(binary, format) View Source
type(binary(), format :: atom()) ::
  {mimetype :: String.t(), variant :: String.t()} | nil

Gets the mime-type and variant type for the given image format and binary.

Possible Mime-types and Variants to be returned.

Valid formats to be used.

Returns a 2-item tuple with the mime-type and the variant type when the binary matches, nil otherwise.


89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A are the first 8 bytes in the PNG signature (PNG\r\n0x1A\n).

iex> ExImageInfo.type <<0x89504E470D0A1A0A::size(64)>>, :png
iex> ExImageInfo.type <<"RIFF", 0::size(32), "WEBPVP8L", 0::size(32), 0x2F7AC07100358683B68D::size(80)>>, :webp
{"image/webp", "webpVP8L"}

The signature part of a png it is now enough to get the type (it check also the IHDR field, just before the width and height).

Usually it is used as:

ExImageInfo.type File.read!("path/to/image.gif"), :gif
# {"image/gif", "GIF87a"}

maybe_png_binary |> ExImageInfo.type :png
# nil