View Source API Reference ex_kits v0.2.7


This module provides a simple cache framework for storing and retrieving key-value pairs.

This modules implements a simple LRU cache, using 2 ets tables for it.

A cache storage module that provides a simple interface for storing and retrieving key-value pairs.

This module provides functions for encrypting and decrypting data using the AES-128-CBC algorithm.

Hashes terms using the FNV-1a 32-bit algorithm.

This module provides functions for loading SSL certificates and keys from PEM-encoded data.

This module provides macros for performing assertions in Elixir code.

This module provides a macro for defining compile-time constants in Elixir code.

This module provides a macro for generating functions in Elixir code.

This module provides a macro for starting a new task under a given supervisor.

ExKits.Cache.Storage implementation by ETS

A simple buffer queue implementation using ETS tables.

This module is similar to ets in that it provides a storage for Erlang terms that can be accessed in constant time, but with the difference that persistent_term has been highly optimized for reading terms at the expense of writing and updating terms.

Debug tools

General exception with an optional string, map, or Keyword list stored in exception details
