ExSieve v0.8.2 ExSieve.Schema View Source

ExSieve.Schema is meant to be used by modules using Ecto.Schema.

When used, optional configuration parameters specific for the schema can be provided. For details about cofngiuration parameters see ExSieve.Config.t/0.

defmodule MyApp.User do
  use ExSieve.Schema

defmodule MyApp.USer do
  use ExSieve.Schema, max_depth: 0

When using ExSieve.Schema, the list of not filterable schema fields can be specified with the @ex_sieve_not_filterable_fields module attribute.

defmodule MyApp.User do
  use Ecto.Schema
  use ExSieve.Schema

  @ex_sieve_not_filterable_fields [:name, :inserted_at, :comments]

  schema "users" do
    has_many :comments, ExSieve.Comment
    has_many :posts, ExSieve.Post

    field :name
    field :cash, Money.Ecto.Type


Filters for fields that are in the list are ignored (an error is returned if :ignore_errors is false). By default all fields are filterable.