View Source ExKits.Utils.Buffer (ex_kits v0.2.7)
A simple buffer queue implementation using ETS tables.
This module provides a way to create a buffer queue with a specified capacity
and allows items to be put into and taken out of the queue. If the queue is
full, put
will return {:error, :full}
. If the queue is empty, take
block until an item is available.
iex> {:ok, pid} = ExKits.Utils.Buffer.start_link(name: :my_queue, size: 10)
iex> ExKits.Utils.Buffer.put(:my_queue, [1, 2, 3])
iex> ExKits.Utils.Buffer.take(:my_queue)
[1, 2, 3]
Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.
Adds the given items to the buffer queue.
Returns the number of items in the buffer queue.
Starts a new buffer process.
Removes and returns items from the buffer queue.
@type t() :: %ExKits.Utils.Buffer{ buff: atom(), buff_size: non_neg_integer(), capacity: non_neg_integer(), gc_freq: non_neg_integer(), touch: non_neg_integer() }
Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.
See Supervisor
@spec put(atom(), [any()], non_neg_integer()) :: :ok | {:error, :full}
Adds the given items to the buffer queue.
If the buffer queue is full, this function will return {:error, :full}
iex> {:ok, _pid} = ExKits.Utils.Buffer.start_link(:my_queue, 10)
iex> ExKits.Utils.Buffer.put(:my_queue, [1, 2, 3])
iex> ExKits.Utils.Buffer.put(:my_queue, [4, 5, 6], 1000)
iex> ExKits.Utils.Buffer.put(:my_queue, [7, 8, 9, 10, 11])
{:error, :full}
@spec size(atom(), non_neg_integer()) :: non_neg_integer()
Returns the number of items in the buffer queue.
iex> {:ok, _pid} = ExKits.Utils.Buffer.start_link(:my_queue, 10)
iex> ExKits.Utils.Buffer.put(:my_queue, [1, 2, 3])
iex> ExKits.Utils.Buffer.size(:my_queue)
@spec start_link(keyword()) :: Agent.on_start()
Starts a new buffer process.
- The name of the buffer process. Must be an atom:size
- The maximum number of items the buffer can hold
iex> {:ok, pid} = ExKits.Utils.Buffer.start_link(name: :my_queue, size: 10)
iex> ExKits.Utils.Buffer.put(:my_queue, [1, 2, 3])
@spec stop(atom()) :: :ok
@spec take(atom(), non_neg_integer()) :: [any()]
Removes and returns items from the buffer queue.
If the buffer queue is empty, this function will block until an item is available.
iex> {:ok, _pid} = ExKits.Utils.Buffer.start_link(:my_queue, 10)
iex> ExKits.Utils.Buffer.put(:my_queue, [1, 2, 3])
iex> ExKits.Utils.Buffer.take(:my_queue)
[1, 2, 3]
iex> ExKits.Utils.Buffer.take(:my_queue)