ExKdl (ex_kdl v0.1.0-rc2) View Source

A robust and efficient decoder and encoder for the KDL Document Language.

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Decodes a KDL-encoded document from the input binary.

Decodes a KDL-encoded document from the input binary.

Encodes a list of ExKdl.Node structs into a KDL-encoded binary.

Encodes a list of ExKdl.Node structs into a KDL-encoded binary.

Link to this section Functions


decode(binary()) :: {:ok, [ExKdl.Node.t()]} | {:error, ExKdl.DecodeError.t()}

Decodes a KDL-encoded document from the input binary.


iex> ExKdl.decode("node 10")
     name: "node",
     type: nil,
     values: [%ExKdl.Value{type: nil, value: %Decimal{coef: 10}}],
     properties: %{},
     children: []

iex> ExKdl.decode(~s|node "unterminated string|)
   line: 1,
   message: "unterminated string meets end of file"


decode!(binary()) :: [ExKdl.Node.t()]

Decodes a KDL-encoded document from the input binary.

Similar to decode/1 except it will raise in the event of an error.


iex> ExKdl.decode!("node 10")
    name: "node",
    type: nil,
    values: [%ExKdl.Value{type: nil, value: %Decimal{coef: 10}}],
    properties: %{},
    children: []

iex> ExKdl.decode!(~s|node "unterminated string|)
** (ExKdl.DecodeError) Line 1: unterminated string meets end of file


encode([ExKdl.Node.t()]) :: {:ok, binary()} | {:error, ExKdl.EncodeError.t()}

Encodes a list of ExKdl.Node structs into a KDL-encoded binary.


iex> ExKdl.encode([%ExKdl.Node{name: "node", values: [%ExKdl.Value{value: %Decimal{coef: 10}}]}])
{:ok, "node 10\n"}

iex> ExKdl.encode(nil)
{:error, %ExKdl.EncodeError{message: "Argument to encode/1 must be a list of KDL nodes"}}


encode!([ExKdl.Node.t()]) :: binary()

Encodes a list of ExKdl.Node structs into a KDL-encoded binary.

Similar to encode/1 except it will raise in the event of an error.


iex> ExKdl.encode!([%ExKdl.Node{name: "node", values: [%ExKdl.Value{value: %Decimal{coef: 10}}]}])
"node 10\n"

iex> ExKdl.encode!(nil)
** (ExKdl.EncodeError) Argument to encode/1 must be a list of KDL nodes