View Source ExTeal.FieldFilter behaviour (ExTeal v0.28.1)

Functionality for gathering and parsing filters for a resource index based on the fields present on the resource.



Build a field filter by extending the incoming query with the following arguments

Type of filter component to use in the user interface.

Define the available operators for the filter and the behaviour of each.

Builds the map that allows the user interface to represent the field filter and all of it's configuration.


Default serialization of a field filter

Iterates over a resources fields, and serializes them into a response that can be used by the vue app to build some logic

Iterate over the fields from an index query, build the related field filter and apply their queries.


@type serialized_filter() :: %{
  :as => String.t(),
  :field => String.t(),
  :label => String.t(),
  :operators => [map()],
  optional(any()) => any()
@type valid_type() :: module() | false


Link to this callback

filter(t, map, t, module)

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@callback filter(Ecto.Queryable.t(), map(), ExTeal.Field.t(), module()) ::

Build a field filter by extending the incoming query with the following arguments:

  • The query being built (Ecto.Queryable from the Index module)
  • The configuration of the field filter as a string keyed map:
    • "operator" a string representing the operation selected by the user that is being performed
    • "operand" a string or map representing the value to apply against the operand and query
  • The field struct being queried
  • The resource module for the resource being queried
@callback interface_type() :: String.t() | nil

Type of filter component to use in the user interface.

@callback operators(ExTeal.Field.t()) :: [map()]

Define the available operators for the filter and the behaviour of each.

Each available operator is defined by a map with the following keys:

  • op (required) the operator being defined
  • no_operand (optional) set to true for an operator that does not require an operand.
  • component (optional) override the default operand component, which defaults to a string field.
@callback serialize(ExTeal.Field.t(), module()) :: serialized_filter()

Builds the map that allows the user interface to represent the field filter and all of it's configuration.

Can be configured for customization on a per filter basis.


Link to this function

default_serialization(field, interface_type, operators)

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Default serialization of a field filter

Link to this function

for_resource(resource, conn)

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Iterates over a resources fields, and serializes them into a response that can be used by the vue app to build some logic

Link to this function

query(query, filter_params, resource, conn)

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@spec query(Ecto.Queryable.t(), [map()], module(), Plug.Conn.t()) ::

Iterate over the fields from an index query, build the related field filter and apply their queries.