View Source ExTeal.Dashboard behaviour (ExTeal v0.28.1)

Module used to represent a dashboard which contains a grid of metrics, this will one day be extendable to include plugin or custom cards in the future.



Return the modules that represent cards on the dashboard.

Show or Hide a dashboard based on the current connection. Defaults to true

Unique URI that allows the dashboard to look up cards. Should be url safe.


@type range() :: %{label: String.t(), unit: String.t(), value: integer()}


@callback cards(Plug.Conn.t()) :: [module()]

Return the modules that represent cards on the dashboard.

@callback display?(Plug.Conn.t()) :: boolean()

Show or Hide a dashboard based on the current connection. Defaults to true

@callback title() :: String.t()
@callback uri() :: String.t()

Unique URI that allows the dashboard to look up cards. Should be url safe.


Link to this function

cards_to_json(dashboard_module, conn)

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